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Bright, lively, and confident Aries women are a fabulous match for a Libra's balanced and charming energy. It makes sense that this sign has caught your eye, and luckily, there are so many ways to expertly appeal to your Libra crush. This pairing is sure to be a homerun, and we're here to help you make it happen. Below, we've pulled together a list of the best ways for an Aries woman to attract a Libra man!

This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.


Show your interest right away.

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  1. [1] Aries is a super action-oriented sign, so channel this energy into the pursuit of your Libra crush. Instead of waiting and weighing the options (something you’d be unlikely to do, anyway!), jump right in and start flirting with him ASAP. You’re fabulous, energetic, self-assured spirit will definitely win him over, but he needs to know that you’re into him first. [2]
    • Don't be afraid to make the first move with your Libra crush. This isn't a sign that gets spooked when someone shows their interest! [3]
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Turn up the charm.

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  1. Aries women totally sparkle in social settings, using their natural confidence, liveliness, and warmth to draw others in. [4] Libra men pride themselves on being super likable conversationalists, and they’re attracted to that same quality in other people. [5] So, when you’re on the same social scene as you’re Libra crush, make sure they see you working the room. [6]
    • Use your killer storytelling skills to make a whole crowd laugh—and your Libra crush swoon.
    • If you see someone standing alone, use your bold conversation style to help them feel included. A Libra will admire your kindness and charisma.

Lay it on thick with flirtation.

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  1. This sign is naturally extremely flirty, so don’t hold back when it comes to frisky texts, touching, and teasing. He’ll love to be around your playful energy, and luckily, for a striking Aries woman, this won’t be a challenge. [7]
    • Send a dirty text to make him smile. “I’m trying to get my work done, but all I can think about is how you looked in that shirt yesterday…”
    • Try finding reasons to subtly touch him while the two of you are hanging out. Push his hair back, tuck his shirt’s tag in, or put your arm around him.
    • Teasing is great way to get flirty. “I can't believe you drink instant coffee. I’ll have to enlighten you on the wonders of French press."
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Compliment him often.

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  1. Luckily for you, an Aries woman, you’re not afraid of putting yourself out there. Use this to your advantage and hold nothing back when it comes to offering sweet and sultry compliments. Comment on anything from his looks, to his personality, to his intellect, and it will have him totally into you. [8]
    • “Wow, that shirt really matches your eyes. They looked gorgeous already, but now they’re even brighter.”
    • “You’re always so fun to be around. I love that about you.”
    • “I love the way you construct an argument. You’ve got a really great ability to see both sides.”

Have meaningful conversations.

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  1. [9] Though you may struggle a bit to see both sides and keep your argument civil, you have a real knack for honesty and straightforwardness. [10] Use the latter to your benefit to attract your Libra crush. When the two of you are engaged in a heavy discussion, don’t be afraid to be transparent about your thoughts and feelings, because he’ll absolutely love that. [11]
    • Libras are all about justice and empathy. If you find a way to pull him into a convo covering gender equality, for instance, he'll probably be fascinated.
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Be a helping hand.

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  1. [12] Men of this sign are totally attracted to kind souls, and if he knows you spent the weekend helping your friend move into her new apartment, that’ll be huge. Helping will definitely come naturally to you as an Aries, so simply try to focus on subtly making sure he knows how good you are to the people around you. [13]
    • If he asks you what you’ve been doing, let him know you helped a friend. “My pal actually threw a birthday for her little sister, I helped her plan and set up.”
    • Maybe he wants to know why you know so much about tech. “My friend’s computer always crashes. I learned so I could be helpful to her in a pinch."

Teach him new things.

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  1. It’s a perfect match! You probably have a million new interests and hobbies taking up your time at the moment, and there’s a strong possibility that your Libra crush would absolutely love to hear about it. The next time your new obsession comes up in conversation, offer to teach him some pointers. [14]
    • Take him to the skate park and show him the basics.
    • Offer to teach him a few words in another language you might know, like Italian.
    • You might’ve just finished a book on the Battle of Thermopylae, so give him a quick history lesson.
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Keep excitement levels up.

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  1. For an Aries woman, though, that shouldn’t be an issue, because you’re one of the most energetic, spontaneous signs in the zodiac! [15] To keep your Libra crush on the line, lean into your most exciting instincts while you hang out. As long as you’re keeping him on his toes, he’ll be into it. [16]
    • Plan an extreme outing. Try taking him for a snowboarding, ax-throwing, or mountain biking date–anything you love to do.
    • Shake things up while the two of you are out and about. If you walk by a caricaturist, have them create a quick sketch of the two of you.

Never lie to him.

