Q&A for How to Run a 1600 M Race

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    How do I control over breathing at a race?
    Community Answer
    Try to breathe in through you nose and out through your mouth. It's hard, but it does help. Doing so tells you brain that you're less tired than you actually are.
  • Question
    How can I complete a 1600M race in 5 minutes?
    Community Answer
    Set goals for yourself each week to shave one or two seconds off your time. Keep challenging yourself to improve, work on your start and identify your weaknesses so you can improve them.
  • Question
    How do I keep my speed consistent while running a race?
    Community Answer
    Try counting your steps on the first lap and then try to keep it to the same number of steps each consecutive lap.
  • Question
    When I finished my race, I felt a lot of pain on my leg and was not able to walk. What can I do to relieve the pain?
    Community Answer
    Apply ice, rest and see a doctor if it doesn't improve.
  • Question
    Should I breathe by nose or mouth?
    Community Answer
    Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. If you can't keep this up, breathe in and out through your mouth. Make sure you keep a steady rhythm for your breathing or it will impact your run.
  • Question
    If all the other participants are running very fast in the beginning, should I also run very fast?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily; you need to remember that you are running the 1600m and you will need enough energy to get through the whole race. Most runners will run a little faster in the beginning of the race due to adrenaline, but you should save your faster running and sprinting for the last lap. If you would like to be faster in the beginning, then you need to make sure throughout the race you are maintaining a faster speed also. To increase speed, there are many endurance and speed-related exercises you can perform to help you.
  • Question
    How can I complete the 1600 meter dash in 5 minutes?
    Community Answer
    Work on your stamina with sprint drills, and remember to use just the balls of your feet.
  • Question
    How do I improve my stamina?
    Community Answer
    Do tempo runs, which are a regular 1600, but you surge more often every once and a while. Maybe go a bit faster for the first 100 of each lap.
  • Question
    How do I control my breath while I'm running for 1600 m?
    Community Answer
    Focus more on your breathing while you are training and control the inhales and exhales.
  • Question
    Do I start with a fast or slow pace for a 1600 m race?
    Community Answer
    You should start with a steady pace that corresponds to your time goal. Try to a go a little faster every lap.
  • Question
    How do I run faster and longer?
    Community Answer
    Practice running as much as possible. Maybe do a long run two days in a row, then do a day with repeats. Continue this and you should be able to run faster and longer. Of course, if your schedule gets in the way, you should try something else.
  • Question
    How do I increase my race stamina?
    Community Answer
    Use interval training to increase stamina and endurance.
  • Question
    What is a good body weight for running a sub-six minute mile?
    Community Answer
    Any body weight is good for anything as long as you put your heart into it. Never let your body limit you.
  • Question
    How do I get more motivated to run races?
    Community Answer
    Quotes! Movies! Find your why! Run for a cause greater than yourself. For example, if someone had cancer, imagine what they had to go through. If they could survive that, you can survive the 5k!
  • Question
    How do I run a 1600 meter race quickly?
    Community Answer
    Follow the instructions listed in the article above, and continue practicing your running every day.
  • Question
    Is it okay to run barefoot on the sand?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but keep in mind that the sand will slow you down, so running on another surface will feel pretty different. I would recommend practicing on other types of surfaces too just so you don't lose the idea of what they feel like.
  • Question
    What is the best energy drink to have before a 1600 meter race?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't drink any energy drinks prior to a race, though having one the night before would be fine. Instead, I would stick to drinks like water and Gatorade.
  • Question
    Will doing pull-ups and push-ups useful to run a 1600m race?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, because being in good physical condition is useful for any runner. However, doing leg exercises (including stretching) is even more useful.
  • Question
    How do I improve my running strength?
    Community Answer
    Lifting weights and doing workouts will improve your leg muscles and will improve your running strength.
  • Question
    How can I reduce my time from 5:20 to 4:45?
    Community Answer
    Adopt a training routine that allows you to build your leg endurance and lung capacity. To cut so much time from your pace will take a while, so be patient.
  • Question
    What should I eat before a race?
    Community Answer
    Pasta the night before can give you energy, and about an hour before, eating an apple can give you extra energy. There are other energy drinks that you can drink before a race or other activity as well.
  • Question
    I'm not that fast. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Set small goals for yourself. If you want to run the 1600 meter race, start by just running 500 meters, then gradually work up to your ultimate goal.
  • Question
    Tomorrow is my 1600 meter race. I can't understand how to run and complete it in 5:30. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Run fast for the first 200m and go at a medium pace until you reach the last lap, where you should start sprinting and give it your all.
  • Question
    How do I control stomach pain if I get it when I run?
    Community Answer
    Avoid drinking too much or eating too much right before the race.
  • Question
    For a new runner, how many days will it take to clear their 1600 meters run?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your level of fitness and how hard you train.
  • Question
    How do I maintain my speed through the length of a race?
    Community Answer
    You shouldn't. Instead, start at about 70% of your actual speed, then work your way up.
  • Question
    How can I not lose my leg stamina during the race?
    Community Answer
    During the first lap of your 1600, in order not to lose leg stamina, take it much easier. The first, second and third lap are all meant to be taken slower, so you can give all you've got on the fourth lap.
  • Question
    How do I get a faster pace?
    Community Answer
    As a distance need to use a considerable amount of plantar pressure. The more pressure each foot puts on the ground, the farther you will be taken each stride. This makes for a faster pace.
  • Question
    What can I do to increase my speed?
    Community Answer
    Just run. Practice makes perfect, so start off at a shorter distance and build up. If you want to build your speed for track, do sprinting exercises.
  • Question
    How do I manage breathing? Via nose or mouth?
    Top Answerer
    Breathe in through your nose (to filter out dust and insects) and out through your mouth (to exhale quickly). If you feel short of breath, temporarily breathe in and out through your mouth.
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