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Nicotine is one of the most harmful and widely available legal drugs in the world. It's addictive and harmful both to smokers and people passively exposed to smoke, especially children. If you'd like to give up smoking, but don't know where to begin, create a structured plan. Realize why you want to quit, prepare for success, and carry out your plan with the support of others or medication therapy. Quitting smoking is tough, but there are tons of benefits to quitting smoking. Once you make it through, you will feel very proud of yourself for knowing you're capable of fighting this unhealthy addiction.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Deciding to Quit Smoking

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  1. Nicotine is incredibly addictive and it will take determination to quit. Ask yourself if a life without smoking is more appealing than continuing your life as a smoker. [1] If the answer is yes, have a clear reason for wanting to quit. This way, when abstaining becomes difficult you can be clear about your very important reason to quit.
    • Consider how smoking affects these areas of your life: your health, your appearance, your lifestyle, and your loved ones. [2] Ask yourself if these areas would benefit from you quitting.
  2. Make a list of all the reasons why you want to quit. This will help you become clear about your decision to quit. You'll want to refer to this list later, if you're tempted to smoke.
    • For example, your list might say something like: I want to quit smoking so I can run and keep up with my son during football practice, have more energy, be alive to see my youngest grandchild get married, or save money.
  3. Cigarettes are highly effective at delivering nicotine throughout your body. [3] When you stop smoking, you might experience increased cravings, anxiety, depression, headaches, feeling tense or restless, increased appetite and weight gain, and problems concentrating. [4]
    • Realize that it may take more than one attempt to stop smoking. About 45 million Americans use some form of nicotine, and only 5 percent of users are able to quit during their first attempt.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Making a Plan to Quit Smoking

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  1. Committing to a start date adds structure to your plan. For example you might choose an important day such as a birthday or holiday, or just pick a date you like.
    • Pick a date within the next 2 weeks. This gives you time to prepare and start on a day that isn't stressful, important, would otherwise lead you to smoke. [5]
  2. Decide which method you would want to use, like quitting cold turkey, or slowing/reducing your use. [6] Quitting cold turkey means that you completely stop smoking without looking back. Reducing your use means smoking less and less until you've stopped. If you pick reducing your means, be specific about when and by how much you will reduce your use. For example, it might be simple like saying, "I will reduce my use by one cigarette every two days."
    • You'll have a better chance of success if you combine counseling and medication with stopping, regardless of which method you choose. [7]
  3. Have a plan in advance for when cravings strike. You might try hand-to-mouth. This describes the action of moving your hand to your mouth for smoking. Have a replacement to fulfill this need. Try snacking on low-calorie snacks, like raisins, popcorn, or pretzels, when this urge comes up. [8]
    • You might try exercising to combat cravings. Go for a walk, clean the kitchen, or do some yoga. You might also try to control your impulses by squeezing a stress ball or chewing gum when cravings hit.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Carrying Out Your Plan

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  1. Wash your bedding and clothes to get rid of cigarette smells. You should also get rid of any ashtrays, cigarettes, and lighters from your house. Make sure to get plenty of sleep, since this will help lower your stress. [9]
    • Remind yourself of your plan and carry a written version with you, or keep it on your phone. You may also want to re-read the list of reasons why you want to quit.
  2. Your family and friends can be extra support in your cessation journey. Let them know your goal and ask them to help you by not smoking around you or offering you a cigarette. You can also ask for their encouragement and to remind you of your specific goals when temptation is difficult. [10]
    • Remember to take quitting one day at a time. Remind yourself that this is a process and not an event.
  3. Many people find that certain situations trigger the desire to smoke. You might want a cigarette with your cup of coffee, for instance, or you might want to smoke when you're trying to solve a problem at work. Identify places where it may be difficult not to smoke and have a plan of what you'll do in those specific places. For example, you should have an automatic response for a cigarette offer: “No thank you, but I will have another tea” or “ No - I am trying to quit.” [11]
    • Control stress. Stress can be a pitfall when trying to quit smoking. Use techniques such as deep breathing, exercise, and down time to help thwart stress.
  4. Continue your plan even if you have bumps in the road. If you have a relapse and smoke for an entire day, be sure to be gentle and forgiving with yourself. Accept that the day was tough, remind yourself that quitting is a long, hard journey, and get back on your plan the next day.
    • Try to avoid relapsing as much as possible. But if you do, recommit as soon as you can to quitting smoking. Learn from your experience and try to cope better in the future.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Using Aids to Quit Smoking

