Q&A for How to Excuse Yourself from Unfinished Homework

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    My dog actually did eat my homework. What do I do in this situation?
    Community Answer
    First, take your dog to the vet. Paper (especially with something like ink on it) can be bad for or even fatal to a dog. Then, you can get a letter from your parent or guardian saying that your dog did, in fact, eat your homework. If you take your dog to the vet, you could even get a note from them stating that the dog was seen for eating paper.
  • Question
    How do I excuse myself from unfinished homework because my parent threw it away by accident?
    Community Answer
    Just approach your teacher before or after class and tell them exactly what happened. If possible, bring a signed note from your parent vouching that you're telling the truth.
  • Question
    What do I do? My teacher gave us 2 weeks and class time to do the project, and it's due tomorrow and I basically haven't started.
    Community Answer
    Don't waste your time on an excuse your teacher surely won't believe, seeing as you had lots of class time you could have done it in. Just focus on getting as much of the project done as you can before it's due. Even if you don't finish, you could still get partial credit, which is better than coming in with nothing.
  • Question
    How do I not be scared of my teacher?
    Community Answer
    Remember, your teacher is a person too. Confidence is key in these kinds of situations. If you don't feel confident, pretend like you do. It's basically the same thing. If it helps, look them in the eyes, or if you're too scared, look at their forehead.
  • Question
    What if I really did forget and I'm too shy to say so?
    Community Answer
    Tell your teacher privately, before or after class. If you don't tell her, you will eventually get in trouble, so it's best to just get it over with.
  • Question
    What can I do if my homework is in a book and I don't want to write on it?
    Community Answer
    If it is a workbook, you can write in it. If this is not the case, just copy all of the questions down onto paper and do them on there.
  • Question
    What if my parents or relatives can't help me with my homework and I'm not smart enough to finish it on my own?
    Community Answer
    If they can't help you and you really need to get out of the assignment, ask for them to write a note saying that no one in the household understood it. Try your best first, though. Don't give up just because it's not easy. You can also call around to classmates to see if anyone can help you understand it, or even email the teacher if you have their email address.
  • Question
    What should I do if I didn't get a paper the teacher handed out?
    Community Answer
    Ask a friend for the questions, then copy it down on paper and do the assignment there.
  • Question
    My homework got wet and it's not in a condition for me to turn it in. Help?
    Community Answer
    Just explain to the teacher that your homework got wet (you could potentially show her the homework) and ask if you could have an extension just this once. Promise you will be more careful with your homework in the future so this doesn't happen again (even if it wasn't your fault).
  • Question
    What if my work is really late, like a month?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your teacher and be honest about why the work is late. Don't make excuses. Ask if there is any way you can still turn it in for partial credit. If not, ask if there are any extra credit opportunities you could take advantage of to bring your grade up.
  • Question
    What can I do if the teacher knows that I'm not telling the truth?
    Community Answer
    Come clean. Tell them you're sorry you lied and that it won't happen again.
  • Question
    What if I get in trouble?
    Community Answer
    Apologize and promise you won't do it again. Then stick to that promise, because if it happens again, your punishment will probably be worse.
  • Question
    How do I excuse myself from unfinished homework if I lost it?
    Community Answer
    If you lost your homework, just tell the teacher the truth. If you usually get your assignments done and handed in on time, most likely your teacher will go easy on you. Just tell them what happened.
  • Question
    What if I have the class first period? Should I get to school early?
    Community Answer
    If you can, yes. That way you can get it finished before class. You can even start it on the bus or in the car on your way if possible.
  • Question
    How can I do my homework if if left my booklet at school and it's due tomorrow morning?
    Community Answer
    If you have a phone, then text one of your friends and ask them to send you a picture of the assignment. If not, ask your parents to write you a note for you to give to your teacher explaining that you forgot to bring your booklet home.
  • Question
    What can I do if I was absent and my teacher doesn't believe me?
    Community Answer
    Ask your parents to write a note explaining that your absence was the cause of your homework being unfinished.
  • Question
    What can I do if I don't have my English essay finished by the deadline?
    Community Answer
    Inform your teacher of anything that stopped you from finishing the essay on time (such as sickness, a family emergency, too much work from other classes). They'll likely grant you an extension if such circumstances are involved.
  • Question
    Will the teacher believe me if I have a sprained my foot and tell her I was at the hospital?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you will need a note from your parents (or even the doctor) saying that you sprained your ankle and couldn't do your homework. Be honest and tell them exactly what happened.
  • Question
    Can I use a "lost" folder as an excuse?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    My teacher lost 2 of my assignments and I need to redo them, but I forgot and have no time to do it. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Your teacher should be understanding about this, since she's the one who lose the assignments, not you. Just tell her you haven't had a chance to redo them yet but you're going to as soon as possible.
  • Question
    How do I get away without homework for the whole school year?
    Community Answer
    It is not possible. You can get out of a few assignments here and there, but not for the entire year.
  • Question
    Is there a way to make an excuse that I wasn't able to finish my school work?
    Community Answer
    Just be honest about why you weren't able to finish it. If that's not possible (like you don't want to tell the teacher you were goofing off), just saw you didn't understand the material. You might have to stay and get extra help, but you won't be in trouble.
  • Question
    What can I do if I've given excuses but still get in trouble?
    Community Answer
    Just tell the truth, and if you've been given a punishment, accept it. If you continue to try to talk your way out of it, you may get in even more trouble.
  • Question
    I forgot my math worksheet to finish my homework, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you can get in touch with a friend or classmate, ask to borrow the worksheet and make a copy. If this isn't possible, try emailing the teacher, he/she might be able to send it to you. Otherwise, you'll just have to explain to the teacher that you forgot it and likely take a zero on the assignment.
  • Question
    What do I do if I didn't do my homework and the teacher is strict?
    Community Answer
    If you have time before the class, like before school starts or at lunch, do it then. If you can't get it done, just be honest with the teacher, say that you forgot or you ran out of time, etc. If you don't make a habit of it, she probably won't be too upset.
  • Question
    How do I write a letter to my teacher as an excuse for not doing my homework?
    Community Answer
    You could write an accurate excuse or sneakily ask your parents to help with it. However, if you have time to write an excuse, you probably have time to just do your homework.
  • Question
    What do I do if my excuse for unfinished homework is not accepted?
    Community Answer
    Although this sounds glum, you'll just have to go with whatever penalty you're given. Think of it as motivation to make homework a bigger priority, and reorganize your days to give yourself enough time to finish your work. If this is the first time it's happened, you could ask your teacher for a make-up assignment.
  • Question
    My school has everything on the computer. If I say I "forgot an assignment", they will tell me it was on the website. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    If you're using Google Drive, go to an assignment that has a last edit of before the assignment was due and screen shot that time stamp (make sure to not show the document, as they will know it's not that assignment). Then, you can e-mail your teacher and claim that the website "malfunctioned" and you could not submit yours. Then in that e-mail, link that screenshot, and voila! You have a case!
  • Question
    What do I do if I have to study for tests and I don't have time for homework?
    Community Answer
    Have an honest chat with your teacher. Tell them that the homework you have to do on top of studying for the tests is making you feel very stressed and overworked, and ask if you can have an extension for the homework to relieve some of the pressure. Good teachers are often understanding of this, especially if an exam period isn't far away.
  • Question
    What happens if I get caught not doing my homework?
    Community Answer
    You might get a detention or some other punishment. Just apologize, accept the punishment, and don't do it again.
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