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Someone with narcissistic personality disorder, or NPD, may act arrogant, entitled, selfish, and unempathetic. NPD is a mental disorder that can only be diagnosed and treated by a qualified professional. [1] If you think someone in your life has narcissist tendencies and they’ve been treating you poorly, we’re here to help. If they play mental games, manipulate, or even emotionally abuse you, it may feel impossible to get the upper hand in any conversation or interaction. We’ve put together plenty of tips and suggestions to help you outsmart them so you can put space between yourself and the narcissist in your life and find peace.


Separate yourself from the person.

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  1. Narcissistic supply is a psychological term for the gratification that narcissists need to feel on a constant basis. Narcissists get this supply in a lot of different ways, like showing off, ignoring boundaries, or being extra negative. [2] You can cut off this supply by separating yourself as much as possible, like:
    • Giving yourself plenty of “me-time” instead of being constantly available for a narcissistic partner
    • Preventing a narcissistic ex-spouse from getting a bigger payout during the divorce proceedings [3]
    • Blocking the phone number of a narcissistic parent
    • Putting in 100% effort each day when you work for a narcissistic boss [4]
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Take time to heal.

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  1. A narcissist typically longs to be at the center of your thoughts and feelings—after all, that’s the ultimate form of control! Giving yourself the time and space to move on is the best way to break this link and outsmart the narcissist in your life once and for all. Some good ways to start healing from a toxic narcissistic relationship are:

Take responsibility for your part in a conflict.

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  1. Some narcissists like to get gratification by being negative and putting others down. [6] Instead of butting heads, focus on taking responsibility for what you did wrong in the situation. [7] This open admission may change the momentum of the conversation, which takes the person off-guard.
    • Narcissistic Partner: “I can’t believe how messy the kitchen is. You never do anything to clean up around here.”
      You: “You’re right—I said I was going to do the dishes after dinner and I totally blanked. That’s on me!”
    • Narcissistic Parent: “You have all this free time but you never seem to be able to make time for me.”
      You: “I understand where you’re coming from. I definitely lost track of time this past week, and I’m sorry that I forgot to give you a call.”
    • In the past, many narcissists were berated when they showed any sign of weakness—because of this, they’re may not willing to take the blame for anything. Having this special psychological insight can give you the upper hand in a conversation.
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React with empathy and respect.

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  1. Many narcissists thrive on conflict and will take control of the conversation as soon as you get defensive or try to fight back. Instead, you can take control by making empathetic statements about the situation, which will help them calm down. [8]
    • Narcissistic Partner: “I can’t believe you forgot to pick me up from work! I can never rely on you.”
      You: “You must have felt really frustrated when you had to wait around for me. I can definitely understand why you felt that way.”
    • Narcissistic Friend: “I can’t believe you couldn’t go with me to the movies yesterday.”
      You: “That must have been really annoying that you had to go see the movie by yourself.”

Remain calm and unaffected.

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  1. A popular strategy for dealing with narcissists is the “Grey Rock Method”—this is where you disengage and separate yourself from the narcissist as much as possible, so you become as interesting as a “grey rock.” [9] Here are a few ways to incorporate this method into your daily life:
    • Cut a conversation with a narcissistic co-worker short and excuse yourself to work on something else.
    • Give your narcissistic partner absolutely no reaction when they try to push your buttons.
    • Stay on topic if you’re having a conversation with a manipulative, narcissistic parent.
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Disengage from their conversations.

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Set and enforce clear boundaries.

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  1. Narcissists may be looking for ways to push your buttons and take control—by creating and enforcing clear boundaries , you’re taking this sense of control away from them. Think about what type of behavior you aren’t willing to put up with, and step away from the narcissist whenever they violate that boundary. [11]
    • “I don’t appreciate being name-called. I’m leaving the room until you can speak to me respectfully.”
    • “Guilt-tripping is immature, and I’m not going to put up with it. I’m stepping back until you’re ready to have an actual conversation.”
    • “You’re speaking to me in a disrespectful tone, and that’s not okay with me. I won’t continue this conversation until you can talk to me in a civil way.”
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Keep your intentions and goals to yourself.

