Q&A for How to Look Sexy when Naked

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    What if I have wide hips?
    Community Answer
    People find those attractive, so if you feel okay with it, flaunt it!
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    I look awful with no makeup on my face. I'm worried about what my boyfriend will think when I sleep over and he sees me. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    This is all in your head, don't worry about it. You don't look awful with no makeup on, you're just insecure. Your boyfriend will just be happy you slept over, and happy to see you in the morning. If he isn't, dump him.
  • Question
    Can I still look sexy if I have self-harm scars?
    Community Answer
    Yes, absolutely. Those scars are a testament to the struggles you have faced and overcome in the past, so you should let them serve as a reminder of how strong you are. Embrace them as part of your quest to become a more resilient, confident, sexy person.
  • Question
    What if I have random freckles all over my body?
    Community Answer
    That's fine! Everyone's body is different and many people find freckles to be very sexy!
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    How do I get a bubble butt?
    Community Answer
    Do squats. Lose weight. The deal with your butt is that it’s made up of your gluteal muscles — the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and gluteus maximus — which are then covered with a layer of fat. Your glutes are what help you stand up from a sitting position or a squat, climb stairs, stay standing upright, and stabilize the pelvis.
  • Question
    Can I look sexy if my boobs are big?
    Community Answer
    Yes you can. In many places, larger breasts are considered to be very attractive, so you likely have an advantage.
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    What if my skin isn't perfect?
    Community Answer
    Nobody's skin is perfect. If you have dry patches, a little moisturizer beforehand can help clear them up and has the added benefit of giving you a bit of extra glow.
  • Question
    Is there a way to make my bum look bigger?
    Community Answer
    Do squats. Your bum will look bigger and it will be firmer as well.
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    What if I have stretch marks?
    Community Answer
    Lots of people have stretch marks and you generally can't help if they're there. Don't worry too much about it. Other people usually won't.
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    What if they say you're fat?
    Community Answer
    If the person you are trying to look sexy for says you are fat, then you should reconsider if they are a real friend or person you should date. A good boyfriend or friend would never insult you like that, and they would like you just as you are. Don't take it too seriously. Everyone has imperfections, and tons of people actually prefer people with curvier bodies!
  • Question
    Should I get him to take my clothes off and should I have a bath with him?
    Community Answer
    That depends on if you want to do that. If you would like to, go for it! I'm sure he'll find it sexy. If you're not comfortable with that, try something else instead.
  • Question
    How can I make my breasts look larger?
    Community Answer
    Leaning or posing in a certain way that will allow your breasts to be suspended as opposed to supported is a excellent way. For instance, leaning forward slightly or bending over makes it so that the breasts are not pressed and flattened on your torso by gravity.
  • Question
    How do I attract someone that doesn't love me?
    Community Answer
    For the most part, you can't. Find someone else to love you, don't waste your time on someone who's not interested.
  • Question
    Can I look cute if I have very flat breasts?
    Community Answer
    Of course. Just sit or lie in such a way that they look perky, like on your stomach with your torso propped up by your elbows.
  • Question
    How can I look sexy naked if I have scars?
    Community Answer
    Everyone has scars, birth marks or other things that may make them self-conscious when naked. Instead of being embarrassed, embrace your imperfections. They are what makes you, you!
  • Question
    Someone touched my breasts (naked) and I am only 14. Is that okay?
    Community Answer
    That depends. If it was someone your own age, then it's okay as long as you consented to it. If you didn't, then it was wrong of them. If it was an older adult, then that is absolutely not okay and you should tell your parents immediately.
  • Question
    How can I look sexy naked if I have vitiligo patches on my butt and elbows?
    Community Answer
    Confidence is key! Honestly, whoever is seeing you naked is probably just happy to be there, and you're probably thinking about it more than they are. Also, your patches make you unique.
  • Question
    How do I know when I'm ready to get naked in front of him?
    Community Answer
    You'll probably be nervous no matter what, but I would say you're ready when the thought brings you excitement rather than fear or anxiety. Don't rush yourself though - there's no time frame on when you have to be naked in front of each other.
  • Question
    Can i still look sexy if my ass is small?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Consider getting into a pose that makes your ass look bigger, or simply use your other features to get attention and make people forget about your ass.
  • Question
    I have big breasts that lay on my stomach and a slightly big belly. Can I still feel sexy for my boyfriend?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Your boyfriend wouldn't be with you if he didn't find you sexy. Stop focusing on your imperfections and concentrate on your chemistry.
  • Question
    I'm fair in complexion but my vaginal area is darker. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    It's actually normal,so don't worry. Everybody is different, and that is something to embrace.
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    What if my body is too hairy?
    Community Answer
    There is nothing wrong with having hair on your body, but if it really bothers you, you can shave or get waxed.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of dark eye circles under my eyes?
    Community Answer
    Consider using concealer. This article has more tips: how to get rid of dark circles under your eyes fast .
  • Question
    Can I still look sexy after two kids?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can. I have three and I look and feel amazing. A lot of sex appeal comes from confidence!
  • Question
    Can you look sexy even if you have small boobs?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can look sexy no matter what your body type.
  • Question
    My breasts are so big. Will the boys like that?
    Community Answer
    There are lot of boys who loves big breasted woman. But they will love you more if you love them and are nice to them.
  • Question
    Can I take off my man's clothes anytime I want to make love to him?
    Community Answer
    No. It is a stereotype that men will pressure women into having sex. This goes for women, too. If he says no, then stop. Don't force him to do anything he doesn't want to.
  • Question
    What do I do if my boyfriend doesn't get excited when he is with me?
    Community Answer
    Ask him what is going on. This could be the result of any number of things. Maybe he's just distracted by some problem at work or with his family. It could also be a medical issue. If he has no idea what the problem is, suggest he go to the doctor to talk it over with them. Remind him that this happens to all guys from time to time and he has nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Question
    Can I still look sexy if I have a fat ass and small breasts?
    Community Answer
    Heck yeah! You can look sexy with any body type. Own what you've got and rock it! Also, a smaller chest and shapely butt is considered desirable in Brazil and many other parts of the world.
  • Question
    Whenever I'm naked in front of my partner he quickly starts having sex with me including porn and nude fun, but sometimes it feels uncomfortable. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to him about. Take it slow. If he doesn't listen then you need to reconsider your relationship, because he should respect your feelings. Maybe you can ask him to do one at a time once a week.
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