Q&A for How to Make a Secret Note

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    What if the person does not know the trick to opening my note?
    Community Answer
    Talk to them somewhere private (phone, bathroom, text, etc.) and make sure they understand before you start to pass the notes. You could do a practice run to begin with, showing them a blank note in the format you intend to use and getting them to open it or read it as prepared.
  • Question
    Is it okay if the teacher reads it as long he/she doesn't know the code?
    Katyayani Kathy
    Community Answer
    Some teachers who are very close to you and don't scold you maybe will forgive you. But you must still be careful as the teacher will still be upset as you were passing notes and you may get in trouble.
  • Question
    What if someone gets the paper and it was not the person I wanted to give it to?
    Community Answer
    If it is in code, the person who intercepted it won't be able to read it.
  • Question
    What if the note is too long?
    Community Answer
    Wait until both of you are closer, or keep it in your pocket in case you see them.
  • Question
    What some popular codes?
    Community Answer
    A popular code is the backwards language, but that is quite easy to figure out. You could also create an entire alphabetized language, such as A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, and so on.
  • Question
    What if my sister figures out how to crack my codes? How do I remake them?
    Community Answer
    Just make your code or codes really complicated, and have a few on hand, so you can change up which one you use at a given time.
  • Question
    How do I keep my friend from noticing what I am doing?
    Community Answer
    Distract them. Give them a book or game or something else they may like that will occupy their time, so they don't pay attention to you.
  • Question
    If I use a code to write a diary, where should I keep the note (with the code on it) so no one can find it?
    Community Answer
    Tape it under a drawer, like your underwear drawer or sock drawer. No one will ever look under your underwear drawer.
  • Question
    Are there methods to create invisible ink without using water?
    Community Answer
    Yes. For example, you can use lemon juice as invisible ink.
  • Question
    What if I want to pass a note but the person is far away from me?
    Community Answer
    Scrunch up the paper into a ball and discreetly throw it at them. It will attract their attention so they will read it, but time it carefully so others will not see you do it.
  • Question
    What is a Vigenere code?
    Top Answerer
    It is a method of encrypting (disguising) written information by systematically substituting certain letters for others. Wikipedia has an article explaining it in detail.
  • Question
    What if my friend doesn't keep it a secret?
    Community Answer
    Ask them beforehand to keep it a secret! If they're a true friend, they'll respect your wishes and keep it a secret. If you have a reason to believe they won't keep it secret, you shouldn't tell them anything personal that you want to be kept private in the first place.
  • Question
    What is the difference between a journal and diary?
    Olive Zhang
    Community Answer
    While diary and journal are synonyms, there is an important difference: A diary is strictly a record of personal and daily experiences. Whereas, a journal could mean a more general record or logbook but more importantly a technical journal, that is a scientific or industry-related publication/periodical.
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