Q&A for How to Use the Walmart Self‐Checkout

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    Can you manually type in the number if your card won't swipe?
    Community Answer
    No. An employee will have to come help you swipe your card. If they still have a problem, they will help you and bring your transaction to the machine with your preceding "receipt," and they can take your payment from there.
  • Question
    Can I use a Walmart gift card at the self check out?
    Community Answer
    Yes, Walmart gift cards are accepted at the self check out. Just tap the "Walmart Gift Card" option after you tap "Checkout". Swipe the card in the machine, scan the bar code from the Gift Card, and the system should accept your card.
  • Question
    If paying with cash, do I need the correct change?
    Community Answer
    No, it'll give you change if you put in too much money.
  • Question
    Can I buy gift cards at self checkout?
    Community Answer
    Talk with the employee manning the self checkouts for help. There is a button on the machine for it, but it's best to talk with the employee first before using it.
  • Question
    Can I self check out with my Walmart pay app?
    Community Answer
    You should be able to, if the QR code barcode is there near the card machine. Most are being set up for that payment method.
  • Question
    Why does my chip card not work at Walmart even though it works at other merchants?
    Community Answer
    Some Walmarts don't offer chip card technology just yet. But be prepared, it is on the way. This technology is being phased in slowly for some states.
  • Question
    Could a thirteen year-old use the self checkout?
    Community Answer
    The self-checkout is simple enough that some children as young as 13 or 14 could use it by themselves, if you can keep an eye on them in the process to ensure all items get scanned only once.
  • Question
    Can I pay with a check at the self checkout machine?
    Community Answer
    No. However, tap the "Help" button on the machine and the separate Walmart cashier can help you at their nearby register with checks if you've already begun scanning items.
  • Question
    Can I buy a lighter in the self checkout?
    Community Answer
    As long as the lighter has a barcode, it can get scanned through the self-checkout. It may, however, ask you to verify your age through the self-checkout employee's code.
  • Question
    What if I forget to get my cash back from the machine?
    Community Answer
    Talk to a customer service employee.
  • Question
    Can I change quantity of items? For instance, I'd like to buy 12 candy bars. Is there a feature that allows me to scan once and change quantity?
    Community Answer
    No. You must scan each item individually.
  • Question
    After I click Finish and Pay, is there another button I click?
    Community Answer
    You may also need to tell the system what type of payment you are using.
  • Question
    Will I be arrested if I walk off thinking I paid for something & the machine didn't accept it?
    Top Answerer
    You will likely be arrested when caught. However, if you have doubts about whether the machine accepted something, press the Help button to ask for help. You will be glad you did - there are high fines and you could be put into jail if you leave without paying for something.
  • Question
    Can I get cash back at self checkout?
    Community Answer
    As long as your bank's card has that feature attached to the debit card you use, it should allow you to receive cash back. However, you may want to check this out with the employee nearby, as this is an uncommon situation.
  • Question
    Is there a scale under the bags?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the whole area underneath the bags is a scale, as was previously stated in the article.
  • Question
    Can I get a gift receipt at the self checkout?
    Community Answer
    Ask the employee manning the self checkouts for a duplicate. Although you won't be able to from the self checkout yourself, with their help, you can grab a gift receipt from them.
  • Question
    Can I use the self checkout if I am purchasing alcohol?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but only with an employee's help. The system will throw up an error and have the self checkout register people come check your age. They will help you get by the system prompts. They will still ID you for age verification and get you past the error with a few taps of their employee information.
  • Question
    Why does it often ask you if you don't want to bag an item when you did place it in the bag?
    Community Answer
    The machine can't calculate the weight on items that are very light in weight. The message is also triggered for items that are generally not bagged when purchased. Take, for example, sunglasses are rarely bagged, so the machine is smart enough to know that you might not need to bag them, and asks you. You can touch the “I don’t want to bag this item” button when it displays, if desired.
  • Question
    Can I get cash back when paying with a debit card?
    Top Answerer
    As long as your card will allow it, you can get cash back using the machine and card reader. It may ask how much you'd like back, and the same cash place to receive your change, you'll receive your cash back amount in bills.
  • Question
    If my bottle return slip does not have a UPC code. How do I get my money?
    Top Answerer
    Bring it up to the customer service counter, and they will help you. The machines aren't yet smart enough to recognize these slips and the UPC codes and take these as money off your purchase.
  • Question
    Do I need my zip code when using a credit card?
    Top Answerer
    Generally, the Walmart self checkouts won't ask for your zip code. Follow the quick directions from the machine. The machine you're presented with should just ask you to sign (for credit) or type in your PIN (debit being used as credit).
  • Question
    With Walmart self checkout, can I have the receipt e-mailed to me?
    Top Answerer
    At this time, Walmart can't email your receipts. However, you can add them as eReceipts on the Walmart mobile app or by entering them via the website.
  • Question
    Can I use a combination payment of cash and Walmart gift card?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Just insert your cash first, followed by the remainder of your gift card using the payment methods.
  • Question
    How does a Walmart cashier process a food stamp split payment at self check, where they want to use only a certain amount on their food card?
    Top Answerer
    Self checkouts at Walmart will not allow you to only place a partial payment on a food card. It's either all or nothing on the food card. Check with the employee manning the self checkouts at your store for additional information or for additional help.
  • Question
    Does self check out have a tax exempt option?
    Community Answer
    No; you will have to go through a regular checkout lane and have a cashier approve this for you.
  • Question
    What if I have a whole cart full of merchandise? The self-checkouts are too low. Do I get a discount for doing this myself?
    Top Answerer
    The self-checkouts are low enough so that disabled people can use them as well. However, if you need help, ask and you shall receive. Sorry, no discounts for doing this yourself.
  • Question
    What if I use my own reusable bags or boxes?
    Community Answer
    On the screen at the beginning, click "I brought my bag." It then asks you to place your bags in the bagging area. Wait for the screen to reset for item scanning. Proceed to scan items, pay, and remove your bags. Make sure to grab your receipt in case someone asks to check your bags on your way out.
  • Question
    Does the machine accept coins for payment?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Just drop them into the machine and they will all be accepted.
  • Question
    I want to buy 15 gallons of skim milk. How can I enter the number 15x the cost?
    Top Answerer
    You have to scan them in one-by-one and, slowly but surely, they'll all be entered accurately. If you need help, ask for help and an employee will assist you.
  • Question
    Does self-checkout accept $100 bills?
    Top Answerer
    Each machine is different. Most will accept $100 bills; however, others not so. Ask the employee before beginning the checkout process. If not, the employee's computer can help you check out with this predicament.
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