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  1. Recent studies have suggested that using e-cigarettes while you quit smoking can help you reduce or quit smoking. [12] Other studies recommend caution when using e-cigarettes since the amount of nicotine varies, the same chemicals as those in cigarettes are still being delivered, and they may re-activate the habit of smoking. [13]
  2. Behavioral therapy combined with medication therapy can improve your chances of successfully quitting. [14] If you've tried quitting on your own and are still struggling, think about getting professional help. Your doctor can talk to you about medication therapy.
    • Therapists can also help you through the process of quitting. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help change your thoughts and attitudes about smoking. Therapists can also teach coping skills or new ways to think about quitting. [15]
  3. This medication doesn't actually have nicotine, but it does help reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Bupropion could increase your chances of cessation by 69 percent. [16] Usually, you'll want to start taking bupropion 1 to 2 weeks before you stop smoking. It's normally prescribed in one or two 150mg tablets per day.
    • Side effects include: dry mouth, difficulty sleeping, agitation, irritability, tiredness, indigestion and headaches as side effects.
  4. This medication curbs nicotine receptors in the brain, which makes smoking less pleasurable. It also reduces withdrawal symptoms. You should start taking Chantix one week before quitting. Be sure to take it with meals. Take Chantix for 12 weeks. Side effects include: headaches, nausea, vomiting, trouble sleeping, unusual dreams, gas, and changes in taste. But it could double your chances of quitting. [17]
    • Your doctor will have you increase your dose over time. For example, you'll take one 0.5mg pill for days 1-3. Then you'll take one 0.5mg pill twice a day for days 4-7. You'll take one 1 mg pill twice per day after that.
  5. NRT includes all types of patches, gums, lozenges, nasal sprays, inhalers or sublingual tablets that have and deliver nicotine into the body. You don't need a prescription for NRT and it can reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. NRT could increase your chances of quitting by 60 percent. [18]
    • Side effects of NRT include: nightmares, insomnia, and skin irritation for patches; mouth soreness, difficulty breathing, hiccups, and jaw pain for gum; mouth and throat irritation and coughing for nicotine inhalers; throat irritation and hiccups for nicotine lozenge; and throat and nasal irritation as well as runny nose if the nasal spray is used.
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      Organization  Phone Number 

      (800) 784-8669

      National Cancer Institute

      (877) 448-7848

      American Cancer Society

      (800) 227-2345

      Nicotine Anonymous

      (877) 879-6422

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      • Try a simple auto-suggestion: "I do not smoke. I cannot smoke. I will not smoke", and while you are saying it, think of something else to do.
      • Take a new hobby up so that you are distracted and not as tempted to smoke. This also helps keep your mind fresh .
      • Reduce your caffeine intake. When you cease smoking your body processes caffeine twice as efficiently, resulting in sleepless nights unless your intake is reduced.
      Show More Tips

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Secondhand smoke poses health risks, especially for vulnerable groups like children and babies. Their immune systems are still developing, so exposure can increase their chances of developing asthma or other breathing issues. If you smoke, be considerate of keeping young ones away while you do so, even if outdoors. And kindly ask any smoking friends or family members to do the same when the little ones are around.
      • If you want to start quitting cigarettes because they are so addictive, try having just half a cigarette, then throw the rest away. If that's manageable, only allow yourself 1 or 2 a day. Then, if you can stick to that limited amount easily, consider switching to an electronic vaporizer, which may not have nicotine. Finally, talk to your doctor about medications and other quitting support.
      • When you feel an intense craving to smoke, use that energy and urge to fuel a healthy activity instead. Go for a brisk walk, run, or do some yoga breathing exercises, which can help relieve the pressure. You can also try keeping an alarm set on your phone for the days you plan to quit smoking — when it goes off, use it as a reminder to choose a healthy alternative to smoking.
      • You once again find yourself at a crossroads with a choice to make. Just remember there is still time to turn your life in a positive direction, though the number of chances left are limited. Find strength in those who have succeeded in quitting before you - watch motivational videos and speeches online whenever you need inspiration and extra willpower.
      • Consider the money wasted on buying cigarettes compared to the many people in dire need who cannot even afford basic necessities for themselves and their families. Use that as motivation and view smoking now as an act that pricks your conscience. Focus on easing the suffering of others in terrible want over satisfying a smoking habit.
      • I smoked for 8 years before realizing how much money I was wasting, which motivated me to finally quit. A friend recommended a helpful website called plzquit.com that offers reasonably priced gum, patches, and other quitting solutions. Check it out if you need extra support like I did — it really helped me be successful.
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      • Taking any smoking cessation drugs can be dangerous, always seek help from a doctor before taking such drugs.
      • If you are considering using a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) product like nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or nicotine sprays or inhalers, be warned that they are also addictive.


