Q&A for How to Bowl Fast in Cricket

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    How can I improve my bowling speed?
    Community Answer
    First of all maintain your fitness by running, choose your natural action, shift the whole momentum of your body on ball and throw at least 20 overs daily with same action and same run up. After 3 weeks you will feel your speed is improving gradually.
  • Question
    How do I increase bowling speed? Also how do I swing the speed ball?
    Community Answer
    Increasing bowling speed relies on having good technique, but also on having a strong body. Maintaining overall good conditioning can help to bowl faster. Swinging the ball depends on your technique. If you can keep the seam upright, you will be able to swing the ball. It can take lots of time and practice to find the position of the ball in your hand that will make the ball stay upright on release. Bear in mind that not everyone can swing the ball. It is a special skill, which is why swing bowlers are in great demand.
  • Question
    How can I increase my speed?
    Community Answer
    Try to run sprints for short distances and then slow down when tired. Again sprint for some distance with same procedure. Sprints are helpful in increasing speed. Do cardio exercises like cycling etc., to gain stamina. Legs should be strong for a fast and long run so to some efforts on your legs in gym. eat healthy and take proper rest after exercises.
  • Question
    While bowling an off cutter or leg cutter, the ball swings too much and gets wide. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    When bowling a leg cutter, start wide of the crease, nearly on the wide ball line and aim for the fourth or fifth stump line. This will cut back to off or middle.
  • Question
    How can I get confident in time of bowling?
    Manavi Goel
    Community Answer
    Just focus on the wicket or the place you want to pitch. Maintain a specific line and length. Keep in mind that you can do it, nobody is better than you. Don't think that you cant make it or you will get boundaries. Every one goes from the stage of learning to perfection. Capture your bowling position and find the bad points. Practice everyday to be better.
  • Question
    How can I do the fastest delivery?
    Community Answer
    To deliver your fastest ball, you need strength for that. Develop your shoulder muscle, biceps, triceps and your calf muscles. The another most important thing is to practice and while you are bowling, try to throw the ball at good pace, reliant on your strength. Practice for 1 or 2 hours maximum -- do not overload with practice or you may get strain in your arms.
  • Question
    What is the average speed of a fast bowler?
    Community Answer
    The average speed of bowl at international level is around 143 Kph and at national or zonal level the average speed of bowl may be around 131 Kph.
  • Question
    How can I bowl an outswinger if I am a right arm fast bowler?
    Community Answer
    Place the seam of the ball on your middle finger, this will angle the seam away from a right handed batsmen. By bowling a full length, the ball will move away from the batsman, and even if it doesn't swing, it will seam away on the bounce.
  • Question
    How much run up is required for me as a 17 year old?
    Brajraj Kaushal
    Community Answer
    If you are 17 years old and a fast bowler, you take about a 15 metre run up for the best performace.
  • Question
    What is meant by yard?
    Community Answer
    Yard is a form of measurement of length. A cricket pitch is about 22 yards in lenght which is equal to 20.1168 meters (metre is SI Unit of lenght). So 1 yard = 0.9144 meters.
  • Question
    How can I adjust my line and length?
    Community Answer
    Just focus on your target, aim and slowly and smoothly with a positive mind release your bowl. It will help you to bowl.
  • Question
    How far from the wicket should we start running to get a perfect fast ball?
    Community Answer
    You need to take 70% length of your pitch for your best run up. I am a professional fast bowler and I experienced that the 70% length of international cricket pitch is best length for run up.
  • Question
    I am a fast bowler, and I have a jerk in my hand. What should do to prevent it?
    Community Answer
    The jerk in the hand is usually to extract extra swing through the air or to add the extra pace. However, if you do want to remove it, then just keep your wrist cocked as you approach the bowling crease, and do not move it as you bowl.
  • Question
    What my speed should be if I am 10 years old?
    Community Answer
    At this age, you should not worry about speed at all. Just try to build a swift and clean bowling action and focus on your landing and where you pitch the ball. As you grow up and start gaining some muscle mass, your speed will automatically increase. You are too young right now to generate serious speed, so don't strain yourself and just try to bowl straight and swift.
  • Question
    How do I bowl fast if I'm overweight?
    Community Answer
    There is no rule that only thin people can bowl fast. What’s most important is your action and arm strength. Practice a lot and work out in the gym to build some muscle. As you bowl more and more, your body will get used to it and you will be able to bowl faster. With time and practice, you should be able to do very well.
  • Question
    What exercises should I do?
    Community Answer
    Do exercises to strengthen your arms, chest, back, and legs such as bicep curls, bench presses, lat pull downs, push ups and squats.
  • Question
    How can I be the best all-around player?
    Community Answer
    Find out which aspect is your natural strength, whether it is bowling or batting, and focus on that first. Once you have mastered it, practice more on the other aspects. Soon you will become a great all-around player.
  • Question
    How much run up is required of me as a 14-year-old?
    Community Answer
    The run up must not be too long because you will get tired and you won't be able to bowl the next over. Make your run up as short as possible if you want to bowl at a good speed and you want to be an accurate bowler. It does not need to be that long it just has to an understandable run up.
  • Question
    Which is the correct run up length for a fast bowler?
    Community Answer
    There is no specific length -- it depends on you and your preferences, so try a variety of different lengths to find the one you prefer.
  • Question
    How would I bowl a wide?
    Community Answer
    Just aim out and throw the ball with your arm a little tilted.
  • Question
    How I can make my line length consistent?
    onkar jadhav
    Community Answer
    While you're in your run up, keep looking at the spot on the pitch where you want the ball to be pitched rather than looking at the batsman. Gradually you'll be able to pitch the ball where you want to.
  • Question
    Should linseed oil be applied on the back of the bat?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this is recommended. However, you probably won't hit the ball very often with the back of it, so it's your choice.
  • Question
    How can I bowl straight with a lot of pace and without touching my ear?
    Community Answer
    Use your front bowling arm, reach upward and pull straight down and behind; the bowling arm will follow in the correct position for you, depending on your body. Your front arm is your radar and direction finder. Keep the action from run up to follow through in a straight line.
  • Question
    How much run-up is required for me as a 14-year-old?
    Community Answer
    I think 15 - 16 walking steps will be enough; remember, you should be at your highest speed when you reach to the stump.
  • Question
    How can I get the ball in the area I want?
    Community Answer
    Put a mark on the pitch, and try to hit it with your regular action. Focus on your fitness, which plays a big role for a bowler. Run daily and improve your strength by lifting weights.
  • Question
    How long should my run up be, and how high can I leap for my bowling?
    Cricket lover42
    Community Answer
    Try different run ups at different angles and practice and execute the one in which you feel most comfortable.
  • Question
    I run very fast at the end of crease, but suddenly something happens and the bowl goes to batsman slowly. What's wrong?
    Cricket lover42
    Community Answer
    This means that your delivery strides are not proper and you lose all the gained momentum at that time, thus resulting in slower speed.
  • Question
    How much daily running is enough for fast bowlers?
    Cricket lover42
    Community Answer
    The answer depends on how fit the fast bowler is but once experienced, a fast bowler should at least run 3-4 km each day, to keep fit (one day a week off).
  • Question
    What exercises should a fast bowler do to increase his bowling speed?
    Community Answer
    Squats, lunges, pull-ups, weights are useful for building upper body strength. Also, practice running.
  • Question
    How long should my run up be as a 12 year old?
    Blake Callaghan
    Community Answer
    About 10-15 paces is fine. Also, make sure to have a nice and easy stride, 1 meter is good.
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