Q&A for How to Study at the Last Minute

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    How can I relax in order to study at the last minute?
    Community Answer
    Drink water. Ask to go to the bathroom (even if you just need to walk there and get your mind off things to relax). Look around (not at desks - look at the walls, the window, and the ceiling, so you don't get in trouble for cheating).
  • Question
    If I read an answer five times will I remember it while taking a test? Can I prepare in this way?
    Community Answer
    This depends on what type of learner you are -- some people tend to learn by hearing, some tend to learn visually, and some tend to learn by reading. However, it is very unlikely for someone to learn something by reading it just five times. Try writing it five times, in your own words.
  • Question
    How can I remember the answers when I am stuck?
    Community Answer
    Reread the question, and then think back to what you studied or heard your teacher say. Stay calm.
  • Question
    Is there is a way to cheat on a test?
    Kimi Ho
    Community Answer
    Cheating is not a good idea. If caught, you could receive a zero on the test and face punishment. It would probably take less effort to just study. Bad actions cause bad consequences.
  • Question
    How do I remember what I read?
    Community Answer
    There are several tricks, such as writing out the important information (just writing it down helps you remember it). You can also try chewing gum as you read, then chew gum of the same flavor during the exam. This can trigger memories of what you read.
  • Question
    Is it better to write down what I'm trying to learn or repeat it to myself out loud?
    Community Answer
    That really depends on what type of learner you are. Most people learn better by copying the material down, but some people that learn better by hearing will learn best by reading aloud.
  • Question
    How do I finish a test paper last minute?
    Community Answer
    Calm yourself. Stressing out makes it worse.
  • Question
    How can I never forget what I have been taught or memorized?
    Community Answer
    You can't. But practice makes perfect. Just study, study, study and focus on everything, and review as well.
  • Question
    How can I ask for help from teachers when I'm shy?
    Community Answer
    Go up to them personally and ask them, or gather up the courage. After all, no question is stupid although the attitude of some people toward questions can be.
  • Question
    How do I study for a test that could have anything in it?
    Community Answer
    Presume you have studied at least half of what's in the test and that you can rely on lateral thinking to work out some of the other half. Go through your notes and work out the most important points and the trickiest things for you. Go over all of those. Have confidence that you know sufficient and do your best.
  • Question
    I am stressed as I still have to study a lot more the night before. How do I memorize everything on time?
    Community Answer
    Study the ones that you are not very capable of first. Then, move on to the others if you have time. If you do not, you can wake up a little earlier than usual and study.
  • Question
    How do I stop feeling hopeless and study?
    Tiffany Lin
    Community Answer
    Block out the distractions. Listen to calm study music through earbuds or headphones at a low volume. Don't listen to pop songs, since they may distract you. Take short breaks in between your studying if you feel like you can't focus any longer. Stay calm. Think positive thoughts and say them over and over again to yourself when you are feeling hopeless. Read your notes over and over again if you feel like you can't remember, and write important facts down for extra practice.
  • Question
    What can I do if I am stressed and can't take a break?
    Community Answer
    A break doesn't have to take a long time. Even taking 30 seconds to close your eyes and take a few deep and cleansing breaths, or standing up and stretching for a moment can be really beneficial. Just do whatever you can to remain calm.
  • Question
    How do I remember things I've never learned?
    Community Answer
    You have to learn them first!
  • Question
    Should I ask the teacher for a study guide? Will that help?
    Community Answer
    Most teachers will give you a guide based on experience; sometimes, you may disagree with it because of your own experiences. So a study guide from a teacher is definitely helpful - but only to those who can keep an open mind.
  • Question
    How do I study with distractions and pressure?
    Community Answer
    Eliminate the distractions and make a study schedule and stick to it. Making time each day to study will limit the pressure you feel.
  • Question
    How can I revise or remember the things that I never studied for a test?
    Community Answer
    Ask your friend about it before the exam. As soon as you get the exam, write the things you didn't study on the top or back of the paper.
  • Question
    I study, but then I often get confused and forget things during the exam. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    This happens to me all the time, take a deep breath and stay calm. If you don't understand something, ask the teacher. Just try your best and remember that you can't always get an A.
  • Question
    How do I study biology?
    Community Answer
    Look at different class notes, search for facts online and draw diagrams. These will all help you learn what you need for your exam.
  • Question
    How can I study a subject I don't like?
    Community Answer
    Just relax and read the important terms of that particular chapter. You should write to learn as that's the easiest way to learn hard answers. Try to find some way to make it fun - make a game out of studying or reward yourself when you get answers right.
  • Question
    What if I feel really sleepy?
    Community Answer
    You can take a quick walk or have some coffee/water to wake yourself up. Then you can try to study and be more focused.
  • Question
    What do I do if it is the people in my class that are stressing me out rather than the test itself?
    Community Answer
    Ignore them. Focus on your studies and don't give heed to those annoying you in class. During the test, try to sit near a wall, near the examination master, or near a corner so as to limit the amount of distractions caused by the class.
  • Question
    How do I stay focused and concentrate on what I am studying?
    Community Answer
    Sit in a quiet place the take a deep breath. After that start reading your notes, actively focusing on each sentence and understanding what you are reading. Then go over them as many times as you can.
  • Question
    Is writing notes or doing exercises better for studying at the last minute?
    Community Answer
    You should try to do both. If you only have time for one, I would recommend working through some practice exercises.
  • Question
    How do I understand math questions?
    Community Answer
    Assess the situation. Read the problem. Try and understand what's going on. Read it again, but this time, write out the problem in equation form. Now think of all of the possible ways to solve it. Find the best one, and solve the problem.
  • Question
    When I am memorizing and when in test I see many options so I get confused, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Close your eyes and think of the past. Like you are reading the textbook. Imagine the question there. You'll get a hunch. Make a marking next to it, do other questions, then get back to it.
  • Question
    How do I remember things quicker and more easily?
    Community Answer
    Try reading over them a few times if you're a visual learner. You can also take notes so you remember the lesson better instead of reading out of a textbook.
  • Question
    How can I learn things quickly?
    Community Answer
    Skim through the information. If you find it particularly difficult, then read through it again, this time skipping any unimportant details, and highlight key information.
  • Question
    Can I listen to rock and hip hop music while studying?
    Community Answer
    As long as the music isn't distracting, then you can listen to anything you want while you study.
  • Question
    How do I face my political science exam?
    Community Answer
    Just take a deep breath and tackle the easy questions first.
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