Q&A for How to Be Studious

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    How can I finish my studies in just 2 hours?
    Community Answer
    Do a little meditation before you start. Then sit in a quiet place and start your work. Avoid distractions. Tell your family members that you have work to do and tell them not to disturb
  • Question
    What do I do if I have no classmates or friends to study with?
    Community Answer
    Studying alone may actually be beneficial because it allows you to focus more completely on your work.
  • Question
    How can I force myself to be studious?
    Community Answer
    Study regularly, keep calm and keep all the distractions aside. You should realize that nothing in the world can be so powerful that can distract you. It is hard to force yourself. You need to have the desire to want to be a better student.
  • Question
    What kinds of breaks should I take?
    Community Answer
    You should take breaks with a healthy snack, mild cardio or stretching to oxygenate the body (and brain) and keep muscles from getting cramped, listening to some of your favorite music. Don't do anything that'll be too distracting or encourage you to procrastinate (social media, emails, games, texting, sleeping, etc.).
  • Question
    How much time should I spend on studying?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the subject and how you feel about the information. You need to study until you know the information well enough so that you could teach it or explain it to someone else. This can be as little as 30 minutes to as long as 2 hours--or longer, even.
  • Question
    What if your best friend wants to talk to you in the class time?
    Community Answer
    Ask your friend politely to stop talking during the lesson. Let your friend know that you can both catch up on the gossip after the lesson. Remember, the classwork is more important than the silly tidbit your friend wants to share.
  • Question
    How can I pay attention in class?
    Community Answer
    Put your phone away so you are not distracted, avoid sitting by friends and practice taking notes to keep your mind on your instructor and the topic of the class.
  • Question
    What can I do to keep myself from chatting and using my phone?
    Community Answer
    Put your phone on Do Not Disturb mode, and put it in a drawer or other place out of sight while you're studying. On your computer, close e-mail and social media tabs while studying.
  • Question
    What should I do if I don't know how to answer the questions of my teachers?
    Community Answer
    Just be honest. It's ok to admit when you don't know something, and it gives your teachers a good opportunity to help you.
  • Question
    What are some time management for busy children?
    Community Answer
    Consider creating a schedule for each child; you can also have your children help you make the schedules in order to teach them about time management. Keep in mind that your children may have to give up some extracurricular activities in order to have enough time for their studies.
  • Question
    Can I take my planner to school?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. It is a great idea to do this, so that you can stay organized throughout your day and know what you have to do when you get home.
  • Question
    How does listening to music help in concentrating on my studies?
    Community Answer
    Listening to music without lyrics and with a soothing sound may help you to relax and concentrate on your studies.
  • Question
    What can I do if my best friend want to chat with me in my study time?
    Community Answer
    Tell them politely that you are studying right now and will get back to them when you're done. Give them a time estimate of when you will be done. A good friend will understand that you need to study.
  • Question
    What if I don't have any friends to study with?
    Community Answer
    Study with your classmates instead! Not only will they help you understand the material better (as your friends might not always be taking the same classes) but you will be less likely to be distracted by off-topic conversations. You might even make friends with them!
  • Question
    I hate studying for long periods at a time. How can I become studious?
    Community Answer
    Focus on the benefits of studying and your goals. It may be helpful to take breaks while you are studying for long periods.
  • Question
    What kind of music should I listen to?
    Community Answer
    You should listen to music that is soft and does not have any lyrics. Do not increase the sound too much that it makes you distracted or makes you sleepy.
  • Question
    How does this impact my brain?
    Community Answer
    Well, learning helps your brain develop and makes you smarter. Creating good study habits can also build discipline and organization, which you can then apply to other areas of your life as well.
  • Question
    My big brother always disturb me while I'm studying, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell your brother politely to leave you alone, and explain why it is important for you to study. If he still won't stop bothering you, tell a parent/guardian.
  • Question
    I told my best friend politely to be quiet, but she just carried on with her conversation. What is the best solution to the problem?
    Community Answer
    If your friend refuses to be quiet while you're trying to work, then the solution is to work somewhere else. Find yourself a quiet area for an hour or two where you can get away from her and put all your focus towards your work.
  • Question
    How do I get to the top of my class in school?
    Community Answer
    Keep studying so that you can get the best grades possible.
  • Question
    What can I do to avoid falling asleep while I study?
    Community Answer
    Take a cold shower or splash your face with cold water, go on a walk, or chug a glass of lemon water. If none of these work, use caffeine. Also, make sure that you’re taking regular breaks.
  • Question
    Is it a good idea to study on the weekends too?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Weekends are great for studying for upcoming tests, working on big projects, or just taking care of anything that didn't get done throughout the week. Just remember to rest and take some time for yourself, though. You can't study 24/7!
  • Question
    How do I gain concentration?
    Community Answer
    You'll find helpful advice in wikiHow articles Concentrate on Studies , Concentrate , and Focus on Studying .
  • Question
    How long should I read about a subject at one time?
    Adi Xoxo
    Community Answer
    You should study for an hour, then take a break, then study again for an hour until your syllabus is complete.
  • Question
    How do I be studious when it's hard to ignore someone talking to me in class?
    Community Answer
    Politely ask them to stop talking and encourage them to participate in class too. Tell them that you're trying to improve your grades. If they won't stop, either ignore them or ask the teacher to move your seat.
  • Question
    Should I listen to music while I study or during the breaks?
    Community Answer
    It is best to avoid listening to music while you learn something new. However, it is a good idea to listen to music when you are reviewing or copying information, as it can help you stay on task.
  • Question
    How do I become a better student at school when I'm just average?
    Community Answer
    You do truly have to want this to achieve it. Sometimes the process requires a lifestyle change, or simply spending less time on social media. Trust me, you have to be committed to have this happen. I have just gone through this change, and it was hard, but I personally had such great results that I would have gone through the process 3 more times if I had to. There are some videos on the YouTube channel Motivation2Study that have truly inspired me.
  • Question
    How can I improve my grades if I already study very hard?
    Community Answer
    Before you start a study session, put on some classical music and meditate. It has been proven by science that listening to any music boosts your memory, intelligence, and attention to detail. Meditation will ground you and make it easier for you to concentrate.
  • Question
    I get distracted really easily, and my friends freak out if I don't talk to them after school. I really need to focus on an upcoming test, and I'm struggling to focus as well as stay motivated.
    Community Answer
    First of all, just tell your friends politely that you can't hang out after school for a few days (or however long) because you'll be studying for a test. They should be understanding of this. Secondly, find somewhere you can study with the least amount of distractions, like maybe the public library. Turn off your phone, open your books, and get to work. Give yourself a 5-10 minute break every hour or so to clear your mind so you can stay fresh. You might want to also read the article on How to Focus on Studying .
  • Question
    How can I avoid distractions when using a computer for learning?
    Community Answer
    If you really have a hard time concentrating while studying on a computer, temporarily block websites you might get distracted by and turn off advertisements.
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