Q&A for How to Do a Presentation in Class

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    What if someone asks a question?
    Community Answer
    If someone asks a question during your presentation, politely ask them to wait until you're finished talking. If someone asks a question at the end of your presentation or during a Q&A portion, answer as best as you can -- and don't be afraid to say you don't know, or that you need to do more research!
  • Question
    How do I be confident?
    Community Answer
    Be familiar with your material, go slowly, and make eye contact with your audience. Take deep breaths to help with your nerves.
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    What if I practice but still stutter?
    Community Answer
    Try to practice by giving your presentation to your friends or a family member. Focus on speaking slowly and clearly.
  • Question
    What if I feel nervous
    Community Answer
    Take deep breaths to try to calm down. Practice a power pose before your presentation, and tell yourself that you can do this!
  • Question
    Do I need to introduce myself?
    Community Answer
    That depends on your class and the topic, but in general, you can spend a few seconds introducing yourself! You should also introduce your presentation topic so your classmates know what you're presenting about
  • Question
    What if the teacher stares at me like I am a creep?
    Community Answer
    Just keep going. You are probably misinterpreting her gaze.
  • Question
    How can I make my voice louder?
    Community Answer
    Try pushing the air out of your chest with a little more force than you normally would. This can make you sound louder without making it sound like you're yelling.
  • Question
    How do I imagine the audience not being there?
    Community Answer
    Just look at the back of the room or keep your eyes on the thing you're reading from (but I highly suggest looking at the back wall).
  • Question
    What if I am presenting my presentation on a laptop?
    Community Answer
    Hook up your laptop to a larger screen or projector to make it visible to the whole class.
  • Question
    What if I close by saying thanks and going back to my seat?
    Community Answer
    That sounds just fine.
  • Question
    How do you do it without being nervous?
    Community Answer
    Take deep breaths and imagine the audience is not there in front of you. It can be tricky because you also need to make eye contact.
  • Question
    What if I shake a lot, no matter what?
    Community Answer
    Take many deep breaths, and also tell yourself you’ll do great. Keep your mind on the positive side of things, and you’ll be okay. Try to move your hands, as it shows you’re enthusiastic about the topic and your presentation.
  • Question
    What is social anxiety?
    Engy Abouelela ElMahdy
    Community Answer
    Social anxiety is the fear of being judged and evaluated negatively by other people, leading to feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, self-consciousness, embarrassment, humiliation, and depression.
  • Question
    What if l forget my words and cannot think?
    Community Answer
    Just take a deep breath and continue. The teacher should understand you are nervous and be patient with you.
  • Question
    What do I do if my mind just went blank?
    Community Answer
    Don't panic! Take a deep breath and calm yourself. If you brought notes, now is the time to look at them. If necessary, skip the current part and move on to something you remember.
  • Question
    What if I have to do my presentation, but didn't practice it?
    Community Answer
    You’ll just have to do your best. Rehearse it in your head while you’re in the car or bus or walking to school.
  • Question
    How can I be loud enough?
    Community Answer
    Just push the air out of your chest with more force than you normally would, and annunciate.
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    What should I say when I'm presenting with a friend and they've just finished their part of the presentation?
    Community Answer
    Try to find a segue - a seamless transition between what they have said and what you are saying. For example, "As [their name] was saying..." Then briefly summarize the point they just made and move on to your part of the presentation.
  • Question
    What if I'm shaking a lot during the presentation?
    Community Answer
    Try to redirect your focus to your notes, or to the back wall. Try to forget the audience is there, and take a few deep breaths.
  • Question
    How long does the presentation have to be?
    Community Answer
    You should probably ask whoever assigned the project, but if there is no time requirement, usually about 5-10 minutes should be enough.
  • Question
    How can I stop stuttering and blushing during a presentation?
    Community Answer
    Don’t think about anything other than what you are presenting. Do your best to speak loudly and clearly.
  • Question
    How can I make my presentation interesting and creative?
    Community Answer
    The most important part of the presentation is the first 30 seconds. Try to start your presentation with something interesting, like a quote, a question for the audience, or even a quick game. That will get people's attention and help them focus on your presentation.
  • Question
    What if I can't get my words out?
    Community Answer
    Just take a few deeps breaths and center yourself. Talk slowly (but not too slowly!) to avoid stuttering, and so you can plan out what to say next.
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    What if you have really bad social anxiety and literally start bursting into tears every time you go in front of the class?
    Community Answer
    In that case, I would talk to the teacher and I would explain my problem to her. You may also want to talk to your parents about seeing a therapist or doctor.
  • Question
    How do I keep from being scared?
    Community Answer
    Imagine your class and your teacher naked. This is an old trick, and it works. Don't worry, and tell yourself that you will do well.
  • Question
    What would you do if there is a fire drill in the middle of your presentation?
    Griffin Mills
    Community Answer
    Just casually and confidently follow your standard class procedures concerning the fire drill. Your teacher will most likely have to calm down the class after getting back to the classroom, so just stand there confidently and smile while keeping eye contact with your audience until they let you know it's okay to start performing again.
  • Question
    What if I'm not good in the English language? Can I use a local language?
    Belle K.
    Top Answerer
    If English is the main language of the people you are presenting to, then I would advise against it. If they also speak your native language, then go ahead.
  • Question
    Is it OK if I tell about my past before getting into the topic?
    Community Answer
    Only the parts of your past that relate directly to the topic, and you should keep it brief.
  • Question
    What if I can't answer the questions that everyone asks?
    Iris Rose
    Community Answer
    That's okay! You are just giving a presentation, not expected to have a degree on the subject! Depending on the class, situation, etc. There are a few things you can do. 1) just admit you don't know "I am not sure about that, but that is a good question!" 2) if you are able to get back to them, "I am not sure, but I can look into that and get back to you".
  • Question
    What if my teacher interrupts me and starts making jokes about my presentation?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    This would be unkind and unethical of the teacher but you can try to take the high road. Simply stop, go silent for 5 seconds (being quiet is very powerful), then look at the teacher and say something like, "I'm sorry, have I said something to make you laugh? I'm taking this seriously and I'd appreciate it if you could too. Or, would you prefer if I stop this presentation instead?" It'll make the teacher realize you are being serious and the joking about is inappropriate. After class, either discuss it with your teacher or, if you feel okay doing so, but if not, raise it with another teacher or school counselor to have the disrespect addressed.
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