Delete your graphics drivers fast with our step-by-step guide
You've installed a graphics card and driver. Uninstalling a card or a driver sounds more ominous than it really is. If you follow these steps, you can save yourself lots of money from having it done professionally.
Where can you delete graphics drivers?
Press the Windows key and go to the Device Manager to uninstall graphics drivers. Click Display adapters and then double-click the name of your graphics driver. Select the Drivers tab, then click Uninstall . In the popup box, check the box and click Uninstall again.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat would happen to my display if I uninstall display drivers?Community AnswerIn most cases that should be fine (if you are just uninstalling the drivers for the same company you are going put back in). Also, you could just overwrite the files by simply installing the new drivers and not deleting anything.
QuestionMy screen is turning black while my computer is still running and it won't show anything. What should I do?Community AnswerThere may be a problem with the connection from the motherboard to the screen (if it is a laptop), if it is a desktop there might either be a problem with your monitor, or the cable connecting the tower to the monitor has come loose. Also, you have to take into consideration how old the PC is.
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- Be sure to restart to restart your computer in Safe Mode after uninstalling a graphics card driver, and run a computer scan (ex: CCleaner) to insure that all of the files for the driver are off the computer, before continuing to use the computer or reinstalling the drivers. Conflict of drivers can result if a trace of the old driver is still on your PC. Warning messages, software or video games not being able to work, glitches etc.Thanks
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- Do NOT uninstall without a disc, or a web site to reload the driver, unless you are absolutely certain you no longer need it. This is a permanent action.Thanks
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