Q&A for How to Oil Trumpet Valves

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    What are key fingerings for a learner?
    Elisha B.
    Community Answer
    (Buzz slower) C=open D=1&3 E=1&2 F=1 (Buzz faster) G=open A=1&2 B=2 C=open(Buzz really fast)
  • Question
    Where should the valve holes be facing?
    Top Answerer
    The valve holes should be exactly in-line with where the pipes come out so that the air will always flow through.
  • Question
    After oiling the valves, the keys(1 & 2) stay down. They worked ok before oiling.
    Community Answer
    Be sure the valves were not damaged during oiling; the tiniest dent can cause valves to stick. If the valves have not been damaged, remove the sticking valves and wipe them clean with a cloth, re-oil them, and return them to the instrument. Sometimes gunk or debris can cause the valves to stick.
  • Question
    Can silicone spray or WD-40 be substituted for commercially produced valve oil for lubricating trumpet valves?
    Community Answer
    Silicone spray or WD-40 are not recommended for oiling a brass instrument. They can cause damage to the instrument, including moisture build-up and corrosion.
  • Question
    What are some brand names of valve oil?
    Community Answer
    There are several brands of valve oil, but some popular ones include Al Cass, Clark, Superslick, Pro, HMG, Zaja, and Yamaha.
  • Question
    My teacher said we were supposed to put valve oil under the valves. Can I do that?
    Community Answer
    If you are talking about putting the oil in the holes under the valves, yes.
  • Question
    I have a new bottle of valve oil, but when I try to apply it, nothing comes out. Is there something I need to do before opening a new bottle?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the bottle. There may be a safety seal under the cap, or you may need to twist it in a certain way to open it. There should be instructions on the bottle.
  • Question
    How do I know whether the holes are aligned, and how do I fix the issue?
    Top Answerer
    In the casing there should be a small niche, usually at the back. Each valve should have a small bump that fits into the niche perfectly. Make sure they align. You can also make sure each hole in the valve lines up with the pipes. An easy way to find out if they are aligned is to try and play with and without the valves down. If you can't make a sound or make a restricted sound, it is possible the holes are not lined up properly.
  • Question
    Can I use sewing machine oil to oil my trumpet?
    Community Answer
    No, only use valve oil or possibly rotor oil. Sewing machine oil will destroy the valves.
  • Question
    Can I oil my trumpet valves with rotary valve oil for my French horn?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The rotor oil will not have a big impact on the trumpet at all and can be used interchangeably. Some companies even make two-in-one rotor and valve oil.
  • Question
    If a trumpet was oiled with WD-40, how can the WD-40 be cleaned out of the trumpet?
    Community Answer
    The best way is to just give your trumpet a bath. Take it completely apart and let it soak in lukewarm water for about twenty minutes and run a brush through it.
  • Question
    I have been using the oil in the house for a long time. Now I want to use the original valve oil, so what do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you mean something such as vegetable oil or WD-40, then completely clean the trumpet out before you put something different into it.
  • Question
    Can you put drops of valve oil in the caps at the bottom of the trumpet under the valve?
    Community Answer
    That could be considered damaging the instrument, as oil is not made to go down there. Instead, put it on how you normally do it.
  • Question
    What do I do if i run out of valve oil? I don't know where to buy more, I got mine from my band teacher.
    Corben Collins
    Community Answer
    You can buy valve oil from a large variety store like Target, guitar center or music stores. Just look up the nearest of those to be able to stock up on more.
  • Question
    Can I use engine oil on my valves?
    Community Answer
    No you cannot, using anything but valve oil is incredibly likely to damage the instrument. It could also present a health hazard to you if you use the wrong oil.
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