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Easy steps to create and use your own email address
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Have you ever wondered how to create your own email account? Thousands of emails are sent every day, all around the world, and many services across the web aren't usable without an email address. Using this guide, you should be able to complete the simple steps of creating your very own email account in no time.

Quick Steps

  1. Go to an email provider website like Yahoo, Gmail, or Outlook.
  2. Click the Sign up button.
  3. Enter any and all requested information.
  4. Agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  5. Click the confirmation button, which will direct you to your new inbox.
Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

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  1. Notable ones are https://yahoo.com , https://gmail.com , and https://outlook.com , all of which are free to use. [1]
    • While there are many free email providers, we will be going over the steps to sign up for these three main services. However, most email sites have very similar sign-up processes, so you should be able to follow along and still create your own email address on whatever provider you choose.
    • Many email providers also have mobile apps. You can either sign up on the mobile app, or visit their website in your phone's browser.
  2. Usually, there is a small link image or text that says Register , Sign up , or Create an account , although you may have to go to the login page to find this. [2]
    • Yahoo: Click the envelope icon in the upper right corner, then click Create an account .
    • Gmail: Click Create an account in the upper right corner.
    • Outlook: Click Create free account in the middle of the homepage.
  3. Most email services ask for your name, birthdate, and gender. Some may ask for a phone number and address, but this isn't super common. [3]
    • If the email provider you're signing up with is asking for a phone number or address and you're not comfortable giving that out, consider trying a different email provider.
  4. Each email provider will have a Terms of Service and a Privacy Policy. [4] Once you've read these documents over, click the confirmation button at the bottom of the screen to continue.
  5. After creating your email, you should be taken directly to your new email inbox. Continue on to import your contacts , message with friends, or write emails , plus much more.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Gathering Contacts

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  1. If you don't have their email addresses already, ask them to provide their email addresses so you can add them to your contacts list. Note that many email accounts nowadays save your contacts automatically when you send email to or receive email from a person or institution. [5]
    • To bring up contacts, find the contacts tab or simply type in the first or last name of the person you want to email, or the beginning of their email address. Their email address and contact information should automatically pop up.
      • This often means you don't have to "save" someone as a contact in order to send them an email.
  2. Import your contacts if you're changing email accounts. Navigate to your Contacts tab and find the import button; then follow any directions that follow. Usually it's as easy as dragging and dropping a .CSV file into your browser window. [6]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Sending an Email

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  1. It shouldn't be too hard to find; often, it's a different-colored button in a prominent location. [7]
  2. Type in the email address of the person you want to send an email to . If you don't remember the person's email address but have previously sent them an email, your account might recognize the saved email address if you begin to type in their name. [8]
    • If you want to copy a person on the email, hit "CC," which stands for "carbon copy."
    • If you want to copy a person on the email without the original recipient knowing that you've copied the email, hit "BCC," which stands for "blind carbon copy."
  3. . This is what the email is about or concerning. [9]
  4. This is your communication or what you want to explain to the other person. [10]
  5. Make sure your contact's email address is correct, and that your message contains no spelling mistakes or formatting errors. Send your email.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What are the different components of an email?
    Community Answer
    Formally, the components of an email are much like those of a letter. You have a greeting or acknowledgement followed by a comma, then the body, then the salutations and signature. Informally, you really don't need to use a particular structure. If you need to send a file or picture, you'll have to use the attachment function.
  • Question
    How do I create an email?
    Community Answer
    There is a circle at the top left of Google. Click that, and it will pop up (Create Account).
  • Question
    How do I remake an email account?
    Community Answer
    If there is something wrong with your current email, change it. You could go in your email account section and make changes, or you could create a new email account all together.
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      Article Summary X

      Making an email account is a great way to stay in contact with almost anyone. To start, visit a website that offers free email service, such as Yahoo.com, Google.com, or Hotmail.com. Click “Create an Account,” then follow the instructions on the page. You’ll need to put in information like your name, and choose a username and password. You’ll also need to think of a unique email address. Then, hit “Submit” or “Enter” at the bottom of the screen. Now your email should be set up! To learn how to send your first email, read on!

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