Q&A for How to Talk to the Dead

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    My grandmother passed months ago. I was very rude to her when she was alive. I really cry every day for the cruel actions I did. I just want to tell her sorry for whatever I've done. Is there a way?
    Isabella Ambrose
    Community Answer
    Try the steps above. You can tell her that you deeply regret this and that you are sorry. Tell her you really love her and didn't really mean all of the things you said. Then, if you want to go the extra mile, ask if there is anything you can do to make her happy.
  • Question
    I want to speak to my grandfather and I want to ask him some questions - like does he watch over me or not, what he thinks I should do, etc. Do these techniques for talking to the dead really work?
    Community Answer
    Most of the time, you can answer some of these questions on your own. If he ever shows up in your dreams, it might be that he is watching over you, or trying to tell you something. It's most important to work out what to do for yourself though, it's what your grandfather would expect of a living human being.
  • Question
    What does it mean when my grandmother, who died 17 days ago, appears in my dreams?
    Community Answer
    It means that your memory is keeping her alive as you remember her. Enjoy the memory, it's special.
  • Question
    How do you get a bad spirit to stop talking to you?
    Community Answer
    Tell it you don't need its help, and you can do it on your own. This will help it understand it is not welcome.
  • Question
    How do I know if my dog is there?
    Community Answer
    If you don't have any other pets, try leaving food out and see if it disappears. You could also put out a toy and say "Move the toy, [dog's name]," then leave the room and come back to see if the toy has moved. Don't sit in the dog's favorite chair/spot on the couch for a while and check it for any indents.
  • Question
    I haven't had a dream with my mom for a long time. Is she still with me?
    Community Answer
    Your mother is definitely still with you. The fact that she hasn't appeared in your dreams most likely means that you have accepted that you won't see her physical form.
  • Question
    Can I contact a bad spirit or a bad entity while trying to contact a good spirit?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is possible to accidentally contact a bad spirit when you are seeking a good one.
  • Question
    Can a person want too hard to hear or see from their lost loved one?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If it is interfering with your life, seek therapy.
  • Question
    Is there anything that can help me communicate with my deceased mother?
    Community Answer
    Have an object that was precious to her. Try communicating in the place where she lived or died. If some other spirit tries to communicate with you, politely ask it to go away.
  • Question
    Can I contact a spirit by speaking to them?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It's possible for the spirits to hear you and manifest themselves if they choose.
  • Question
    How can I talk to any dead person?
    Community Answer
    Utilize a Ouija board, but be very careful.
  • Question
    If I'm trying to communicate with my dad and hear just breathing in response, is that him?
    Community Answer
    Maybe. Look for signs that only your dad knows you will recognize, or insist that he speak. The spirit world can mock us, so be aware that this could be an impostor.
  • Question
    If you do connect to a spirit, how are you supposed to end the conversation when you're finished talking to them?
    Community Answer
    Say goodbye and wait for the spirit to say it too. Some of the time they won't, so just tell them you'll talk to them another time, or say nothing if that's easier.
  • Question
    I want to talk to my father that has passed away, and I have never met him but he knows about me. What is the easiest way to talk to him?
    Community Answer
    Ask family members about your father's name, habits, etc. Then using the information go to the place he is most likely to be, and call him by name ("John Smith, are you there?"). Yes/No questions are best for the first time. Make sure you focus on the information you know about him, and if you can try to picture him when he was living.
  • Question
    Can I contact an inanimate object, say, a black sock for instance?
    Community Answer
    If you believe that inanimate objects have a life force, then it is possible. However, most people would consider this a pointless exercise.
  • Question
    What if the dead person comes in your dream? Does he actually come?
    Elinor Stirling
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. You may just be dreaming about the deceased person because you miss them or you're dreaming of the memories shared between you and the deceased person.
  • Question
    How can I talk to my late husband?
    Community Answer
    Take a charm of his and invite 2 other friends of yours to help you. You need to have candles and 1 table with 3 seats. Make a circle by combining your hands, then put the charm onto the table and say your late husband's name several times. As soon as you understand that the spirit is there ask it to answer no. Then the spirit will do something paranormal which means that everytime it does that it means no. Then ask it to say yes, and it will do something else which means that when it does that it means yes. To close the connection to the spirit world turn on the lights and blow out the candles.
  • Question
    What if I feel that it is not a deceased love one that has died but multiple spirits? What could I do then?
    Community Answer
    What makes you think that you are conversing with multiple spirits? Maybe you aren't getting answers that you want and therefore need to ask different questions. Consider finding other ways to remember your deceased loved one than this.
  • Question
    Are there chances that my grandmother will try to harm me when I communicate to her?
    Community Answer
    No, but you have to be really cautious because there is a good chance that an evil spirit could pretend to be your grandmother in order to harm you. Ask your grandmother questions only she would know the answer to, and if you suspect you're talking to someone else, end the session immediately.
  • Question
    When I was small, I had medium abilities, but now I don't. How can I get them back?
    Community Answer
    Practice, practice, practice. If you've had medium abilities in the past, then that indicates that you have had an active connection to the spirit world, so you just need to focus on finding and regaining that connection.
  • Question
    My uncle passed away recently in the morning, I want to talk to him but he is in a different country. Would I still be able to talk to him?
    Community Answer
    Most likely. With these strategies you can talk to the spirits wherever they are, unless these strategies don't actually work.
  • Question
    Is it possible to contact a deceased historical figure? If so, how can I make sure it's not an impostor?
    Community Answer
    Research that historical figure, and try to find some really obscure facts about them (like the name of a favorite teacher or relative), something not everybody would know. Then when you think you might be talking to that historical figure, ask them questions about this.
  • Question
    My grandparents often come into my dreams. Are they with me? How can I communicate with them? They died two years ago.
    Community Answer
    Well, it's unproven whether or not contacting the dead is possible. However, you can honor their memory by placing flowers by their grave, or maybe writing something in their memory. Hopefully that should ease the pain.
  • Question
    How can I get answers from my deceased pet?
    Community Answer
    You can enlist the help of an animal communicator. Or you can just do the same thing you would do with people (clearing your mind and believing), and it will work with practice.
  • Question
    How do I talk to a dead person I never met before?
    Community Answer
    You can use any type of spiritual contact device; just don’t ask for anyone specific.
  • Question
    Is it possible to contact my dead grandfather that died before I was born?
    Community Answer
    It is, first cleanse the room of bad spirits. You might try lighting a white candle or burning sage. Then ask your mom or dad for a charm. Something he owned or a picture of him. I suggest o use a Ouija board. Place the charm on the board. Then try to contact the spirits. Remember not to do this alone, or if you don't know what your doing.
  • Question
    I want to talk to my uncle who died on my birthday, how can I do that?
    Community Answer
    On your next birthday have someone wear exactly what he was wearing in the same place at the same time and let your uncle possess that person.
  • Question
    Can I talk to someone who is not dead through my mind?
    Community Answer
    No. That's not possible.
  • Question
    How do I know that I will be okay when I die?
    Community Answer
    There's no way of knowing anything about death for sure, but since millions of years went by before you existed, it might be safe to assume that death would be very similar to that, in which case you will be just fine.
  • Question
    How can I connect with my husband? I lost him a month ago and I really can't live without him.
    Community Answer
    I used my deceased husband's inscribed bracelet to connect with him. It's very hard to live without him, but we communicate daily, and this makes my time here more bearable.
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