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If you've never set a combination on a luggage lock, it can be a bit confusing. Your best bet is to read the instruction manual that came with it or look up your specific lock on the internet, as each lock can be slightly different. However, most locks work on the same basic principles, generally using a button reset, a lever reset, or a shackle reset.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Changing a Lock with a Button Reset

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  1. Most of the time, your lock has to be on the correct combination before you can change the combination to something else. Put in the right combination and make sure it unlocks. [1]
    • If the luggage is new, the combination probably came with the materials. It's likely just "000."
  2. Often, the lock will have a little reset button on the bottom or side of the lock. You may need a paperclip, pen, or pencil to push the button in and begin the resetting process. [2]
  3. While pressing the reset button, enter your new combination in the lock. Set it to whatever you'd like. Make sure it's a combination you can remember. [3]
  4. When you're done, release the button, and you've reset the lock. Remember to move the numbers around to another combination to lock it in place once you're ready to go. [4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Putting a New Code in a Lock with a Lever

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  1. The lever may be on the inside of the suitcase . It's also possible it could be on the outside near the combination wheels. Either way, you'll need to know the combination for the lock to open it and release the zippers .
  2. To change the combination, the lever needs to be in the position for setting the lock. Usually, you just slide the lever into the second position.
  3. Put your new combination into the lock. Make sure it's something you'll remember, and set the wheels with the proper combination. Turn each wheel to the number you want.
  4. Push the lever back into the first position. Check that you have properly set the lock by randomizing the numbers and then putting in the combination you just set to see if it opens. Once you've established the lock will open again, randomize the numbers again to finish locking the suitcase.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Altering the Code on a Shackle Lock

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  1. The lock must be unlocked first. Set the lock to the proper code, likely "000" if it's new, and pull up on the shackle to release it. [5]
  2. How you turn and press the shackle depends on your lock. Start by moving it 90 degrees from the locked position. Press down on the shackle and move it to 180 degrees from the locked position. [6]
    • If this movement doesn't reset it, try moving to 180 degrees first, pressing down, and moving back to 90 degrees. You won't know if it reset until you put in a new combination and then try opening it with that combination.
  3. If the lock has wheels, turn them to the new combination while still holding the shackle down. If it has a large dial, put in your new combination. [7]
  4. Once you've put in a new combination, move the shackle back to the locked position. Check to make sure the new combination works on your lock. [8]
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  • Question
    How can I reset my lock if I’ve forgotten the combination?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Use a flashlight to look down into the lock through the spaces around the thumb wheels. Carefully turn each wheel until you see a small notch in the disk behind the thumb wheel. Line up all 3 wheels so the notches are facing up (toward you) as you look down at the wheels. Turn the lock over so you can see the number on each wheel. From there, add 1 digit to each number, and repeat this 8 times until you have a list of 10 3-digit codes. Try each of these codes until you find the right combination. Once you successfully open the lock, you can reset your combination.
  • Question
    How do I reset the locked code on a locked 3-dial BCP luggage?
    Community Answer
    There is a little reset hole; use a needle to press it in and reset.
  • Question
    I don't know the combination
    Carsoni Bologna
    Community Answer
    If a lock is TSA approved, it will have a keyhole for the agents to open it by. There are only 7 possible keys. A set can simply be bought online and used to open your lock.
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