Q&A for How to Praise God (Christianity)

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    How often should you praise God?
    Zachary Rainey
    Ordained Minister
    Rev. Zachary B. Rainey is an ordained minister with over 40 years of ministry and pastoral practice, including over 10 years as a hospice chaplain. He is a graduate of Northpoint Bible College and a member of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.
    Ordained Minister
    Expert Answer
    Prayer is talking to God, and a conversation with God never ends. A Christian should “pray without ceasing.” You should begin your day with focused prayer, continue to pray in your heart as you perform your activities of the day, take breaks throughout the day to speak directly to God in prayer, and retire to bed with another time of prayer
  • Question
    How will one be awaer that his prayer has been answered by God?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes you won't know until it happens. If you pray for someone to get over their sickness, and their sickness leaves, then the prayer is answered. If you pray for someone to get over their sickness, but they die from it, then it has been answered, but not in the way you want it to.
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    How does God inhabit the praises of His people?
    Community Answer
    When people send up praise outspoken and silent together, then God personally through his Presence and Power and Self resides, descends with them and moves among them. His Presence is felt and usually more Outspoken Praise is lifted up as He moves and inhabits their bodies, minds and aligns their souls with His Presence.
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    Am I supposed to praise God at church, or is it supposed to come from my heart?
    Community Answer
    Going to church is a part of praising God, but it comes from your heart as well. Going to church gives you the opportunity to build a community and share your praise with other believers, but private praise is important too.
  • Question
    Why are only white people in the illustrations? Is Christianity for all people?
    Community Answer
    Most likely, the person who drew the illustrations is white and just drew the types of people they are most familiar with. Christianity is open to all people and has nothing to do with race.
  • Question
    How can I be sure that God hears me? Does the devil tell me that he doesn't?
    Community Answer
    It's by faith alone. Leave everything to God, he hears you. Keep praising him. Don't listen to the doubts and negativity.
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    Should we practice praying by saying the same prayer every time?
    Community Answer
    There is nothing wrong with consistency in your prayers, but if there is something you feel like adding in addition to your normal prayer, go for it! God just likes to hear His children talk to Him. He doesn't judge your prayer style!
  • Question
    Does this apply for all religions?
    Community Answer
    Christianity is a belief that, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of the living God, our acceptance through faith in that act covers our sins and leads to our personal salvation. There are virtually no other religions that hold that view. The Bible is clear in stating that faith in God through Jesus Christ and His death on the cross to wash away sins is the only path to salvation and a heavenly life after death.
  • Question
    How can someone know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the voice he hears is God's voice?
    Community Answer
    His voice will be soft, gentle, positive, most times in stillness. As if a whisper floated through both your ears and heart at the same time. It causes you to stop and wait for more words.
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    How do I maintain faith after prayer and avoid thinking about the problem I have prayed for?
    Community Answer
    After praying, say, "In faith I receive the answer to this prayer." Then thank God for hearing your prayer. Read Mark 11:24. Praise God for the answer as though it has already happened, and soon enough you will see it manifest. If the problem is concerning someone that you need to forgive, make sure you pray for them as you would want someone to pray for you. Do this whenever they come to mind. This will not only free your heart from any bitterness, but it will free them to receive blessings from God. Jesus prayed for those who crucified Him.
  • Question
    Why is praise important to God?
    Community Answer
    Because God deserves it. He chose to save us, because he loves. We don't deserve the life he gives us so we praise him because he is good. We could never give him all the praise he deserves because we're human, but we should still try anyways.
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    How do I start my prayers when praising God?
    Community Answer
    You could start your prayers however you want. But some examples could be "Dear Lord, I praise you," "God, I love you, and I put you above all things," and "Father, you are amazing. I cannot describe my love for you."
  • Question
    Does God hear my prayers if I am not a Christian?
    Community Answer
    God hears everyone's prayers. He is all-knowing and all-seeing/hearing.
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    If I'm Christian and in a relationship, like boyfriend and girlfriend, is it okay to kiss, or is it a sin?
    Community Answer
    Kissing is absolutely not a sin! You might get into questionable territory if the way you're kissing is super unchaste (like, kissing while lying on top of each other or kissing body parts that should be reserved for marriage), that's not so good because it could lead you into sin, but otherwise? Of course not! Kissing is a beautiful way to celebrate chaste relationships.
  • Question
    Will God heal chronic diseases?
    Community Answer
    There have been healing instances on holy grounds like in France near St. Bernadette's site. It is upon faith and work, that is if both are holy and pure toward God, faith would allow itself to bring healing.
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    Am I allowed to convert an atheist into a Christian?
    Community Answer
    No one is allowed to convert anyone to anything. If you want to share your beliefs with others, that is fine, as long as they want to hear it. (1) The best way to 'share' your beliefs is to show by example. If you call yourself a Christian, are you living your life according to God's laws in every detail, which culminate in the two mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 22:37-40 (2) Pray for this person, their troubles, their fears and leave the 'converting' to God. Pray directly to God, through Jesus, i.e. in the name of Jesus.
  • Question
    What is meant when someone says: "Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come"?
    Community Answer
    "Hallowed" simply means "holy"; "hallowed be thy name" means "God, you are holy." "Thy kingdom come" is another way of saying "I want God to reign over the earth and all to recognize His glory."
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