Q&A for How to Study for Five Minutes Before a Test

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    Should I bring my notes to school?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you probably should. You may arrive early and have extra study time or your teacher may even decide to make your test open book.
  • Question
    What if I keep on getting distracted from studying, or start to feel too stressed out?
    Community Answer
    You should make sure that you have had a snack, and go somewhere that is quiet and will allow you to focus. Try some deep breaths to relax, and then sit down to do your work.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have many things to study in one day?
    Community Answer
    Prioritize. Review the most important subject first.
  • Question
    How can I memorize things quickly?
    Community Answer
    First, understand the material. Next, try to memorize the big words. Relate the stuff you've just learned with the things you tend to remember very well.
  • Question
    How can I avoid getting nervous before a test?
    Community Answer
    You could sing songs in your head or play music from headphones or ear buds to calm yourself.
  • Question
    How can I study for a maths test?
    Community Answer
    Look over your notes, and then review the concepts that aren't clear to you. Do a couple of practice problems all the way through to make sure you've mastered the material, and then try to make a game out of it.
  • Question
    Should I go to sleep earlier if I have a math exam tomorrow?
    Community Answer
    Getting at least a full eight hours of sleep each night is always good for your studies and your performance. If you tend to go bed too late, then definitely make that adjustment the night before your test.
  • Question
    What is the best time to memorize notes?
    Community Answer
    The night before the test. Overnight your mind will help you process those facts. Then in the morning and right before the test, review them.
  • Question
    How do I study if I don't have notes?
    Community Answer
    Read over the text and concentrate on the main subjects/chapters of the material.
  • Question
    What happens if I study, but I forget everything when it's time for the quiz?
    Community Answer
    Try to remain calm and not get stressed. I think that when we get very stressed, we tend to forget things before it's time for the quiz, so I would recommend you to bring a healthy snack to eat while you study (fruits/vegetables/nuts). And last but not least, be positive.
  • Question
    What if I start crying because I'm so nervous?
    Community Answer
    Just take deep breaths, in and out. Think positive thoughts, like "I can do this." It has been proven that people do better on a test when they think this because your brain will actually start to believe it if you say it over and over again. If you think "I'll do badly", then that most likely will happen.
  • Question
    What can I do if I procrastinate?
    Community Answer
    Set a timer as a reminder so you don't procrastinate.
  • Question
    During my exams, I always forget what I read from my notes or what the teacher taught me. How can I better remember?
    Community Answer
    Study more and not at the last minute. Quiz yourself on what you've studied every half hour or so.
  • Question
    What if my textbook got stolen?
    Community Answer
    Study with a friend and share textbooks, or talk to the teacher and tell her you need a new book. The textbook usually isn't the only material you can use to study for a test, anyway. Notes or past quizzes are also great options. Recite the things you do remember to further solidify your understanding. Take notes from a friend's textbook and go back over these whenever you have a chance.
  • Question
    How do I do all that in only five minutes?
    Community Answer
    You probably wouldn't be able to, but you can pick and choose from this list the options that you think will help you most and fill the amount of time you have available.
  • Question
    How do I study for a county test?
    Community Answer
    Learn more about what material will be on the test (you can look this up on the internet). If you do this, you can make notes about the things on the test that you do not understand. Ask a teacher, peer, or a tutor to help you understand that topic. Do not ask a parent/guardian, because they may not be aware of the techniques that you should be using. If you need to memorize something, I always find that writing it down on a piece of paper helps.
  • Question
    How do I study for five minutes before a test if I am stressed and having trouble concentrating?
    Community Answer
    Don't stress yourself out with even more studying. If you've worked hard in the days leading up to the test and paid attention in class, you should know more than enough to pass. Relax, take a deep breath and get ready to ace that test!
  • Question
    How do I study five minutes before a test if it's going to be a long test?
    Community Answer
    If you have some notes, go over them. Read them as many times as you can. If you don't have any notes, find your book and try to review the material from the book. Stay calm and relaxed. Be positive and repeat to yourself that you're going to be great. All you can do is try your best and promise yourself that you will not leave studying until the last minute again.
  • Question
    What if I get a bad grade and my parents cause stress to me?
    Community Answer
    ignore them as best you can. Your grades are for your benefit, not theirs. You cant always do great in exams and your parents should be encouraging you to do better next time and to learn from your mistakes, not stress you out and make you feel worse. You can always improve so don't feel so disheartened about a bad grade.
  • Question
    How do I focus if I am too anxious too handle an exam coming up tomorrow?
    Community Answer
    Try to listen to calming music and take deep breaths. Clear your head and go over most important things before the test. Accept that you know what you know and that the rest will have to come from using the knowledge you have already.
  • Question
    How can I remember everything that is taught in school without forgetting it?
    Community Answer
    Just study it until it's committed to memory. Take good notes and refer to them until you don't need them.
  • Question
    What should I do if my classmates are asking me to help them cheat during a test?
    Community Answer
    Simply tell them no, because it would end badly for all of you. Cheating is never the way to go, especially during a test.
  • Question
    How do I study five minutes before an exam if I didn't study at all?
    Community Answer
    While this is very hard to do it is still possible. If you haven't studied, then review key points and try not to stress, as this won't help. If you don't know anything about the topic, ask a friend to review or summarize what they know will be on the test, and if you have extra time review things you didn't understand. Examples) formulas, important people, cities, etc. But most importantly try to avoid being in this situation always try to study throughout the week especially if it is a big test.
  • Question
    What if the topic you studied doesn't come out?
    Community Answer
    Try remembering your classes and homework. You should also try to study more than one topic even if you only get to study ten minutes of each. Also, make sure to do your homework and go to class unless there is a valuable excuse. Thinking back to your homework assignments and classes may help. My final piece of advice is to not get nervous and try to understand the question in a calm manner. I looked at a question I got wrong in my last quiz, and looking at it and thinking about it I got the answer quickly. It seemed so simple; the answer is think, don't stress!
  • Question
    How would I study for a GK test with little time and no information at hand, to go off?
    Community Answer
    Approaching it with positivity and prioritizing what matters most should do the trick. Another option is asking other people to help you, including teachers if they allow it, before the test. Go in with confidence and do your best.
  • Question
    What if you can't relax and worry that you're going to fail?
    Community Answer
    Perform quick relaxation techniques and mindfulness. Inhale slowly, and exhale slowly. Pace yourself and drink water. Don't let those negative thoughts overwhelm you!
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