Q&A for How to Play Hopscotch

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    How many markers are on the hopscotch squares?
    Community Answer
    Typically one, but variations do exist.
  • Question
    What items are needed to play hopscotch?
    Community Answer
    Chalk and a rock.
  • Question
    Can I put both feet down in square 10?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Sixty or 65 years ago, children would draw the outline for 8 to resemble a semi-circle and split 9 and 10 with a middle line above the semi-circle. They then hopped on one foot in 8, then both left and right in 9 and 10 consecutively. They then did a reverse jump landing one foot in each box without touching the lines to head back down the hopscotch.
  • Question
    How many players are needed?
    The Siren 341
    Community Answer
    As many as you want.
  • Question
    How can there be more than one stone on the play mat?
    Community Answer
    When I played as a child we had 2-4 players and we left all of their markers on the mat where they missed and it became the next person's turn. We skipped each of the marked spots to complete our turn.
  • Question
    What do I do when I put my stone on one number in a space of two (like 1 and 2)?
    Community Answer
    If your stone, or marker, is in number 1, you need to hop on one foot to square 2, and then hop to number 3, etc. If there are markers in both 1 and 2, you need to hop over both to square 3 and finish from there.
  • Question
    What do I do when the marker lands on square 10?
    Community Answer
    Just act as if it is like any other square and jump to the the end.
  • Question
    What is the aim of the game?
    Community Answer
    The aim is to be the first whose marker reaches the end goal. This can be the Den (number 10/the resting stop) or it can include the return journey back to number one. The other aim is of course to practice balance and agility. Toddlers benefit especially by this game, although it is enjoyed by all ages.
  • Question
    Can each player have a marker?
    Community Answer
    Each player could have his/her unique marker without violating any of the above rules.
  • Question
    What age group is best for this game?
    Community Answer
    I would say around ages 5 to 12. This game is used a lot in elementary schools, which have grades kindergarten to 5th.
  • Question
    Could we make our own rules?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Because it's your game, it is your choice.
  • Question
    Is there another name for the thrown stone?
    Community Answer
    Yes. A "shooter" is one other name for it, but there are also a lot of different names for it if you look it up on the internet.
  • Question
    If I throw the marker into a block, but it lands outside of the block or on the line, do I throw over or do I miss a turn?
    Community Answer
    You miss your turn, because the marker lands outside the block or on the line.
  • Question
    Can I use a different variation and have it still be valid under the official rules of hopscotch?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Hopscotch rules are easy to bend into your own game.
  • Question
    How do I keep my balance while bending down to pick up a stone if I am using one foot?
    Community Answer
    Hold out one of your arms to help your balance. Practice bending down in different ways so you know which is most comfortable for you.
  • Question
    What is another name for hopscotch?
    Community Answer
    In Ireland, we used to call it beds. It worked the same way; we used an old polish tin filled with clay as our marker, which we called a piggy.
  • Question
    How do I play hopscotch and have fun?
    Community Answer
    Play with friends. It is a fun game, to begin with. Challenge your friends and make the game interesting.
  • Question
    What is the chant used by some kids when they play hopscotch?
    Community Answer
    There may be many variations or different chants/songs, but the one I'm familiar with goes, "One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, knock at the door. Five, six, pick up sticks. Seven, eight, close the gate. Nine, ten, a big fat hen."
  • Question
    Can I play hopscotch with one leg?
    Community Answer
    Not regular hopscotch. You could probably make up special rules for one-legged hopscotch.
  • Question
    How does one score points in this game?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    Traditionally, hopscotch doesn't have points. However, the player who lands their rock in the most squares and successfully completes the course the most times is considered to have the highest total.
  • Question
    Who invented hopscotch?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    Hopscotch was created in Great Britain during the early Roman empire. Hopscotch courts were 100+ feet long and games were used as a military training exercise for soldiers.
  • Question
    Can you use a hand to balance when picking up the stone?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    You can steady your balance in whatever way you need, but you may not touch the ground using either hand when picking up the stone.
  • Question
    Can you jump rope while playing?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    Absolutely! Jumping rope while hopping on one foot adds an extra layer of difficulty for a more challenging hopscotch game.
  • Question
    How big should the rock or flat object be?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    The rock should ideally be about the size of your palm. However, choose a rock that's small enough to land inside each square comfortably.
  • Question
    Where can we play this game?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    This game can be played outdoors using chalk to draw the board or indoors using pillows or masking tape to create the hopscotch grid.
  • Question
    Is hopscotch okay for health purposes? Or is it dangerous?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    Hopscotch is completely safe. However, if you are suffering from a leg injury, it might be best to sit out until you recover.
  • Question
    How many players can we have?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    You can play hopscotch alone or with as many players as your heart desires. But it's generally recommended to start separate games if you have more than 5 players so the games don't take too long.
  • Question
    What do you do when you get to the number 10?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    When you reach the number 10 (the end of the board), turn around while remaining on one foot and hop back through the rest of the board. You can also deem 10 "Heaven" and make it a safe zone to place a foot down and regain your balance.
  • Question
    What if I don’t have a chalk?
    Finn Kobler
    Community Answer
    Consider making your hopscotch board out of masking tape. It's a great chalk alternative and easy for clean-up!
  • Question
    How do I win? Is there even a winner?
    Community Answer
    Yes there is a winner. A person will win the game if they reach the last number, which in most places its ten. When you first play the game, you start in square one and go up one square every time it is your turn, unless you miss.
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