Q&A for How to Be a Good Girlfriend as a Teen

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    I'm dating a shorter (like, a foot shorter) guy, what about that?
    Community Answer
    People come in all shapes and sizes, but what is important is how you feel when you’re with him. Do you feel safe, protected, and cared for? Does he makes you laugh, show he cares, and make you feel beautiful? These are the things that matter in a relationship. Physical attributes change with time and who he is as a person is much more important. If you think the height difference makes him uncomfortable, let him know that he is your man because he treats you like a queen and that you’re not interested in his ability to reach the highest shelf in the kitchen.
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    How do you stop him from being depressed?
    Community Answer
    You can't stop someone from being depressed, but you can offer support, companionship, and encouragement to seek treatment. Spend time with him, show empathy, and ask him how he is doing. If your boyfriend had mentioned thinking about suicide, that means it’s time to get him help even if he says he is "ok" or doesn’t want anyone to know. Tell a parent, a trusted teacher, or a school counselor who can help him through his struggle with depression.
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    I have a boyfriend in middle school and my friends say that he is getting me a really good present but I still have no clue what to get him. Help!?!?
    Community Answer
    Just because he's getting you a present, that doesn't mean you have to get him one. Be gracious and thankful when he gives you a present. Then, when you have a great idea for the perfect gift for him, surprise him with it.
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    What if you're scared your friends wont like him?
    Community Answer
    Consider why your friends might not like him. Do they notice something you don't? They may actually be protecting you in some way. However, it's not always important for your friends to like your partner. What's important is that you like him.
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    How do you know if your boyfriend is cheating on you or not?
    Community Answer
    You can't always know. Unless you have concrete proof, such as pictures, or you see something with your own eyes, or hear it from someone you deeply trust, you'll never be sure. Trust your instincts.
  • Question
    How do you get him to make you his girlfriend as a teen?
    Community Answer
    You can ask if he wants to be your boyfriend, so simply say, "I think I'm ready to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Do you feel ready? That's an important next step to me."
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