Q&A for How to Cram for a Test

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    How do I cram for a test the night before?
    Arash Fayz
    Test Prep Tutor
    Arash Fayz is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of LA Tutors 123, an academic consulting and private tutoring company based in Los Angeles, California. Arash has over 10 years of educational consulting experience, managing the tutoring of students of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to score higher on standardized tests and gain admission to their target schools. He has a BA in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of California, Los Angeles.
    Test Prep Tutor
    Expert Answer
    Make sure you get a good night's sleep so you don't feel tired during the exam.
  • Question
    How do I study for one test effectively when I have a lot of other tests to study for at the same time?
    Community Answer
    Study in chunks of 25 minutes using the Pomodoro Technique. After that, take a break of 5 minutes; repeat the process 3x, then take a longer pause of 30-45 minutes. Do this for that one subject, then, when you feel that you have studied enough for it, move on to the next subject.
  • Question
    How do I not get distracted when studying for exams?
    Community Answer
    Keep your technology far away from you. Drink some water, eat some great food. Try and remember why you're cramming and how good you will feel when the exam is over and you've earned a good grade.
  • Question
    How do I memorize the Periodic Table in one night?
    Community Answer
    Try using a song, such as the one by ASAP Science (although you may want to slow it down towards the end, as it gets very fast). This one is good because it has the elements in order.
  • Question
    How do I study for my board exams if only ten days are left?
    Community Answer
    Separate the chapters/material into short, manageable chunks and study them one at a time. Make sure to get plenty of rest. Create a practice test (or ask someone to make one for you) and take it on the eighth day.
  • Question
    How do I cover 10 chapters in less than two days?
    Community Answer
    Divide the work up almost evenly between the two days. Using whatever methods of review work for you (flashcards, self-testing, reading aloud, etc.) try to cover chapters 1-6 on the first day. The second day cover chapters 7-10 and then try to quickly go over everything one more time. It's very important to remain calm, panicking won't solve anything.
  • Question
    How can I study for a biology practical exam on the night before?
    Community Answer
    Arrange your materials in a good order and make sure you know the pattern of questions that is to be asked in exam .Don't waste your time on same topic for too long. Read all topics once and then try to recall it all the second time, and that way you can cover topics with some points in your memory.
  • Question
    How do I study for math?
    Community Answer
    Use flashcards, go to bigideasmath.com and sign up (it's a tutor website), ask your guardians or parents for help quizzing you. Text a friend for tips. Do the problems over and over again so you can remember what you need to for your test.
  • Question
    Is there any idea for cramming a test in one day in which you don't know anything?
    Community Answer
    Ask friends for pictures of notes, or files (if notes are taken electronically). Call/video chat with friends and have them explain concepts, formulas, etc. with you. Accept that you'll only be able to learn a small amount, after which you know to learn earlier next time.
  • Question
    What is the best way to cram for a history test?
    Community Answer
    Make flashcards and keep reviewing them.
  • Question
    Is there any way to remember things easily?
    Community Answer
    Try writing some small things on your hand so you read it each time you look at your hand. This way you can easily do some other stuff while still studying for the test. Scrub it off before the exam though, or they'll think you're trying to cheat. Another approach is to use flashcards or to pin notes and diagrams up everywhere you spend time, including the bathroom!
  • Question
    Is there a good way to remember names and what those people accomplished for History?
    Community Answer
    Make up humorous things to go along with your facts. For example: Thomas Edison= inventing light bulb. Think about Thomas (Edison) as Thomas the train engine and imagine him crashing into a giant light bulb. It sounds stupid but it helps.
  • Question
    How do I study biology diagrams in a few hours?
    Community Answer
    Draw them at least once. It helps you remember the parts. Number the parts/organs, and test yourself to see how much you remember.
  • Question
    This is all great information, but does it actually work?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it works, to an extent. You're much better off studying ahead of time and you shouldn't expect to get an A if you just cram the night before, but if you have no other choice, cramming is your best option.
  • Question
    I feel prepared for a science test tomorrow, but am still scared. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you feel prepared, that's a good sign. However, if you are still scared, do more review by going over notes, reading any bits that confuse you in the textbook, etc. If you think you understand everything, you may just have stress anxiety which is normal. Take a deep breath, and tell yourself that you're going to do great.
  • Question
    How can I study over winter break?
    Community Answer
    Divide your work evenly over the break so you won't be overwhelmed. It's best to study for a different subject each day.
  • Question
    I have a problem with getting nervous on tests and circling the wrong answer. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Read over the test multiple times.
  • Question
    How do I study when I'm so sleepy?
    Community Answer
    Try taking a power nap of about an hour or so. Then, when you wake up you should be able to study.
  • Question
    How should I study 27 chapters of History and Civics in 20 days?
    Community Answer
    You should do 2 or 3 chapters a night. Try to leave a couple of nights at the end for review.
  • Question
    Will my grade by affected by the fact that I started studying the night before?
    Community Answer
    If you've learned nothing at all this far, you'll learn very little the night before. Don't do it again.
  • Question
    How do I force myself to concentrate?
    Community Answer
    Gather everything you need and lock yourself in a room -- or tell your parents or guardian to make you stay in that room for a certain length of time. Bring a snack and water. Listen to music that won't distract you such as classical or the beats to your favorite songs.
  • Question
    What should I do if I wasn't notified early about an upcoming test?
    Community Answer
    You should cram as much as is humanly possible. Go through everything, and if you get really stuck, then look for a cheat-sheet on Google or skip it and move on. You should complain to your teacher telling her/him that you can't possibly memorize everything if they don't notify you about your exam.
  • Question
    How do I study for a big test in four hours while being distracted by my dog?
    Community Answer
    Make sure your dog is fine with the first 10 minutes, and then if he has quieted down, put on your earphones and listen to music while you study.
  • Question
    What if I'm pretty sure I know the topic (biology), but I just have the occasional mix up, can I still cram and succeed?
    Community Answer
    It's probably not necessary to cram if you already know the topic well. Go over the things you're occasionally mixing up. Maybe have someone quiz you on them. Make sure to get a good night's sleep before the test, and go over your notes quickly one more time in the morning.
  • Question
    How can I focus better when I am studying?
    Community Answer
    Just keep yourself away from electronic devices and other distractions, and find a quiet place keep your mind focused on how great it will be if you pass the test.
  • Question
    How do I study for a test when my teacher gave us 3 days, and I am too busy to do very much?
    Community Answer
    Don't study. If you are positive you have absolutely no time at all, don't stress yourself out by worrying about it. If you have some time, just flip through the worksheets.
  • Question
    What if I have three tests in one day?
    Community Answer
    Depending on how much time you have and how much material there is to revise, you may have to prioritize which test to study for. In the future, avoid cramming for tests. If you have three tests in one day, talk to your teachers. They are likely to be sympathetic and reschedule their tests so that they are on different days.
  • Question
    How do I study for a comprehensive test if I have no study guide?
    Community Answer
    You can try to go through each chapter of your textbook (if you have one) and identify the most important points, key figures, dates, etc. Then, use that information to create your own study guide.
  • Question
    How do I prepare for my test if I have a month left?
    Community Answer
    Make a schedule. Divide the syllabus according to the time you have. Try to finish a day or two earlier, so you can revise and ask your friends or parents to quiz you.
  • Question
    I have an exam tomorrow. Can I cram in the morning?
    Community Answer
    No, because you may not have time. It is better to study the day before and then go over it all in the morning.
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