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  1. [17] This sign maintains a strict moral code and values that in other people, too. Luckily for an Aries lady, honesty is second nature. [18] You’d likely never keep anything from your crush or partner anyway, which will mean the world to the Libra you've got your eye on.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 709 wikiHow readers who are familiar with Aries-Libra relationships, and 60% of them agreed that honest communication and understanding is the key to this pairing’s success. [Take Poll]
    • An Aries woman who wants to date an Libra man should focus on being vulnerable and communicating authentically with her partner.
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Make him miss you.

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  1. At the start of the flirtation-ship, it may be crucial that you exercise your independent tendencies to keep your Libra crush interested. To him, the biggest turnoff in the world will be neediness or being attached with you at the hip. So instead, spend time with your friends, take a weekend away, and focus on yourself; the longer her spends by himself, the more he’ll crave your presence. [19]
    • Instead of waiting for him to call, go out for drinks with your pals.
    • Spend a weekend on a trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. If he texts you to hang out, kindly let him know that you’re too busy adventuring!
    • Focus on your many passions, hobbies, and interests. Not only will you love getting to work on yourself, but he’ll love getting to miss you.

Keep up the chase.

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  1. Aries can have a bit of a tough time being patient, but on the other hand, you ladies are completely determined, never giving up on things you really want. [20] Try to channel your knack for perseverance, and your efforts will be rewarded. Your Libra crush will probably be indecisive and hesitant to commit, but if you don’t lose hope while he’s taking time to process, he’ll be into it. [21]
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Create a fairytale romance.

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  1. As an Aries woman, you’re similar; though you’ve got a tough exterior, underneath, you’re a super kind, gentle, and romantic soul. [22] When the two of you have built up a rapport, use your tender side to woo your Libra crush through big, romantic gestures. Try planning beautiful dates, surprising him with thoughtful gifts, and taking any opportunity to create intimacy. [23]
    • Plan a beautiful sunset picnic at a scenic location.
    • Bring him a gift that you know will mean a lot, like his favorite artist on vinyl.
    • When the two of you stumble upon some music, a street performer for instance, take his hand for a slow dance. Any and all romance will attract a Libra man!

When the time comes, show him you’re serious.

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  1. Both of you are notoriously flighty in the beginning stages of a relationship, but deep down, Libras and Aries both want a major, earth-shattering love affair full of commitment and depth. So, when the two of you have reached a serious level of flirting and eventually falling, make sure to communicate your intentions to keep him hooked. [24]
    • Libras love open communication, so feel free to tell him outright where you see things going.
    • With a Libra, it’s always wise to give him an out, just in case he’s still making up his mind.
    • “I just wanted to let you know that I really like you and see this getting serious. I’d love take things slow for now, but I still wanted to express that to you."
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Join the Discussion...

I am an Aries guy and I'm crushing hard on my female Libra friend lately and I am thinking of asking her out... but I am not sure how compatible these signs really are. Does anyone have any advice for me? Are Aries and Libra good together?
Aries and Libra are VERY good together. They usually have off-the-charts chemistry and are very compatible emotionally, personality-wise, and sexually. The biggest thing to watch out for would be keeping the love alive, not that it's inherently hard to do with your signs, but Aries can be a little flighty (no offense) and Libra are known for being somewhat secretive or even judgmental. As long as you're aware of these potential pitfalls, though, I see no reason you both can't have a long, happy relationship.
I'm a Libra woman and I think my Aries boyfriend and I are great together :) The strongest part of our relationship is our communication. I'm able to have long and thoughtful conversations with him in a way that I've never been able to talk to other guys before. It's just so easy to talk to him about anything and everything, from silly hypotheticals to deep life musings, and the time flies when I'm with him. I also like how the two of us are independent! While we love spending time with each other and are very close, we don't cling to each other and have rich lives outside of our relationship. I'd say you should ask her out!

Learn How to Attract a Libra with this Expert Series

Libras are free-spirited and social, but they crave balance and harmony. This expert series will help you learn what makes Libras tick and how to attract the Libra of your dreams.

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    What is a Libra male personality?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    Libra men tend to be attractive people and being in a relationship is extremely important to them. They're constantly trying to balance things. You definitely want to appeal to their sense of aesthetics. You do not want to be rude or gross around a Libra man. He gets turned off by somebody who is coarse and wants a woman that is refined and intellectual because he’s an intellectual.
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      1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      2. https://astrologyk.com/zodiac/love/flirting/aries
      3. https://love.allwomenstalk.com/alluring-ways-to-attract-a-libra/
      4. https://astrologyk.com/zodiac/love/flirting/aries
      5. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      6. https://askastrology.com/miscellaneous/how-to-attract-a-libra-man/
      7. https://astrologify.com/libra-man-love/
      8. https://askastrology.com/miscellaneous/how-to-attract-a-libra-man/
      9. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.

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