Q&A for How to Make Boobs Bigger Naturally

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    Can I still be pretty with small breasts?
    Community Answer
    Of course! You are beautiful the way you are. There are lots of different body shapes and sizes, and all of them are beautiful in their own way.
  • Question
    I'm hideous and my small bust doesn't help. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You are not hideous! No one is hideous; everyone is beautiful in their own way! I have a small bust too, but I promise you that the right boy/man will not care about your bust size.
  • Question
    How can situps or pushups help?
    Community Answer
    Pushups and any other exercises that work the muscles on your chest, will increase the mass behind your breasts and thus push them forward, making them seem more full. Exercises that work on your abdomen (sit ups for example) are located too far away from your breasts to be effective; yet it is still recommended that you work on those muscles because they will make your waistline look better and improve core strength.
  • Question
    I'm 14 and my boobs haven't grown yet, but yet I've gotten my period. Is that normal?
    Community Answer
    Puberty affects everyone differently, it's not at all unusual for you to have your period before your body has fully-developed. Give it time and try to accept your body as it is, you may end up having small breasts, there's nothing wrong with that!
  • Question
    What if you have triangular breasts?
    Community Answer
    That is very normal in women, especially younger women whose breasts are still developing. One way to help "encourage" your breasts to be more circular, is by simply holding them in your hands, and moving them around in circles for a while, a couple of times a week. However, this isn't necessary as they'll fill out on their own in time.
  • Question
    When I gain weight, it goes to my thighs and my butt - why not my breasts?
    Community Answer
    Your body shape is largely determined by genetics. Some people's weight tends to get concentrated in one area, other people's in another. If you gain enough weight, you will eventually get at least a little bit of gain in your breasts, but there will always be disproportionate weight gain in your thighs and butt because that's just how you're built.
  • Question
    How do I know if I need a training bra?
    Community Answer
    When you wear a shirt, do your buds show? When you jog in place, do your breasts jiggle? If they do, wear a training bra.
  • Question
    Is it normal to want to have big breasts?
    Community Answer
    Yes, a lot of girls have this desire. It is completely natural.
  • Question
    I don't have access to dumbbells, is there anything that else that I can use?
    Community Answer
    You can fill soda bottles with water or sand and use them as weights. Two 1.5-liter bottles amount to 1 kg.
  • Question
    Will bras make my breasts sag or prevent sagging?
    Community Answer
    Bras prevent sagging as the bra holds your breasts firmly in place.
  • Question
    What does the makeup do?
    Community Answer
    The makeup can be used to contour your chest/breast area, giving the appearance of more cleavage.
  • Question
    Will wearing a sports bra at night affect the way my boobs grow?
    Community Answer
    It could, since sports bras are tighter. It's best not to wear a bra bra at night because it can restrict the room to grow, plus, it's good to give your breasts a break from being constricted.
  • Question
    What can I use for padding inside a bra?
    Community Answer
    Gel pads or even tissues if you want instant push up. Don't use socks -- they make your boobs look crinkly!
  • Question
    Does wearing a bra to sleep constrict growth?
    Community Answer
    No, wearing a bra to sleep does not constrict growth.
  • Question
    Will this work for someone who is middle-aged?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this should work for a women who is middle-aged. Focus more on the exercise techniques, however; they will be beneficial not just for your breasts, but also for your entire body.
  • Question
    How do I do this when my brother is around?
    Community Answer
    Ask for some privacy. Lock your bedroom door. If your brother won't leave you alone, tell your parents.
  • Question
    Will my breasts become big if they are pressed?
    Community Answer
    No, pressing your breasts actually can stunt your growth. If you are unhappy with your cup size, try massaging them with oil instead. This is said to help stimulate growth. Or, if that idea seems a little uncomfortable, you could also make bra inserts out of nylon tights/ leggings
  • Question
    Will this work on girls who haven't gone through puberty?
    Community Answer
    No. You should wait. Don't rush it. If you are still a preteen and haven't gotten your period yet, it's very unlikely this will work. Just give your body time to develop.
  • Question
    Is it normal to not have breast at 19? If it's normal, what can I do to get bigger?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is normal. Even at the age of 21 not having breasts is normal. You can follow the steps especially the diet part.
  • Question
    If I want to impress a boy at school. Should my breasts be bigger?
    Community Answer
    No. You should be yourself. The most important thing is to have a good personality.
  • Question
    How can I make my breasts bigger without a bra?
    Community Answer
    Follow the instructions listed in the article above.
  • Question
    What if my mom doesn't let me have a bra? I'm 11-years-old.
    Sofia Goheen
    Community Answer
    You could ask her for a compromise, like some tank tops with shelf bras in them until she thinks you are ready for a real bra.
  • Question
    How can I get big breasts as a preteen?
    Community Answer
    If you aren't even a teen, then you don't need it and have to wait puberty.
  • Question
    Is it normal to have one breast smaller than the other?
    Community Answer
    Yes, many women have different sized breasts. It's completely normal.
  • Question
    Is it normal to have stretch marks on my boobs? Does it mean that they got bigger or smaller?
    Community Answer
    It is very normal to have stretch marks there. Sometimes they are from rapid growth, but some women's breast fluctuate in size during their menstrual cycles, and stretch marks can result from these temporary growths.
  • Question
    Does this work for people going through puberty?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it will work, but you should just wait and let puberty do the work for you. Just because your breasts are small during puberty doesn't mean they'll be small forever. Just wait and let them grow.
  • Question
    Is it normal for someone to get breasts without getting their period?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Everyone's body is different and matures at a different rate. It's not at all unusual for a girl to get breasts before getting her period.
  • Question
    I am 11, I have 34C boobs, and I got my period at 10. Is this normal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it's normal. You're just an early bloomer. Plenty of girls get their period at age 8-10, and you've developed early in the breast department. Don't worry about it. A lot of girls are probably jealous of you.
  • Question
    Is it normal to experience pains in my bust in the morning?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is perfectly okay, this just means your breasts have grown a bit overnight. If you are concerned, see your doctor.
  • Question
    Will eating potassium help enlarge my breasts?
    Community Answer
    Yes, higher potassium is thought to help enlarge your breasts.
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