Q&A for How to Keep Your Personal Life Private at Work

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    Being a female employee, what if my coworker tries to harass me?
    Community Answer
    Report this type of behavior to a supervisor and/or HR person, and politely disengage any interaction with this person.
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    What should I do if my manager gives preferential treatment to employees that smoke with him/her?
    Community Answer
    Report it to HR or your manager's boss. Make sure you have evidence of preferential treatment for those people.
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    I can't help but tell people personal things when they ask me and when I don't want them to know, I end up lying because I don't want to seem rude. What should I do instead?
    Community Answer
    When people ask you for personal details, just tell them, "I'd rather not say". You're under no obligation to share and it's hardly rude to refrain from doing so. In fact, it's more rude for someone to pressure you into sharing.
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    How do I improve my professional life when I already screwed everything up?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't take long for people to forget. Sure, some people may bring up your mistakes at some point, but just let them know, "I've moved on," and, "That was a while ago." If it is your boss, say, "I've learned a lot from that experience and I am applying it now." Keep your head down and do your job. Be kind to your co-workers and don't get involved in petty drama.
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    What should I do if another employee is causing problems for me at work?
    Community Answer
    Start by talking to the person. If it escalates or doesn't help the situation, speak to your supervisor and report him/her.
  • Question
    I cannot get along with the person if I don't like their attitude. In such cases, they are my team members. Because of my this attitude, I end up fighting, and can't respect them. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    You will have to talk to your supervisor if it is a serious problem for you and the people in question. He will decide on the best path once he's evaluated the situation. If you are not going to talk to your supervisor and will still be working with this person, look for any redeeming qualities or behavior that this person displays and remind yourself of these qualities whenever you are working with this person. You will encounter so many different challenges in life. Always think about the possible outcomes of your actions.
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    What if fellow employees refuse to be respectful of my personal space at work?
    Community Answer
    Report it to your supervisor.
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    How can I stop myself from overindulging in my own and other people's business?
    Community Answer
    Put your energy and focus on your work. Not only will it keep you away from those who are unproductive and gossiping, but you will have pride in your work and feel good about putting extra effort into your career. Resist the urge to indulge in gossip -- it won't lead to anything good. (I know from experience!)
  • Question
    If you fancy someone at work, why should you not ask them out as long as you respect their choice?
    Community Answer
    Nothing in this article says you shouldn't. It's fine to ask them out, as long as you do respect their choice and don't bother them about it again if they say no.
  • Question
    How can I stop worrying about what others think of me at work if I have low self-esteem?
    Community Answer
    Understand that you cannot control what others think of you. You cannot even know for certain what they are thinking. Therefore, control the only person you can control - yourself. Also, work on your self-esteem. Stop thinking negatively about yourself and focus on your positive qualities. Consider talking to a therapist about this.
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