Q&A for How to Do Freestyle Football Tricks

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    How can I start juggling?
    Community Answer
    First, try to hold the ball in your hand and then keep on hitting it from your feet and catch it. If you are a beginner , practice putting backspin into it. Then, keep on kicking up and catch and kick up and catch, not kick it twice, and catch and twice and catch then three times and catch and three times and catch and so on until 20. After that, just learn flick-ups, which should be fairly simple.
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    How do I do an overhead kick?
    Community Answer
    You need to jump while putting your weak foot up, then swing your strong foot over your head and try to make good solid contact. This requires a lot of patience and practice.
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    How can I create a goal for my team?
    Community Answer
    Look for runs behind the defense to put your teammate through on goal so the/she has a chance to score.
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    How do you do a rainbow flick?
    Community Answer
    For the right footed people: First put the ball between two legs, having the left foot forward and the right foot backward. Then hold the ball like that and walk forward or run forward by first picking up your right leg, then lift up your left leg. Try continuously for two weeks and you will get the idea and be doing the rainbow flick. For the left footed people, reverse the legwork.
  • Question
    How do I do freestyle football tricks? Should I practice actual football or freestyling first?
    Community Answer
    You should definitely practice the actual game first, as flashy tricks will get you respect but won't necessarily result in the ball flying into the back of the net Always start with the basics and build from it.
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    How do I perform scorpion kicks?
    LFCFifa TQ72
    Community Answer
    Get a friend to pass a ball into the air. Then, jump into the air like you are going for a diving header, but have your two feet up and facing the same way as your body. You may or may not reach the ball. This is one of the hardest things to do in football.
  • Question
    How do I score on free kicks in football?
    Community Answer
    Use complete focus and look at where the you want the ball to go. It is better to do it in the corners (top or bottom) as the goalkeeper can't normally expect it.
  • Question
    How can I get promoted from a defender to a winger?
    Community Answer
    You don't necessarily need to get promoted from a defender to a winger. Your coach puts you where he thinks you will perform your best. If you are really interested in playing as a winger, speak with your couch. Ask him what you need to do training-wise in order to prepare for such a role, and how to succeed in it.
  • Question
    What are some easy, but cool skills to learn?
    Community Answer
    The scissors are very easy and so is the reverse kick.
  • Question
    How do I do a curve shot or flick?
    Community Answer
    Hit it at the bottom part of the ball, using your toe.
  • Question
    Where do professional freestylers learn their skills from?
    Community Answer
    Most of them create their tricks themselves by combining more basic skills and then practicing until they can do them perfectly. Most of the time it's just basic moves changed up a little bit and performed a lot faster.
  • Question
    How do I shoot with power?
    Community Answer
    To shoot with power, you should relax your body, take a large stride towards the ball, and keep your attention on the ball when you kick it. Obviously, make sure to shoot with your strong foot, and keep your shoulders facing the target. Generate the power you have for the kick from your thigh instead of your calf. Get your ankle locked, keep your toe down for a better kick, and land on the foot that you actually use to kick. Be confident! If you feel that you are not getting enough power, it's generally because you aren't getting your thigh back enough or using it in the kick properly.
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    What do I do when people run and kick my leg to take the ball and how do I go forward without them kicking?
    Community Answer
    Strength is really important here. Work to increase it.
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    How do I practice a bicycle kick?
    Community Answer
    First, try to perform this on a trampoline. When you think you're good to go, then just practice on actual ground. When you think you're comfortable, do it with a ball.
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    How do I whip/curl the ball?
    Community Answer
    Place the ball at a 45 degree angle away from your target. Take a 6-step run up; it's usually the best for me, but it varies between 3 and 5. As you run up to the ball, make sure you have your weak foot in front of the ball and to the left of it by about two yards. Position your body to a full stretch. Then, if you want to whip, hit the bottom right of the ball as fast as you can and bring your foot back quickly.
  • Question
    How do I do basic freestyle moves?
    Community Answer
    Follow the instructions listed in the article above.
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    How can I take a perfect shot with good shot power?
    Community Answer
    Start by placing the ball down. Next, take some steps backwards and stand up straight -- remember posture will help you. Once you run up, take a big step and set your plant foot next to the ball, then kick the ball with the instep of your foot and go through the center of the ball. After that, follow through and land on the foot that you kicked with.
  • Question
    How can I master any trick I performed once?
    Community Answer
    Just try to remember what you did that time and try to imitate that, and practice.
  • Question
    How long will it take to become an expert in freestyle football tricks?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how much you practice. If you practice for an hour or 2 a day, you'll get it in about one or two months. If you practice for 10-30 minutes a day, it'll take almost a year!
  • Question
    How do I impress someone with my football skills?
    Community Answer
    Don't just think of impressing someone. Just try to be a better player but not impress simple people. If you want to go professional, then work on impressing the crowd.
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