Q&A for How to Knit the Purl Stitch

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    What else beside knit goes with purl?
    Community Answer
    There is also garter stitch. Knit and purl and garter stitch. All others are based on them. Different combinations of these stitches create patterns.
  • Question
    I did a regular knit for the first 10 rows, and then I did a purl/knit/purl/knit to have the flat side with the v's on the front. Then I did 10 more regular knit rows and am trying to purl again, but the flat side is now on the back. How can I make it on the front again?
    Community Answer
    The easiest fix would be to alternate your pattern. Do knit/purl/knit rather than purl/knit/purl. A knit stitch on one side is a purl on the other, so alternating it will switch the side it is on. Otherwise add or subtract one more knit row to change sides of the piece.
  • Question
    Every time I try to purl stitch I end up adding an extra stitch. I don't have this problem with knit. What's the reason for the extra stitch?
    Community Answer
    Make sure the extra yarn is in the front (between your two needles) as opposed to in the back like a knit stitch.
  • Question
    What happens if I wrap the thread in a clockwise direction? This is the way I was taught.
    Community Answer
    It really won't do anything much. All it would do is make the flat side on the back.
  • Question
    Is this the same as the garter stitch?
    Community Answer
    No, the garter stitch is knitting all rows.
  • Question
    How do you knit a purl 3 together through the back loop (p3tog tbl)?
    Community Answer
    Insert the working needle through the third stitch from behind, bringing it back through all three. Now purl all three stitches as though they were one stitch. (It helps to press against the main needle with your working needle as you do this.) Remove the yarn from the main needle and you should have a distinctive twisted rise.
  • Question
    Do we finish the same way?
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    Community Answer
    Yes, you finish the same way unless your knitting pattern says differently.
  • Question
    Number 3 says put the right needle in front of the left, but the demonstration has it behind. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Take the right needle and push it through the front of where you just casted on.
  • Question
    My purl side is looser than my plain side, is that okay?
    Community Answer
    It's ok to begin with. Practice will help you even it out.
  • Question
    How do I keep the yarn from coming off my needle?
    Community Answer
    I keep it further down the needle, and then if it slips off I just slip the needle through the loop where it was. It’s an annoying issue, but you can work around it with practice!
  • Question
    How do I attach the two ends of a scarf?
    Community Answer
    You can use a tapestry needle to attach them.
  • Question
    If the instructions say to knit one, pearl one across the row, then when I star the next row, should I continue the knit one, pearl one, or do I start with a pearl and proceed with pearl one, knit one?
    Community Answer
    On your second row, it should be pearl one, knit one, and the third row should be knit one, pearl one. The fourth row would be knit one, pearl one as well.
  • Question
    The purl stitch is so confusing! In this tutorial for instance, all the pictures look like a knit stitch. Where it says clockwise, the person does anticlockwise, and so on. Is there an easier way?
    Community Answer
    Remember this: when you do a knit stitch, the yarn stays in the back and you enter through the back. When you purl, the yarn stays in the front and you enter the stitch through the front.
  • Question
    How can I make the purled stitches tighter?
    Community Answer
    Pull the yarn more when working them, or use a smaller needle. Your gauge should also get more consistent over time.
  • Question
    How do I knit a three tog when decreasing a pattern?
    Community Answer
    Slip your needle through three stitches and knit them all together as you would one or two.
  • Question
    How do I reverse a purl stitch if added extra stitches?
    Community Answer
    Just take the stitch off and pull both stitches off. Then, slip on the yarn back onto your needle again. Now you can purl again!
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