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  1. A narcissist may try to get the upper hand, and could use any info they learn about you to get an extra advantage. Keep your cards close to your chest and avoid revealing what you really want. [12]
    • If you’re divorcing a narcissistic spouse, you might comment about how you want to keep the car when you’d really rather keep the house. Your spouse might try to sabotage your chances of getting the car as a means of control without realizing that they’re playing into your hand.

Stay calm.

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  1. Many narcissists desire control and may try to bait others into toxic conversations to stay on top. In these conversations, the best way you can outsmart a narcissist is by not taking the bait to begin with. When they try to escalate the conversation, try: [13]
    • Complimenting them (“I’m always impressed by your focus and attention to detail.”)
    • Asking for their opinion (“How would you have done this differently?”)
    • Using “we” statements (“I think we both said things that we regret.”)
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Lean on your support system to validate your reality.

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  1. If this happens, check in with your friends and loved ones. Explain what the narcissist said to you, and let your support system validate what you’ve experienced. [14]
    • “Kyle said some really cruel things to me last night, but then told me I was ‘too sensitive’ when I called him out on it. Was I overreacting?”
    • “I confronted Angie about what I found out, and she said that I was imagining things. Do you think that’s true, or is she just trying to gaslight me?”

Go “no contact” with them.

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  1. If the person in your life thrives on control and access to your life, they won’t get either of those things when you completely cut them out. Going “no contact,” or removing them from every aspect of your life, is the healthiest, most permanent way to handle a toxic relationship. [15] You can go no-contact by:
    • Blocking them from your phone and social media
    • Steering clear of any mutual friends
    • Not allowing yourself to think about them [16]
    • Going “no contact” might not be a feasible option at the moment if you’re stuck in an abusive relationship. If you can’t leave your partner right away, start making an escape plan for the future. [17]
    • Reader Poll: We asked 739 wikiHow readers, and 72% of them agreed that the most effective way to ignore a narcissist is to cut off or limit your contact with them . [Take Poll]
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Do narcissists have empathy?
    Jay Reid, LPCC
    Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
    Jay Reid is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) in private practice in San Francisco, CA. He specializes in helping clients who have survived a narcissistic parent or partner. Treatment focuses upon helping clients identify and challenge self-diminishing beliefs as a result of narcissistic abuse. Jay holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and an MS in Clinical Psychology from Penn State University.
    Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
    Expert Answer
    Unfortunately, narcissists have deficits in empathy. Things that are intuitive to most people, like asking about other people, don't occur to a narcissist. They're just too focused on themselves.
  • Question
    Can my narcissistic ex get physical custody of and visitation with my children if he is a felon?
    Top Answerer
    The outcome of a custody battle involving a narcissistic ex-partner who is also a felon depends on the specific laws in your area. Consult with a family-law attorney who specializes in child custody cases to understand your rights and options. They can guide you through the process and see that the best interests of your children are upheld. The well-being and safety of your children should be your top priority during this challenging time. Seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals to help you navigate this difficult situation.
  • Question
    When a narcissist is also bipolar how does that compound the narcissistic behavior?
    Top Answerer
    When a person has both narcissistic personality disorder and bipolar disorder, it can indeed complicate the situation. Narcissists tend to have an inflated sense of self-importance and require excessive attention and admiration. Bipolar individuals, on the other hand, experience extreme mood swings which can range from periods of high energy and creativity (mania) to periods of low energy, hopelessness, and despair (depression). The combination of these two conditions can lead to highly unpredictable and volatile behavior.
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      • As hard as it is, try not to take what the person says or does personally. Their behavior only reflects them and has nothing to do with you.
      • Remember that NPD is a mental illness that the person might not have much control over. Encourage them to seek counseling.
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