Q&A for How to Swim Underwater Without Holding Your Nose

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    My friends make fun of me for holding my nose while swimming. How do I practice swimming without holding my nose?
    Felicity M.
    Community Answer
    Try exhaling through your nose in a shallow end of a pool until you are comfortable enough to try it in deeper waters. Also, practice when your friends aren't around until you are confident in your ability to swim without holding your nose.
  • Question
    When I swim I don't feel comfortable breathing out, and then I inhale water. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Practice in shallow water, with your feet on the bottom of the pool. Once you get used to that, it will be easier to keep water out of your nose while swimming.
  • Question
    If I learn how to not hold my nose underwater, how long can I stay underwater for?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how strong your lungs are. Some people can hold their breath for a while, while others have weaker lungs. Don't try to hold your breath for longer than it's comfortable to do so, and if you feel faint, immediately surface and get out of the water.
  • Question
    Whenever I swim and try this, water somehow manages to get inside my nose and it makes me nauseous. What do I do?
    Kathy Zhao
    Community Answer
    If you blow the air out of your nose, then water will not be able to get in. Try not to breathe with your nose, even when you come up for breath. Use your mouth to take in air and breathe it out through your nose.
  • Question
    How do I breathe underwater without goggles?
    Community Answer
    There is no way to breathe underwater with or without goggles unless you use a snorkel or breathing tank of some kind.
  • Question
    How can I prevent water from getting into my nose when I do a flip?
    Community Answer
    When I do a flip turn underwater, I usually keep my mouth shut and blow air out of my nose to prevent water from entering.
  • Question
    How can I go upside down without holding my nose?
    Community Answer
    Whenever you go upside down, try gently blowing air through your nose if you want to be sure that no water gets in. Don't worry if it gets in your nose, because it won't hurt you.
  • Question
    How long would it take for me to get used to being underwater without plugging my nose?
    Community Answer
    Start blowing bubbles out of your nose instead of plugging it; this will prevent water from getting up into your nostrils. It does not take very long to get used to it -- only about an hour. Just keep doing it so that it becomes habit for you!
  • Question
    If I jump into the pool, how do I keep water out of my nose?
    Community Answer
    I blow out of my nose lightly when I hit the surface of the water, which seems to do the trick. You can also just pinch your nose with two fingers if your hands are free, or dive in.
  • Question
    I can naturally close up my nose, and actually hate breathing through it. Is that normal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this is very normal. Many people can "close" their nose and never have any problems underwater.
  • Question
    Can I swim on river water?
    Community Answer
    Yes. But in case the current is strong, you should already know how to swim underwater without holding your nose. This way you can use both of your arms to swim better and fight the current.
  • Question
    I am only comfortable exhaling through the mouth. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    If you choose to exhale through your mouth and not your nose, you will need to hold your nose, or the water will go inside. There are some goggles available with the nose blockers.
  • Question
    How do I not get water in my nose and throat?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you don't inhale while you're underwater. Take a deep breath before you go into the water.
  • Question
    How can I learn to swim upside down underwater without holding my nose?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Upside down, the water will enter your nose cavity no matter what you do. You can use a nose clip, or exhale through your nose to reduce the water entering, but barring those, the water will enter. That's OK too, it's not that bad of a feeling. Just enjoy swimming.
  • Question
    Can I hold my breath without holding my nose in ocean water?
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    I cannot do this upside-down. I can swim fine without holding my nose otherwise, but whenever I try to do a flip turn (which I can do with a nose clip) or handstand, I get water up my nose. Advice?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Exhale through your nose during the flip. While air goes out, water cannot go in.
  • Question
    When I breathe out I can't hold my breath for very long after. What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The way our breathing works is that after exhaling, our body begs to breathe in. So if you're under water, exhale and stay under, you've not only let go of some air, but your body is also pushing you to inhale. The key to holding your breath longer is to inhale more. If you do some quick but deep inhale/exhale breaths, you fill up the smallest alveoli with unused oxygen. Then breathe three or four times at a normal speed to slow the heart rate down again, then inhale deeply and go under. Anyone can hold their breath for a minute; with a little practice, two should be achievable. The world record is about 15 minutes.
  • Question
    When I try this, I can only be underwater for a couple of seconds. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Just lift your head out of the water while still swimming, take a deep breath and put your head back in and exhale. If you are swimming front crawl, tilt your head left or right when you take a breath in.
  • Question
    Every time I try to blow air out of my nose underwater, water just goes right in and then I choke. I can't stop it and I want to not plug my nose. Any tips?
    Rey Starchaser
    Top Answerer
    Consider investing in a nose plug. It won't help for diving (as it will come off when you hit the water), but if you're just swimming, a good nose plug will hold your nostrils shut so you don't have to.
  • Question
    The air I exhale from my nose isn't enough to keep me under water for a while. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You won't be able to stay underwater for minutes at a time doing this. If you find you're only able to stay underwater for a few seconds, try breathing out slower.
  • Question
    Is holding my nose closed underwater bad?
    Community Answer
    It's not technically bad, but it slows you down and causes you to need more oxygen. It's better to not hold your nose if you're swimming for long distances so that you can use both arms to balance yourself out.
  • Question
    Scared of going under water without my nose being plugged and it's stopping me from having fun what do I do ?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    Try working your way up to swimming around without holding your nose. Start by getting used to putting your nose in shallow water for brief periods. Then, try to increase the duration you spend underwater. Eventually, you'll feel confident swimming around without plugging your nose.
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