Q&A for How to Treat a Woman

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    My girlfriend always disrespects me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Calmly talk to her about how you feel, and ask that she stop saying the things that you find disrespectful. If she refuses to do so, find someone else.
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    My girlfriend always gives out her cell numbers to other men. Is it right to compain or should I just sit back and do nothing about that?
    Community Answer
    Let her know (gently) that you're bothered by her doing that, and explain why. If she cares for you, she'll stop.
  • Question
    How do you treat your woman?
    Phyllis Dawson Roberts
    Community Answer
    With the same respect and dignity that you expect for yourself. And if you do not think highly of yourself, think of the person you admire most in life and emulate that. Women are deserving of respect, kindness, love, honor, dignity, and the whole gamut of adjectives that intel just how to treat her right.
  • Question
    Is respecting women easy?
    Top Answerer
    Is respecting other guys easy? Women are people. There's no special handbook on respecting them. Just treat them like people.
  • Question
    My girlfriend is a strong woman, polite, kind, and respectful. The problem is, I made a big mistake when I treated her like a kid. She's doesn't love me anymore. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Give her a genuine apology, tell her that you know what you did was wrong, and promise things will be different in the future. Then make every effort to change your behavior. Keep in mind that she may need some time and space to forgive you, or she may not forgive you at all, and you will have to accept whatever she decides.
  • Question
    Whenever my girlfriend is broke, she will be so stressed that she won't want to talk to me. Should I ignore her too?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes your girlfriend will want or need space and time, but secretly she needs someone to lean on during these times. Ask if there is a time when you can come over, and just be kind and considerate, even if that occurs in silence. Responding with anger yourself isn't going to make either of you feel better. Alternatively, sit down with her and ask her what you can do to make her feel better when she doesn't want to talk. That way you'll know exactly how to help in the future.
  • Question
    How do I fix the jealousy thing? My girl gets jealous if i just look at another woman.
    Community Answer
    How long are you letting your eyes linger on other woman? If you're obviously checking another woman out, you shouldn't blame her for being upset or offended. Control your gaze, and invest in assuring her of your affections and her beauty in your eyes. Jealousy often stems from insecurity, and you can't necessarily fix that, but you can do a lot to set her heart at ease.
  • Question
    How do I get my boyfriend to stop comparing me to the girls he sees?
    Community Answer
    Being honest with your partner is one of the most important things in a relationship, so you have tell him what you truly feel, which is that he's hurting your feelings with his words and behaviors. Once you're open and honest with him, the two of you can talk about the solution to your problems.
  • Question
    How do I apologize to my girlfriend after a long breakup?
    Community Answer
    Show her that you have changed since the breakup. Often when girls break up with people, it's because of differences in habits, life goals, etc. Whatever the issue was at the time, show her that you deserve a second chance.
  • Question
    Why shouldn't I open doors for her? That's one of the most basic forms of courtesy.
    Community Answer
    It is, but only if she thinks of it that way. Some women, for whatever reason, may find it demeaning or like you are implying she can't be independent when you do things like that. Get to know your woman, and find out what she wants.
  • Question
    Is it rude for me to tell my girl to stop telling me about when other men approach her?
    Community Answer
    It's not rude for you to ASK your girlfriend to stop telling you about this. Don't get angry or upset about it, just calmly tell her how it makes you feel and that you'd prefer she stop.
  • Question
    What can I do if I lost my woman's trust? How do I get it back?
    Community Answer
    Apologize for whatever you did, and if possible, explain why you did it. Tell her it will never happen again. Sending her flowers would be a nice gesture. Don't expect her to forgive you or trust you again right away; it may take time. Be patient, and don't pester her while she thinks things over.
  • Question
    I have been acting wrongly and selfish to my woman, and now she is feeling tired and frustrated. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You should apologize to her for acting wrongly. After that, you should suggest reconciling with her.
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    How can I be nicer to her when I am protecting her from others that will hurt her and she does not see that?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The times when men were the protectors of women are long gone. Sure, do your best to protect her, but do not smother her, don't keep her inside, don't lock her away from the world. People are flowers who need sunlight to shine; keep her away from the sun and she'll wither away. If others are hurting her, well, that's life. You can confront them with their behavior, or help your woman learn how to confront this, but it's really her fight first, you simply have to be there for her if she gets hurt.
