How to Explain Things Better: 12 Communication Techniques
Q&A for How to Check if Vegetables Are Spoiled
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QuestionAre brussels sprouts ok if they are turning yellow?Community AnswerMaybe. Make sure they are not slimy or mushy. You also want to check them for dark spots. If the brussels sprouts have a really bad odor, don't eat them.
QuestionHow can I tell if my brussel sprouts are still good?Community AnswerCut them through the middle and see if they're soft or hard in the core. If they're soft, they're fresh. If they're hard, they're either very very dry or spoiled. To make sure, put them in boiling water for three minutes. See if the color changes to yellow or even light brown. If they do, they're spoiled. If they're not, then congratulations, you have fresh brussel sprouts.
QuestionMy cauliflower is over 2 weeks old, but still looks and smells fresh? Is it okay to eat it?Community AnswerAs long as it still looks good, is firm not mushy, and doesn't have dark areas deep within (cut out any dark spots that are there), yes, you can eat it. Check for any odd smells, too. I always like to smell from inside the bag when I first open it to be sure.
QuestionHow can I tell if eggplant is spoiled?Community AnswerIt will start to mold and have extremely mushy spots on the outside skin.
QuestionIs asparagus edible if it's slightly brown?Community AnswerMaybe. Check the tips. If the tips are not mushy or slimy, and the stalks aren't slimy, it should be okay.
QuestionWhat are the characteristics of healthy asparagus?Community AnswerThe stalks will be green and crisp, and the tips will be a greenish/purplish color. The tips will not be mushy, and it will not smell bad.
QuestionCan I eat broccoli if it is yellowish and has a stinky feet smell along with a burnt smell?Community AnswerNo, because it will be rotten.
QuestionPressure cooked white northern beans a week and a half ago, stored them in the fridge. When I opened the container they had a slight smell. Can I still use them?Community AnswerNo, they should be disposed of, they've gone off.
QuestionAre slimy green beans safe to eat?Community AnswerYou should throw out slimy vegetables.
QuestionI soaked collard greens overnight, then drained them, put them in a Ziploc bag and put it in the fridge. The next day they smelled spoiled. Are they still good?Community AnswerIf it smells spoiled, it is highly probable that the collard greens have gone bad. I would throw it out.
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QuestionAre waxed turnips with black spots on the outer layer okay to eat?Community AnswerThe black spots may be mold, if it has discolored spots or mold on it, throw it out.
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