Q&A for How to Hack Into a School Computer

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    What do I do if the teachers suspect me of DDOSing the school?
    Community Answer
    DDOSing is way different than the techniques described here. However, if teachers suspect you of having access to the administrator account of the school, make sure you erase any changes you made while logged in as an admin. While doing that, also check the computer's registry. You can do that if you are logged in as an administrator by pressing the start button + R, and then typing "regedit."
  • Question
    Will the school know if their computer has been hacked into?
    Community Answer
    The short answer is yes. Your school technician can see who logged onto which computer, what files they opened, etc.
  • Question
    How do I unblock things on a school computer?
    Community Answer
    Use either a proxy or a VPN on a flash drive, but usually when you plug a USB flash drive into a computer, the administrator is notified. So, either name your flash drive with a name that doesn't relate to your name/initials, or use it on a different kid's account.
  • Question
    It was reported unsafe so do you have any other safe websites to download?
    Community Answer
    Since it is hacking software, antivirus's will mark it unsafe. Ignore the warning, and if you can't enable the download, use a thumb drive from home.
  • Question
    Can I shut down a computer by knowing the IP address?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can harm it by using a DDOS attack to take down its Internet.
  • Question
    How can I hack a school computer from my home?
    Community Answer
    The school network is a VPN (virtual private network) so it is inaccessible from an external PC. The only way would be if you could hack into the main computer (server) using the website as backdoor.
  • Question
    On Method 3, I did everything I was supposed to do, but I keep getting "System error 5." What can I do?
    Community Answer
    You probably don't have permission to create an admin user. As the guide says, your attempts were recorded. You might want to come clean early.
  • Question
    Does it only work on Windows XP?
    Bjorn Zonneveld
    Community Answer
    No, it works on all versions of Windows that have a command prompt. It even works on Windows 8 and Windows 10.
  • Question
    In terms of method 3, how is your attempt recorded? Does the school really know you attempted to make an admin or is it just recorded into some database?
    Community Answer
    The server administrator gets a notification on the server of the school network. There could also be an activity log.
  • Question
    How do I get around blocked command prompt?
    Mat 383
    Community Answer
    Save this as a .bat file in notepad (this will only give you the command prompt and not the admin command prompt): @echo off break off title C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe cls :cmd set /p cmd=C:\Enter Command: %cmd% echo. goto cmd
  • Question
    How do I hack in a school computer when I need admin rights?
    Community Answer
    The best way is to try to find out your teacher's username and password and login with that.
  • Question
    With the live CD, can you use it twice?
    Community Answer
    Of course.
  • Question
    What do I do if cmd says "access denied?"
    Community Answer
    Open notepad and type "cmd.exe" OR "START". Save it as run.bat If this is blocked then try putting the commands in a batch file or typing:@echo off :loop, set /p _cmd= “%CD%>”, %_cmd%, goto :loop. As for getting root/admin - that's down to you.
  • Question
    What should I do if my school laptop doesn't have a CD drive?
    Community Answer
    Plug in an external disc drive. These are usually pretty cheap, and it simply connects to the computer via a USB cable.
  • Question
    How long does it take for the live disk to work?
    Community Answer
    It usually takes about five to ten minutes.
  • Question
    But is it worth it to do this? Also how would I get away with this if I'm in high school and the teacher is always around?
    Community Answer
    No, it's probably not worth it. There is never any guarantee that you will get away with it, whether or not there is someone around, and the consequences if someone found out could be bad. If the teacher is always around and watching what you're doing, there's really no way. And that's for the best.
  • Question
    Is there any other advice you can give about System Error 5?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The method described that uses it is extremely unreliable. Even a home computer might not be vulnerable to it, since only an admin is normally allowed to create accounts. You should use a different method.
  • Question
    I want personal details of someone from my school. Does this help for that?
    Community Answer
    Not really, unless it is saved into a database on a computer. This is illegal anyway.
  • Question
    I did everything that I was supposed to do, and when I clicked on the utility icon, nothing opened. What happened?
    Top Answerer
    Windows 10 computers have this feature called "secure boot" which prevents the modification of boot files, as well as the login. If you try to change these files, then the computer will either fix them when you reboot, or quit and display a "secure boot violation."
  • Question
    How do I cover my tracks after I gain access to the admin?
    Top Answerer
    As an administrator, go to C:\Windows\System32\utilman.exe.bak and rename it to utilman.exe. You will be prompted to overwrite the file, and when you do so, you will no longer have command prompt on your lock screen.
  • Question
    How can I find out whether my school has blocked the BIOS/UEFI?
    Top Answerer
    If you see a BIOS/UEFI password prompt when you boot into the BIOS/UEFI, then your school has disabled access.
  • Question
    What do I do if a password is required to continue in Windows startup repair?
    Top Answerer
    That means that your school enabled BitLocker or a UEFI password on the PC, which encrypts the entire drive. You will not be able to change settings on those.
  • Question
    Windows Defender has patched the running of a renamed CMD.
    Community Answer
    Fix with the console do the following commands: c: cd windows/system32. Copy utilman.exe utilman1.exe del utilman.exe. Copy netplwiz.exe utilman.exe. Close the CMD window and close the Windows installation. Click the ease of access icon (WinKey+U). Select an account with administrator privileges. Reset the password for that account. Log in to your computer. Open the ‘control panel’ and go to ‘user accounts’. In user accounts you will see a blue box around you profile picture. Next to the picture is your name. Under your name is your domain\user name. Remember them. Open ‘Manage User Accounts’. Press Add. Enter your user name. Enter your domain and click next. Select Administrator. Now you're finished!
  • Question
    How do I hack my school's Macbook?
    Community Answer
    Hold COMMAND-S during boot. Then do whatever you want because you are the root user, which is a super-administrator account, for example you can delete files. To get another admin account, use these Unix commands: mount -uw / rm -f /var/db/.applesetupdone sudo reboot. The computer will then guide you through a setup process where a new admin account is created.
  • Question
    How do I do this on an ASUS Computer/School Computer?
    Community Answer
    Use the method for Windows. An ASUS computer uses Windows, so it should work fine.
  • Question
    Is there anyway to get the old password after you change it and replace it in, or is there a way to just get the admin password from the start?
    Community Answer
    Unless you knew the admin password to begin with, you cannot change it back to the original one. You might be better off coming clean early.
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