  • Question
    My girlfriend doesn't give me any attention. What am I supposed to do?
    Community Answer
    That's a tough situation to be in. Like anyone else, you deserve attention from your partner. If you want to make the relationship work, then sit down with her and talk about what you need from her (time, attention, affection, etc.). She might not realize that your needs are going unmet - maybe she's distracted with friends, work, or school. Hopefully talking to her will be enough to fix the problem. If not, you may need to reconsider whether you want to stay in the relationship.
  • Question
    What can I do? I love my man and we have a kid together, but he still acts like a child. He knows how he wants me to treat him but he doesn't always do the same. He doesn't help with house work or cooking, and if I'm too tired he doesn't care.
    Community Answer
    You need to talk to him and get in his face about it because he's obviously not treating you properly.
  • Question
    What should I do if my boyfriend won't take me out?
    Community Answer
    You could try suggesting places or things to do in passing, just as a general comment. For example, you could suggest that the two of you try a local restaurant together. Make sure you're telling him the things you like often; otherwise he won't know how to make you happy. However, don't be overly demanding -- make light of it, drop little hints, and joke about things you would like to do. If he really refuses to take you out and there isn't a reason, that is an issue you need to discuss.
  • Question
    I am in love with a lady but she has two kids already. I just need someone to shed more light on this. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    I was a single mom of two and found a man that loves my kids just as much as his. Be prepared for a good amount of drama if the father is in the picture. Remember the kids will always come first.
  • Question
    How can I regain my trust after finding out that my wife has slept or had sex with another man?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend seeking out professional counseling if possible. Overcoming infidelity can be very difficult for some people without guidance.
  • Question
    My girlfriend has a best friend and their relationship looks like they are dating but they claims they aren't. How do I manage our relationship, make her happy and not be jealous of their friendship?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The more friends she has, the richer she is as a person, and the more experiences she has. Do you want to love someone boring and shy, stay-at-home yes-sayer with nothing to tell you about? It's good for her, and you, to do exciting and fun things with other people, because you can share these stories afterwards. It's OK to be a little jealous. What you do is look at her. She's undoubtedly an amazing person, and she has chosen you to be her boyfriend. Put your trust in her. After all, she wasn't forced into a relationship with you, she chose it. Trust yourself that you will deal with whatever issues come up in the future. For now, hug her, kiss her, love her and let her know you trust her.
  • Question
    My girlfriend is very young, 25, has an awesome and friendly personality, and she talks to all kinds of guys as friends. It's hard for me to adjust to that. How do I deal with this?
    Community Answer
    If you can't trust her to talk to them without growing apart from or cheating on you, then you need to address how you feel about her and whether you think you can have a relationship. Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship, after all! If you're uncomfortable with it, you can always talk to her about your feelings, but make sure you remember that she's allowed to talk to other men and it's you who needs to address your own emotions. A counselor or therapist can help process these in a healthy fashion and develop strategies for dealing with it.
  • Question
    My wife always curses at me and acts crazy when we fight. I've told her this hurts me, but she says she can't change. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You should seek marriage counseling. It sounds like she needs some professional help, and getting an outside perspective would be beneficial for both of you.
  • Question
    My ex-girlfriend and I have a prepaid trip planned together. I am open to rekindling, she is in friend mode. How should I act to give us the best chance to see if we could ever try again?
    Community Answer
    Start off by accepting the friend role and be the best friend you can be to her. This may convince her to give you another chance in a relationship.
  • Question
    My wife seems difficult to love, I do most of the cooking, cleaning etc. Although, she a very busy professional career woman, she does not show appreciation of things and starves me with sex. Advice?
    Makayla_ Miles
    Community Answer
    When she comes home from work prepare a romantic dinner. Then watch a really erotic movie together. When is turned on, treat her to a sex toy or two.
  • Question
    Why shouldn’t I open a door for her? I open doors for strangers.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The times have changed. Women were never incapable of opening their own doors, but they have been treated as oh-so-breakable for a very long time. There's nothing wrong with opening a door for other people, but there is if you only do it for women.
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