Q&A for How to Tell if Your Guy Friend Is Gay

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    How do you ask someone what is their sexuality?
    Kateri Berasi, PsyD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Dr. Kateri Berasi is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and the Founder of Transcendent Self, PLLC, a group therapy practice offering affirmative, collaborative, and intentional care, based in Brooklyn, New York. With over ten years of experience in the mental health field, Dr. Berasi specializes in working with adults from the LGBTQIA+ community and creative industries through individual therapy, couples counseling, group therapy, and costume therapy. She holds a BA in Psychology, Art History, and French Language and Literature from George Washington University and an MA and MEd in Mental Health Counseling from Columbia University. Dr. Berasi also holds a PsyD in Clinical Psychology from Long Island University.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    Well, you just ask. Before talking with someone about their sexuality, though, ask yourself why you want to know this, and why it matters to you. If you are inquiring due to a desire to find connection or from a place of empathy or support, these are good indicators that your question is more likely to be well received and possibly helpful as opposed to harmful or hurtful.
  • Question
    Why does my friend try spend time with me whenever he gets a chance?
    Community Answer
    Because that is what friends do. It does not at all mean that he's gay. And so what if he is? Gay guys need friends, too.
  • Question
    I have a crush on this guy who sometimes flirts with me. I have a sneaking suspicion he is bisexual or asexual. How can I tell?
    Top Answerer
    The only way to tell for sure is if he tells you. If he is flirting with you, there is a good possibility that he is attracted to you, though.
  • Question
    If you are not interested in sports or outdoorsy and most of the people you know are girls, does that make you gay?
    Top Answerer
    No. The only thing that makes you gay is being attracted to people of the same gender.
  • Question
    If I hang out with all girls does that mean I'm gay?
    Community Answer
    No. The only way you're gay is if you feel romantic, sexual, and/or intimate feelings to men specifically.
  • Question
    Is it possible that my friend is gay and lying to me about being straight?
    Top Answerer
    It is possible. You may want to consider why he is lying or making up excuses. He might be afraid of how you will treat him if he admits to being gay, or he may just not be ready to be 'out' yet. For some gay people, it is very difficult to accept one's own sexuality, especially if they grew up being told that it's terrible to be gay, and even if other people are accepting they are still ashamed to admit it because of this. It's also possible that he just isn't gay and you are mistaken. Either way, it's probably annoying him if you keep asking or insisting that he's gay; I would suggest that you leave it alone.
  • Question
    My son has started bringing his pal home to "crash" at our house. This is fine, and he was to sleep in the spare room. I've noticed they have both been sleeping in my son's room. Should I ask if they're gay?
    Top Answerer
    Don't ask, and try not to assume. Just give him space. If your son is gay, hopefully he will tell you in his own time.
  • Question
    What should I do if my friend gets defensive or angry when I ask them if they're gay?
    Community Answer
    It's a touchy subject for many people. If your friend gets defensive, you can try reassuring them that you aren't judging them at all and that you have no problem with them being gay if they are, but if they still seem reluctant to talk about it, back off and drop the subject.
  • Question
    What if I have a crush on a guy who might be gay, but I'm too afraid to ask him?
    Community Answer
    Find a right time to talk to him about your crush on him, knowing full well he might be gay. Be patient and don't push him too hard to like you, respecting his choice and being completely understanding of anything he has to tell you. If he doesn't like you that way, it's okay, as there are lots of guys out there. Don't treat it as a rejection either, it's just a fact of life and you're not expected to know.
  • Question
    If a person looks straight, is that a pretty good indicator that they're not gay?
    Community Answer
    You can and should never judge a person's sexual orientation based on how they look.
  • Question
    What if he starts to kiss me?
    Community Answer
    If you like it, then enjoy it! If you don't, then gently (but assertively) make it clear that you're not interested in him romantically and would like him to stop.
  • Question
    My friend says he wants to see my penis. Is he gay?
    Community Answer
    Assuming he wasn't joking, then probably, but you should let him know if this kind of comment/request makes you uncomfortable so he will stop in the future.
  • Question
    My friend asked me if I was interested in guys. Does this mean he likes me?
    Community Answer
    Maybe he was just curious, or he could be asking it because he's gay and wanted to know if you are, too.
  • Question
    I am a soft spoken person, and I am gay. I'm in love with this straight guy, but he is homophobic. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You should forget him and find you a nice gay man!
