Q&A for How to Concentrate

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    How can I focus better while studying?
    Nathan Fox, JD
    LSAT Teacher, Founder of LSATdemon
    Nathan Fox is an LSAT teacher, the co-host of the Thinking LSAT Podcast, and the co-founder of LSATdemon. Nathan is the author of six LSAT books including The Fox LSAT Logical Reasoning Encyclopedia. He scored a 179 on the February 2007 LSAT and holds a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
    LSAT Teacher, Founder of LSATdemon
    Expert Answer
    Choose a time of day where you feel good and aren't cranky, such as before work.
  • Question
    How can I concentrate under pressure?
    Community Answer
    Don't focus on the time. Take a deep breath to relax yourself and focus on what you need to do.
  • Question
    How can I avoid sleeping so long?
    Community Answer
    Set your alarm five to ten minutes earlier each day. For example, instead of waking up at 8:00, wake up at 7:50, then instead of 7:50, wake up at 7:40 and keep doing this until you reach your desired time.
  • Question
    How do I ignore distractions when I study in my room?
    Community Answer
    If you tend to get distracted by your cell phone, leave it in a place where you can't see it. If you are working upstairs in your room, leave your phone downstairs. Or, you can hide it in the same room as you as long as it is powered off and you cannot see it. Today I left my phone downstairs in my drawer when I was working upstairs, and I stayed concentrated the whole time.
  • Question
    How can I study math?
    Community Answer
    Go for understanding the solved examples first and once you get the concept then try for some random questions (not easy first and then difficult). If you get struck at any question then go through the theory or solved example again. Keep a list of required formula at your hand.
  • Question
    How do I concentrate on my studying?
    Community Answer
    Follow the steps in this article. Listen to study music and clear out all distractions and keep gadgets away. If you can't stop thinking about how hungry you are or you really want a glass of water and just can't concentrate, then go and get something quick to eat or get a glass of water. It will save you lots of time and then you can just get on with your work without thinking about food or drink. It will become a whole lot easier.
  • Question
    How can I remember everything that I studied?
    Community Answer
    Try using memory aids like mnemonic devices and/or flashcards while studying. Make sure you go over everything multiple times in the days leading up to tests.
  • Question
    What sort of study music should I listen to?
    Community Answer
    If you just go to YouTube and search up "Study Music," different options pop up. They will be a little slow, but try a couple out and see which one calms down your mind, and play it.
  • Question
    How do I stop other thoughts when I am concentrating on something?
    Community Answer
    Just tell yourself that you'll take some time to think about it after you do the work at hand.
  • Question
    What is the best music to listen to while trying to concentrate?
    Community Answer
    Classical music is your best bet. It has been shown to improve focus and concentration.
  • Question
    How can I concentrate on my studying?
    Community Answer
    Use Study Music Project to get yourself some good instrumental music to study to, then use the techniques offered in the article.
  • Question
    How do I concentrate when I like to doodle?
    Community Answer
    Doodling is something that you do naturally. Doodle something that you find interesting, but don't get distracted by it. Find something that gives you a good vibe to calm your nerves and maintains your mind.
  • Question
    How can I avoid sleepiness while I try to concentrate?
    Community Answer
    Stand up five to 10 minutes, wash your face or take notes on the subject.
  • Question
    What can I do if I am unable to move to a new area?
    Community Answer
    Try a white noise machine or app, which is very helpful for these situations.
  • Question
    I listen to classical music on YouTube on iPhone, iPad, TV and PS4 is that good or no? If not what should I do?
    Community Answer
    That is a absolutely fine as long as it doesn’t distract you. Use headphones and don’t look at screens so that you keep concentrating.
  • Question
    I've tried listening to music while studying, but find it too distracting. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Either make it completely silent, or try lowering the volume a bit so it feels like a relaxing background tune. Also, the music you were listening to may not be the right type for you. And music is not for everyone, some people never find it soothing, just distracting.
  • Question
    How can I focus when I get tired when reading out loud?
    Community Answer
    Take a short break and drink a glass of water. Give yourself at least a 5 minute break for every hour you study, especially if you're reading out loud, because you need to rest your voice.
  • Question
    How do I do take notes when trying to concentrate? Should I write them in my own words?
    Community Answer
    You should definitely rephrase them in your own words. This helps you remember the facts better than just copying something down. Take relevant notes, and if you write slow, use bullet points. Make sure to get the main points before adding extra information. If you cant write coherently while taking notes, plan on reviewing and typing them up soon after.
  • Question
    How can I learn math faster?
    Community Answer
    Instead of remembering multiple formulas/equations, pick only one and start there. Find problems that uses that formula and apply it. After you have a handle on it, then move on to the next one. Many math formulas build on other formulas, so you have to have a good foundation of the basics. Ask your teacher or hire a tutor if you need extra help.
  • Question
    I constantly get distracted while I'm trying to study, and I end up forgetting everything I have learned when it's time to take the test. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to revise after the first 10 minutes, then the first hour, then the first day, then the first three days and so on.
  • Question
    How long does it take to concentrate?
    Community Answer
    As long as you try your best to eliminate distractions, it shouldn’t take very long. If you just can’t eliminate the distractions (or are uncomfortable), move to a different spot.
  • Question
    How do I find my passion?
    Community Answer
    Explore all options. Just try everything out. The one which you want to do again and the one you enjoyed throughout the process can be your passion. Set goals and work on it. You will never feel it as burden.
  • Question
    How can I concentrate while studying biology?
    Community Answer
    The best way to concentrate while studying Biology is to make notes and flowcharts for each topic. You don't need to get a separate notebook to do so either just jot down important points in the margins of the book you are reading. If your mind starts to wander, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Try finding ways to study the material in a fun way.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm not understanding any subject?
    Community Answer
    Ask for extra help from your teacher(s), or find someone who understands a particular subject and is good at explaining it in a way that makes sense to you. That person could be a friend, a classmate, a relative or a professional tutor.
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