Q&A for How to Invent a Sport

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    How do I promote my made-up sport?
    Community Answer
    Share your sport with your friends and family, advertise about it around school and invite your classmates to play with you, and maybe even share the game online! (Just be aware that other people may try to take credit for the game if it gets too well-known.)
  • Question
    Can the sport be made up of two different types of sports?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but don't let it be obvious which two sports it's like.
  • Question
    Are there ball sports with water balloons?
    Community Answer
    If it had water balloons, it wouldn't be a 'ball' sport as such. However it could be something more related to paint balling or tag. Water 'ballooning' could become a thing so, good idea!
  • Question
    Do all these steps apply to creating your own martial art?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they can. If you want to create a martial art you can: 1. Make moves. 2. Design Safety equipment. 3. Show your friend. 4. Make sure everything works well. 5. Show gyms. 6. Show sports shops your idea of equipment. 7. Buy the products. 8. Advertise. 9. See what you get. 10. Have fun.
  • Question
    Is it a good idea to take aspects/rules/material from other sports, put them together, and tweak my idea from there?
    Community Answer
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    Are there any sports that are only played indoors and not outdoors as well?
    Community Answer
    Not really. Pretty much any indoor game can also be played outdoors.
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    How do I make rackets and balls on a team uniform?
    Community Answer
    First you can make the rackets cross over each other to make an X (if there are two rackets), then have the ball in the middle hitting the rackets, so it won't take up a lot of space.
  • Question
    How do I come up with a good name for the sport?
    Community Answer
    Think of names from existing sports and put some together. Or you could combine two words that relate to the sport, like "basket" and "ball," something along those lines.
  • Question
    Do I have to register my sport?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to register it if it's a game you wish to play with friends and family to have fun. If you wish to make it a popular sport known all around the world and be professionally played, then you do have to register it.
  • Question
    Where could I host my sport if it is in water?
    Community Answer
    Look for local lakes or pools that you could rent out, especially after public hours.
  • Question
    Can I invent a sport related to food?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You could create a food fighting sport, or see who can throw a vegetable the farthest, etc. Use your imagination!
  • Question
    How do I come up with a unique sport quickly?
    Community Answer
    Look at other sports. Think about ‘what could I do to improve this sport?’ Then place your ideas onto a piece of paper, and make up rules for it. The amount of time this will take you depends entirely on you and how fast you think and come up with new ideas.
  • Question
    How can I protect the ownership of my new sport before introducing it?
    Community Answer
    Maybe make a website or a forum of such statement that the sport was invented by you.
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