Q&A for How to Sign a Letter

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    How should I sign off on a letter to my doctor?
    Community Answer
    You should just put your first and last name, and then your phone number.
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    Can I sign a letter 'respectful regards'?
    Community Answer
    You can sign it "Respectfully," or "Regards," but "respectful regards" is not a common signature.
  • Question
    Where should I put the title under my name? Should there be a space?
    Community Answer
    If your name is Mary and you are a Director of Communications, you would sign your name, then write Director of Communications underneath, with no space between the lines.
  • Question
    When signing a letter: Love, "Uncle Dan and family" does the "f" in family get capitalized?
    Community Answer
    No. Do not capitalize it because it is not a proper noun.
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    Do I sign my name above or below my typed name?
    Community Answer
    Above, generally. That's why it says to type three returns before your typed name - to leave space for your signature.
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    Should I use the "Dr." title in the name?
    Community Answer
    Yes, unless the recipient indicates otherwise.
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    When signing a letter "love," is the "l" lowercase?
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    What is the term for the closing statement in a formal letter?
    Community Answer
    A closing statement is called a "valediction" or a "closing"; these terms go with the opening statement, also called a "greeting" or "salutation."
  • Question
    How do I sign a letter stating I am grateful, with gratitude or gratefully?
    Community Answer
    The normal language formula used at the end of a letter usually starts or ends with the word "yours." For example: "Yours Faithfully," "Truly Yours," "Yours Forever," and so on. Gratitude is a noun, while gratefully is an adjective. Saying "Yours Gratitude" makes no grammatical sense, compared to other language formulas. But "Yours Faithfully" is the right and correct language formula that can be used at the end of a formal/informal letter, depending on the reason for such appreciation.
  • Question
    When is okay to sign a letter with only my first name?
    Aidan Cruse
    Community Answer
    Use your first name only with people you know. When writing to your boss, write your full name. When writing to a friend, family member, or colleague, you can use your first.
  • Question
    How do I write a letter requesting a favor?
    Community Answer
    Just say something like this: “Dear X, I need to ask you a favor and that favor is (………………) Thanks, (……………).
  • Question
    When sending a thank you to a child in church, do you sign with your first and last name or Mrs. So and So?
    Emery Cailin
    Top Answerer
    Sign the letter with whatever the child calls you. So if they call you by your first name, sign that, but if they call you Mrs. So and So, sign with that so they don't get confused.
  • Question
    Do I have to sign after writing yours sincerely, then I sign?
    Emery Cailin
    Top Answerer
    Yes. After writing "yours sincerely" you would indent to a new line, then sign your name.
  • Question
    For the signature, can it be an organization's name? Or does it have to be someone's legal name?
    Top Answerer
    Since an "organization" cannot furnish a signature, whoever actually signs the letter should place his/her name below the signature, perhaps followed by his/her position in the organization.
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