      1. West, R. (2013). Theory of Addiction. [electronic resource]. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley-Blackwell 2013.
      2. https://smokefree.gov/reasons-to-quit
      3. Harvard Medical School (n.d.) Substance addiction. Harvard Health. Retrieved from /addiction/substance-addiction https://www.health.harvard.edu
      4. National Institute of Health (2015). Nicotine and tobacco. MedlinePlus. Retrieved from https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000953.htm
      5. https://smokefree.gov/steps-to-prepare
      6. American Cancer, S. (2010). Kicking Butts : Quit Smoking and Take Charge of Your Health. Atlanta, Ga: Independent Publishers Group
      7. https://smokefree.gov/explore-quit-methods
      8. American Cancer, S. (2010). Kicking Butts : Quit Smoking and Take Charge of Your Health. Atlanta, Ga: Independent Publishers Group
      9. American Cancer, S. (2010). Kicking Butts : Quit Smoking and Take Charge of Your Health. Atlanta, Ga: Independent Publishers Group
      1. American Cancer, S. (2010). Kicking Butts : Quit Smoking and Take Charge of Your Health. Atlanta, Ga: Independent Publishers Group
      2. American Cancer, S. (2010). Kicking Butts : Quit Smoking and Take Charge of Your Health. Atlanta, Ga: Independent Publishers Group
      3. Siegel, Michael B., Tanwar, Kerry L., & Wood, Kathleen S. (2011). Electronic cigarettes as a smoking-cessation tool. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. doi: https://www.ajpmonline.org/article/S0749-3797(10)00792-0/fulltext
      4. Simon, Harvey B. (2011). Electronic cigarettes: Help or hazard? Harvard Health.Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/electronic-cigarettes-help-or-hazard-201109223395
      5. West, R., & Shiffman, S. (2007). Smoking Cessation. Abingdon: HEALTH Press.
      6. Munsey, Christopher (2008). Help your clients kick the habit. Monitor, 39(10), 38. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/monitor/2008/11/smokers-quit.aspx
      7. Aubin, Henri-Jean, Luquiens, Amandine, & Berline, Ivan (2014). Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation: pharmacological principles and clinical practice. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 77 (2) 324-336.
      8. Aubin, Henri-Jean, Luquiens, Amandine, & Berline, Ivan (2014). Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation: pharmacological principles and clinical practice. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 77 (2) 324-336.
      9. Aubin, Henri-Jean, Luquiens, Amandine, & Berline, Ivan (2014). Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation: pharmacological principles and clinical practice. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 77 (2) 324-336.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To quit smoking, first set a quick date and tell all of your friends and family to make your plan official, and hold yourself accountable. Get rid of anything smoking related like cigarettes, lighters, and ash trays so that you aren't tempted by them. Limited your exposure to common smoking triggers like alcohol and other smokers. If you usually smoke while you're stressed or upset, trying exercising, meditating or deep-breathing exercises instead. If you crave smoking after meals, eat a healthy dessert or chew on a stick of gum to distract yourself. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends finding something to take your mind off of cravings, like watching TV, calling a friend, or even doing the dishes. They also suggest using nicotine gum, patches, or lozenges to help with your withdrawal symptoms. Finally, if you're struggling to quit on your own, talk to your doctor about possible medications that could help you quit smoking. To learn more from our Counselor co-author, like emotional and physical withdrawal symptoms, keep reading!

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        Apr 15, 2017

        "The issue of early death due to numerous side effects of smoking seemed to have struck my mind. I have decided to ..." more
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