Q&A for How to Take an Inch off Your Thighs

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    Is it true that doing lunges and squats does not help in burning thigh fat?
    Community Answer
    Not exactly. They help with improving muscle. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn.
  • Question
    Can doing lunges and squats help in reducing thigh fat?
    Community Answer
    Lunges and squats will build muscle, and burn calories as you are doing them. The real benefit will come afterwards though, because muscle mass burns more calories throughout the day. However, remember that fat loss happens equally throughout the body, so you will gain muscle on your legs and lose fat everywhere.
  • Question
    Does climbing stairs help in reducing thigh fat?
    Community Answer
    Yes, stair-climbing is a great exercise for toning thighs.
  • Question
    Can jumping jacks reduce thigh fat?
    Community Answer
    Yes, if you do enough of them to burn more calories than you consume.
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    How do I do this if I have bad knees?
    Community Answer
    Focus on your diet and on exercises like swimming that don't add stress to your knees.
  • Question
    I have flavored cornflakes for breakfast. Is this is good to reduce weight?
    Community Answer
    No. If you want to reduce weight, you shouldn't eat processed foods. Choose an egg or homemade oatmeal and fruit instead.
  • Question
    What kind of food can I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
    Community Answer
    Eat food that is packed with protein, and low in carbohydrates and sugar. You could also decrease the size of your portions.
  • Question
    I've been working out a lot just for my thighs - lunges, squats, etc., but my diet is the one thing I struggle with. My thighs are around 19 inches right now, but aren't slimming what should I do?
    Community Answer
    You can't really work out "just for your thighs," because you can't target fat loss to a specific area. What you can do is build muscle in the thighs to make them look more toned, which lunges and squats should help with. However, alongside that you need to burn fat overall by using a mix of intense cardio to burn calories and whole-body strength workouts which target all main muscle groups (look up some workouts online). You also need to address your diet, as weight loss of any kind is at least 70% based on diet, not exercise.
  • Question
    Does having a big butt make thighs bigger?
    Helen Bailey
    Community Answer
    Only slightly. If you have a large bust but are slim, then your thighs won't be too large. If you have extra weight with a large bust, you'll find that your thighs can be rather large.
  • Question
    I want to reduce my thighs seriously. Lunges and squats somehow build them up with muscles. What other exercises could I do?
    Community Answer
    Jumping jacks and full body work outs, such as plank, are all suitable exercises. They target all fat, not just spot removing.
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