Q&A for How to Convert to Hinduism

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    Can someone who doesn't convert to Hinduism still follow Hindu ideals, such as karma and reincarnation?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Anyone can still follow Hinduism's beliefs even if he or she doesn't convert.
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    Do Hindus pray in Hindi?
    Community Answer
    They can do the prayer in Hindi if they want, but other languages are fine too.
  • Question
    I've been raised Catholic. Can I convert to other religions?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely! You were raised Catholic by the choice of your parents. It's time to choose for yourself now.
  • Question
    I'm a Pentecostal Christian - can I become a Hindu?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you are either born a Hindu or you adopt it. It's free for all.
  • Question
    I need seriously help. I want to get started in learning the religion of Hinduism, but I need help with what book to start out with. Any advice? Also, would the books be in English?
    Community Answer
    Read Bhagvad Geeta which is the most widely read book of Hinduism. This book is available not only in English but also in many other languages and is easily available on internet as well.
  • Question
    What can help me remember the Hindu gods?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    First, study the main ones, particular the 3 gods of the Hindu trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva). Brahma is the creator god, & in spite being part of the Hindu trimurti, he actually receives very little worship in Hinduism. Vishnu is the preserver god, & has several avatars, the most well ones being Krishna & Rama. Shiva is the destroyer god. After researching them, research the main Hindu goddess, & her various avatars.
  • Question
    If I convert to Hinduism, which God Should I worship?
    Community Answer
    Well that is up to you, I worship Lord Shiva, but you should check out them all and then choose.
  • Question
    Can I worship Lord Rama? Is he a God?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can worship Lord Rama. Lord Rama is one of the 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu, The Dashavatara. Other incarnations are : Matsya (fish), Kurma(turtle), Varaha(boar), Narasimha(half-lion, half-man), Vamana(dwarf), Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Kalki. It is controversial whether Buddha(9th) or Balarama(8th) are avataram.
  • Question
    Can a former Hindu girl who converted to Christianity convert back to Hinduism?
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    What does Hinduism offer that other religions do not?
    Community Answer
    Hinduism offers you complete freedom; you can pray to any deities, and prayer is not compulsory or a daily duty in Hindu dharma. Hinduism is a super scientific religion or way of life; if you read more about vedas you will understand it. It talks about evolution, that the first formed organism belongs to water, while other religions say the first created organisms were Adam and Eve.
  • Question
    What is Iskcon and why should I follow him/it?
    Community Answer
    ISKCON is a Hindu society. They have various temples located across the country. Although it is not compulsory to visit ISKCON, it is a genuine temple and visiting temples and performing pujas basically shows your devotion to God. I advise you to visit, it is a great temple.
  • Question
    Can a general category Muslim convert to Hinduism?
    Community Answer
    Yes, if you accept Hinduism into your heart, then accept a Hindu as your guru, you will become Hindu.
  • Question
    Can a Muslim convert to Hinduism in Indonesia?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If you accept Hinduism into your heart, then accept a Hindu as your guru, you will become Hindu.
  • Question
    How can I convert if there is no temple in my country?
    Community Answer
    It is not necessary to visit a temple; you can download pictures of Hindu gods and worship them at home.
  • Question
    Where can a Lebanese Druze go to covert to Hinduism?
    Community Answer
    There is no certain place. All you must do is accept and follow the Hindu religion. To further that, find a temple.
  • Question
    Can the handicapped and blind people become Hindu? If so, do they have to pray?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they can. You don't always need to pray; you can act. Even if you are compromised physically, you can do things every day that benefit society as a whole. Hinduism teaches that no matter how hard it is, it can always get better.
  • Question
    The local Hindus will not accept me. Why would this be the case?
    Community Answer
    Perhaps you are not following all the rules of the religion or they don't see you as genuine. Ask them what you can do to be more accepted.
  • Question
    Where would be the best place to start learning about core beliefs?
    Community Answer
    Reading books on Hinduism or searching the internet to connect with believers are good ways to get a basic understanding of core principles.
  • Question
    How many Hindus are in the world?
    Community Answer
    There are 1 billion hindus currently in the world. Hinduism is the majority religion in India and Nepal. It is thought it will have 1.3 billion members by 2050.
  • Question
    Is it necessary for me to pierce my ears if I convert to Hinduism?
    Community Answer
    No, piercing your ears or any other parts of the body is not necessary to convert to Hinduism.
  • Question
    Do you have to do anything with your physique?
    Shubham kumar
    Community Answer
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    What if there's no temple in my country?
    Community Answer
    It is not necessary to visit a temple; you can download pictures of Hindu gods and worship them at home.
  • Question
    What does Hinduism think about the enjoyment of sex?
    Community Answer
    If you know of the "Kamasutra," it was written during ancient Hindu times and indicates a positive attitude towards sexuality. This book not only deals with sex, but relationships in general. Many ancient Hindu temples also have stones that are carved into erotic motifs depicting various sexual poses, including some that are homosexual.
  • Question
    Can I marry a Hindu boy if I am a Muslim girl?
    Community Answer
    Yes you can. As your last name will be changed to your husband's name thus you'll be a free human and a Hindu.
  • Question
    If I am homosexual, can I convert to Hinduism?
    Community Answer
    Your sexuality has nothing to with your faith. Some people may not be supportive, but who you like and what you believe in are two different things. So it is possible to be a gay Hindu.
  • Question
    Why is a theory of many gods better than the theory of one god?
    Shubham kumar
    Community Answer
    You seem a bit confused, we believe in only one god and all of our gods are different forms of one supreme being. So really we support both the theories which is better than supporting one.
  • Question
    I want to convert to Hinduism, but there are no temples near me and I don't know how to get started. I also am a meat eater. Do I have to be a vegetarian to be a Hindu?.
    Community Answer
    Nope. There are many Hindus who are not fully vegetarian. Being a vegetarian or non-vegetarian is a personal choice.
  • Question
    I can't cook and eat what the household makes, which includes meat. Can I still be a Hindu?
    Community Answer
    Hinduism allows for many choices to eat, as long as it is good for your health and mind without killing other animals. To be a good Hindu, abstain from meat, fish, eggs, alcohol, tobacco, etc. You may choose the food of your choice from the remaining options. Vegetarianism is considered one of the good eating habits in Hinduism.
  • Question
    Should Hindus be celibate?
    Community Answer
    No. Sex is a part of life.
  • Question
    Downloading pictures of Hindu gods and worshipping them it sounds like idol worshipping? And it's gods, not God?
    Community Answer
    In Hinduism, the gods are representatives of Brahman, the one true formless god, and it is normal to worship their likenesses. If you have a problem with the beliefs or practices of this religion, then don't convert to it. Simple.
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