  • Question
    If he jokes about having had sex with his (male) friends before, could he be gay?
    Top Answerer
    He could be gay, but there are also straight men who make jokes like this. If he actually has had sex with his male friends, he might not necessarily be gay, he could be bisexual, or he could identify as straight and just have decided to experiment.
  • Question
    Someone says that he likes me, but I have a feeling that he is a bisexual. What should I do or how should I react?
    Hazel Meehan
    Community Answer
    You could confront your friend and ask him about it. You could also just leave it, if he wants to come out to you he may want to do it on his own terms. Him being bisexual doesn't change the fact that he likes you.
  • Question
    My friend came out to me as bi. Although he said he has a preference for women and has a crush on a girl, he has never had a girlfriend. I have a crush on him and he flirts with me a lot. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Go ahead and tell him that you've got a little crush on him. He may be interested. If he isn't, play it cool and go back to being friends.
  • Question
    My friend hates gays, is he secretly gay?
    Top Answerer
    He could be, but there are a lot more straight people who hate gays than there are closeted gay people who hate gays.
  • Question
    What cure can be taken to stop being gay?
    Community Answer
    There is no cure; being gay is not a disease. I'm sorry you're struggling, but understand that you're normal; your sexuality is okay. You're not a bad person and you deserve to love and be loved just like everyone else. I hope you find a support system and learn to accept yourself.
  • Question
    I'm thinking I am bisexual, but I'm not really sure. What can I do to make sure?
    Community Answer
    Just be patient and wait. You will figure it out over time. There is no urgent need to label yourself. Living honestly and doing what makes you happy is what's important. If someone asks, you can just be honest and say you're still figuring it out.
  • Question
    I'm dating a man who is gay and in the closet. A lot of times he seems uninterested in having sex. Am I fighting a losing battle?
    Community Answer
    This depends on the type of relationship you want with him. While sex is a big part of a healthy relationship, relationship are more than just sex. Try talking to him openly and honestly about how you feel, but never ever force him or anyone into having sex if it isn't what they want.
  • Question
    My son has his nose pierced. Is he gay?
    Top Answerer
    Many straight young men have piercings in a variety of places, including their nose. You can't tell if someone is gay from something like this.
  • Question
    We believe our friend at school is gay. What do we do?
    Moon Caroon
    Community Answer
    If he is, in fact, gay, continue being friends with him. His sexuality does not hurt you.
  • Question
    I'm straight and people keep thinking that I'm gay. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Honestly, just ignore them. As long as you know what you are, that's the only thing that matters.
  • Question
    I fear that my husband is gay. Is there a way to find out?
    Community Answer
    Don't snoop on him, it's very intrusive. Although he may be your husband and you expect him to tell you everything, some things are hard to talk about. Ask him about it. He may be trying to figure out a way to tell you and if you bring it up that will relieve some of his worry. Open communication is key.
  • Question
    I think and feel that my partner is gay, but he denied it when I asked. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You need to trust your partner to make their own decisions about their sexuality and not assume things about them.
  • Question
    My "friend" doesn't show match the typical gay stereotypes, however I have always thought he might be gay. He said his friends call him gay, but they might just be joking around because they're 12.
    Community Answer
    Not all gay people fit into stereotypes. It's possible that he told you about his other friends calling him gay because he wanted to see what you'd say. Gay people often try to feel someone out before coming out to them to see how they react to the subject. Ultimately, it's up to him to decide when he's ready to tell people he's gay. He might not even be sure himself yet, and for that matter, he might not be gay at all. Just focus on being a supportive friend.
  • Question
    Why does everyone think gay people like shopping?
    Top Answerer
    There is a stereotype that women like to shop, and a stereotype that all gay men are feminine. So many people assume gay men like to go shopping. Of course, these stereotypes are not universally true at all - not all women like to shop, not all gay men are effeminate, and whether or not they are effeminate does not determine how much they enjoy shopping.
  • Question
    How can I tell my friend that I am gay?
    Community Answer
    Make plans alone with your friend in a space that you feel comfortable in, then tell him you have something to say and you hope he will understand. After you tell him, you can ask if he has any questions, and if he is your true friend, he will support you.
  • Question
    Is it probable that men who have been single all of their life are gay?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. Being single does not equal being gay. Some men are bisexual, or are even asexual--meaning they don't find anyone attractive! They could also just hate the idea of being in a committed relationship. Chances are, he's straight, but he just hasn't found anyone yet.
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