Q&A for How to Deal With a B as a Straight A Student

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    How do you break free from perfectionism?
    Alexandra Janelli
    Anxiety and Stress Management Coach
    Alexandra Janelli is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Anxiety & Stress Management Coach, and owner and founder of Modrn Sanctuary, a holistic health and wellness facility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. With over 10 years of experience, Alexandra specializes in helping clients push through their roadblocks to achieve their goals using her hypnotherapeutic approach. Alexandra holds a BS from the University of Miami. She graduated from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute with an Advanced Training Graduate Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Handwriting Analysis. Alexandra is also a Certified Life Coach from the iPEC Coach Training Program. She has worked with Academy Award Nominee Actors, world-renowned photographers, singers, top-level executives, and professionals across many sectors of business. Alexandra has been featured on MTV, Elle Magazine, Oprah Magazine, Men's Fitness, Swell City Guide, Dossier Journal, The New Yorker, and Time Out Chicago.
    Anxiety and Stress Management Coach
    Expert Answer
    You have to first acknowledge that it's not working for you, and you have to understand the belief systems behind it and what's motivating you to want to be perfect. Once you understand that, it's easier to identify your perfectionism as a coping mechanism. From there, you can figure out a different one, since coping mechanisms and belief systems need to be inspected and then replaced.
  • Question
    If I get one A-, am I still considered a straight-A student?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Whether it's an A, A+, or A-, it is still in the A range of grades. Therefore, you would still be an A student.
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    My daughter got a B-plus, and is now crying and screaming over it. It's not that big of a deal, but she thinks it is. How do I calm her down?
    Community Answer
    Say to her that it is okay, and you are not disappointed in her. Then, talk about how to solve those sort of questions, so she feels better.
  • Question
    How can I improve my B- grade towards an A range?
    Community Answer
    There are several ways to do this. Take the time to study a bit every day without overdoing it. Research what you may not understand, or talk to your teacher about what material confuses you. If you really are focused on bringing your grade up, consider asking for any extra credit you may be able to complete A B- is still a good grade, so don't stress yourself. Remember, nobody's perfect!
  • Question
    I just failed a quiz. My parents will not understand. It's bad enough to get B's, but an F? To make it worse, I have an overall B grade. How am I going to go to college?
    Community Answer
    A grade of B will not keep you out of college. People go to college with a range of different overall grades, including B's and C's. Just relax. Try to figure out why you did poorly on the quiz, and do everything you can to increase your scores next time. Be honest and upfront with your parents, apologize, and tell them it won't happen again.
  • Question
    I just got my first B, and am very disappointed in myself. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    That's okay. Bs are still good. Whenever it's a B+, B or B-, it is fine. You can make a study plan to bring it up to an A but don't stress. If you need more help, ask some smart friends or family members.
  • Question
    I am a straight A student, but in one exam I got just 15 out of 20, my record lowest. How do I face my parents?
    Alexandra Summers
    Community Answer
    Your parents will understand. They were once in school as well, so they will likely get it. If not, don't stress. We all have bad days occasionally, but it is completely possible to recover from them!
  • Question
    If I am an A student and get a B, will I still be an A student?
    Community Answer
    As long as your average is still an A, you'll be considered an A student.
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    I was the top student in my sophomore year and scored a whopping 98.8%. Lately I haven't been doing well at all. I have dropped to 15th position in class and I feel my brain is not working anymore. What do I do?
    Alexandra Summers
    Community Answer
    15th position is not at all bad. Maybe the classes this year are challenging you more, which will help you improve a lot in the long term. If you focus less on where you stand based on others, and more on doing the absolute best you can do, you will be able to stop putting so much pressure on yourself and just focus on working hard.
  • Question
    What do I do if I got a grade I didn't want and the teacher won't bump up the grade?
    Community Answer
    The grade you got was the one you earned. You can't do anything about the fact that the teacher won't bump up your grade; she's just doing her job. Try harder on your next assignments and tests so you can improve your overall course grade.
  • Question
    How do I regain my self confidence when I got grades that weren't up to my standard?
    Community Answer
    Just keep doing your best and alter any study habits that aren't working for you. Accept that some classes are just more challenging than others.
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    How do I improve my mental attitude to improve my grades?
    Community Answer
    Be positive when you enter the classroom. Participate well in class and ask the teacher questions.
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    What do I do if I got a bad grade in school when my parents expect only the best all the time?
    Community Answer
    Explain to them what happened, and express that you understand this isn't what they wanted. If it is only one assignment, say that you will try harder next time and say you understand what you did wrong. If you have been slipping up in a class, say you will talk to the teacher for help or get tutored. This will likely help your parents to see that you are responsible, preventing them from being too harsh with punishments.
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    I just got back my report card and I have an 89. My parents say its better than anything they got when they were my age, but it isn't good enough for me and I'm losing sleep over it. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to be happy they are okay with it. An 89 is frustrating because it is so close to an A, but it'll be okay, set a goal to improve now and definitely learn from the errors you made.
  • Question
    I got a B in an English oral presentation. I'm upset because I tried really hard and I'm naturally good at English. I'm afraid to face my parents because they're really strict. What should I do?
    Skylar Wilson
    Community Answer
    You should probably just tell them. Make sure you tell them how hard you tried. Also tell them that you'll try even harder next time. They will probably be shocked at first, but you'll be alright. It wasn't a super bad grade, so they shouldn't be too upset.
  • Question
    I ended this quarter with my first B and one of my friends is rubbing it in my face (she got an A). I'm also scared to get compared with my straight A sister. How can I cope with all of that and my B?
    Community Answer
    Your friend should not do that. Next time she rubs it in your face, tell her that you don't like it. Also, don't worry about getting compared to your sister. No one will do that, unless they are really mean. Only one B grade in the first quarter isn't bad. Just live with the B grade and try to move on to getting more As.
  • Question
    I earned a B+ grade in math and my parents are furious. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Let them cool down. Do all your chores and extras. Show them some of your previous good grades (90 or higher!). Talk to them and Remind them that you have been a great student and that a B+ is still great. Try to make it up to them.
  • Question
    I got 9/10, is it a good grade or bad grade?
    Community Answer
    9/10 is equal to a 90/100, which means you got a 90% on your assignment. That's an awesome grade, around an A.
  • Question
    I am in an AP math class and I have an 88 average. This is lower compared to my other score last year in my non-AP math class (an A+). Is this normal for my score to go down?
    Bridget Harris
    Community Answer
    Yes, it's normal. AP classes are often very hard and take a lot of work. So it's normal if your score decreases and also a B+ is still a very good grade.
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