Q&A for How to Speak American English

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    How can I practice speaking with an American English dialect?
    Patrick Muñoz
    Voice & Speech Coach
    Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association.
    Voice & Speech Coach
    Expert Answer
    Watch YouTube videos or movies with American actors and try to imitate how they pronounce the words.
  • Question
    I watch foreign TV series such as Supernatural, Sherlock, Flash, etc. Will that be helpful for my fluent speaking skills?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it can help, especially if you are watching without subtitles in your native language. However, do keep in mind that shows produced and set in the U.K. such as Sherlock use British English rather than American English. It will still help your English overall, but if you want to sound American in particular you may wish to stick to American shows and movies.
  • Question
    Will listening to and singing English songs improve my American accent?
    Community Answer
    It might help. Go with children's songs or simple songs with a slow pace -- often pronunciation is slurred in music, so singing the wrong kind of songs won't help.
  • Question
    Is American English the same thing as English?
    Community Answer
    There are different types of English. Words in American English are pronounced differently than they are in Australian English, for example. Same words, different pronunciations.
  • Question
    Is Indian English different from American English?
    Community Answer
    Indian English is different from American English in terms rhythm and pronunciation.
  • Question
    I have an Indian accent. Can I have an American accent?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Copy native speakers of American English. If you don't know any Americans, there are many Americans speaking online.
  • Question
    How do I get over an inferiority complex arising from not being able to communicate in English?
    Community Answer
    No one is perfectly fluent at first, that's nothing to be insecure over, and most Americans (nice ones anyway) are willing to help someone who is a relatively new English speaker if they can't remember a certain word or phrase. It's great that you're learning a new language. As long as you keep practicing, you'll find yourself getting better and better at it.
  • Question
    I have a Spanish accent. Can I have an English accent?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can, all you have to do is learn and never give up.
  • Question
    Is it important to know American English?
    Community Answer
    It may be useful if you're visiting the United States, but if you already fluently speak another English dialect, you'll generally be able to make yourself understood to Americans. Just try to avoid too many colloquialisms when speaking with Americans, and if they do the same, you'll have basically no trouble communicating.
  • Question
    Will watching movies like Harry Potter help improve American English?
    Community Answer
    No. The characters in Harry Potter speak British English.
  • Question
    Why do people try to speak in an American accent?
    Community Answer
    Some people want to sound like locals.
  • Question
    How can I make American friends?
    Community Answer
    Don't be afraid to talk to them; most Americans are taught to be very accepting of other cultures and people.
  • Question
    Are there any differences between American and Canadian accents?
    Community Answer
    Yes. While many people in Canada have accents similar to those of people in New York, they often have a heavy French influence. (In fact, many people in Canada are fluent in French.)
  • Question
    Can I learn how to speak with an American accent if I have a Pakistani accent?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Listen to American speakers as much as possible and practice with a native speaker if you can.
  • Question
    I barely can speak any English, and it's so bad that I can't even talk in public due to my Egyptian accent and how horrible it is. Is there hope for me getting an American accent?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Just put in the effort, smile and practice.
  • Question
    How do I find Americans to practice my English with online?
    Community Answer
    There is a website where people can meet and practice the language of their interest called conversationexchange.com. I met American people there and have been practicing English with them for several years.
  • Question
    How do you learn to speak English quickly?
    Community Answer
    As you get more comfortable with the language, speed will come. Practice!
  • Question
    Will watching American news help my English?
    Samaritan Peace
    Community Answer
    You will definitely benefit from watching American news. The reporters and journalists speak English in a more clear and well-pronounced manner.
  • Question
    Is it possible for me as an Australian to adopt this accent without being made fun of?
    Community Answer
    I believe so. If you're worried, then practice a lot on your own before using the accent around other people. That way you'll know the accent is more believable and you'll have more confidence when you're speaking.
  • Question
    How can I improve my speaking power?
    Community Answer
    Just practice your speaking skills! Conversation Exchange is a website that can help you to find good people with whom you can practice the language you are learning.
  • Question
    I know how to speak English well, but I don't have the American accent. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Well, there are many accents from different parts of America because America is a very large country. For this reason, a lot of people trying to develop an American accent fail because they try to combine them all, so they end up sounding nothing like a real American. You should pick an accent from one area of the country first - Southern, Midwestern, Bostonian, etc. You can find videos of people speaking in this accent and try to mimic how they sound. Record yourself speaking to compare it to what you hear in the videos.
  • Question
    Where can I find lessons on American speaking online?
    Community Answer
    You can search for English-speaking lessons on YouTube, which would probably give you the best advice.
  • Question
    Can I learn an American accent in four days if I am Indian?
    Community Answer
    You can do anything you set your mind to. Just practice as much as possible over the next four days. Converse with people and ask them to tell you how your accent sounds. If you believe in yourself, you can do it.
  • Question
    What can I do if people laugh at me when I try to speak American English?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes people just laugh when they find something cute or amusing, or even when they're uncomfortable. They're probably not trying to make fun of you. If someone in particular is doing this and it really upsets you, ask them to stop.
  • Question
    How do I ask for the toilet in American English?
    Community Answer
    This is not a problem. You can say "restroom" or "washroom" instead of toilet.
  • Question
    Which English used in India, American or British?
    Top Answerer
    British English is more commonly used.
  • Question
    Does "How do you do" mean the same as "How are you doing," or is it more like "Nice to meet you"?
    Community Answer
    Despite what it sounds like it would mean, you've got it exactly right, it's closer to "Nice to meet you."
  • Question
    How do I find Americans speaking online?
    Top Answerer
    An obvious place online to hear American English spoken is a website for network news: ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. The newscasters speak well, and you could copy them.
  • Question
    How can I speak in an American accent if I have a Ghanaian accent?
    Top Answerer
    Imitate Americans speaking in movies, on TV or in online videos.
  • Question
    can I learn American English in one year?
    Top Answerer
    You can get a good start, but don't expect to sound exactly like an American in just a year.
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