Q&A for How to Get Along with Others Well

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    What do you talk about when you feel awkward?
    Amber Rosenberg is a Professional Life Coach, Career Coach, and Executive Coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As the owner of Pacific Life Coach, she has 20+ years of coaching experience and a background in corporations, tech companies, and nonprofits. Amber trained with the Coaches Training Institute and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
    Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    If you're feeling awkward or weird about making small talk, simply focus on the other person. Ask meaningful, open-ended questions that start with "How" or "What" so you can interact in a way that feels authentic and less superficial. Then, practice active listening—listen to truly hear them, then reflect back what you heard by paraphrasing what they just said. If you do this, other people will respond very positively.
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    How do I get my brother to leave me alone?
    Community Answer
    Try understanding, from your brother's perspective, why he is nagging you. Then, compromise on the situation. If he wants something, come up with a solution. If he is being just overall annoying, then bribe him with candy, or anything to just go away.
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    What should I do if I argue with my friend?
    Anika Shenoy
    Community Answer
    Have a calm conversation with your friend about what happened and what you both feel. Either resolve your differences or agree to disagree. Don't let small arguments come in the way of your friendship.
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    My granddaughter only calls me when she wants something. What can I do about this?
    Community Answer
    Try calling her! Maybe she has a busy schedule. Also, tell her how you feel, it's possible she doesn't even realize she's doing this. It's always best to get these things out in the open with honest communication.
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    My brothers are just annoying and rude to me, what should I do about it?
    Community Answer
    I totally understand! First, talk to them (without yelling, blaming, or attitude) about how their behavior is making you feel. Talk about a solution, and ask them to stop. If you get their attention for this long, then ask if they understand or want anything in return. If this doesn't work and you've tried a couple different times, talk to a parent or trusted adult about getting them to stop.
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    I find myself always have negative thoughts of others who do me wrong, what can I do about this?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    A complete stranger once turned to me and said: "you're ugly". That's when I realized... I don't care about total strangers. There will always be people who do you wrong, no matter what you do or don't do. It's OK to feel angry or upset about that, but if you hang on to those feelings, you will have them forever. Nobody wants to be angry their entire lives. What you do is tell them off. If your friend ate the last cupcake even though they knew it was kept aside for you, tell him firmly but without raising your voice, that he was wrong and his actions hurt you. These actions reduce the friendship, at the risk of those who wronged you.
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    People at school always make me seem like a rude person because of my opinion. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Be yourself! But make sure that when you share your opinion you are sharing it in a kind, calm way. Be open minded. If people are still mean, try making a joke or talking to them in private.
  • Question
    How can I talk to others?
    Emma Longwell
    Community Answer
    Make eye contact and be very friendly. Talk about things you might have in common and try to get to know the other person better.
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    Can I get my sister to be kinder to me? She puts me down all the time and I don't know how to react.
    Community Answer
    Talk to her about this. Let her know that she's hurting your feelings, and that you'd like to have a stronger relationship with her, but she's making it difficult by constantly putting you down. If she continues to treat you poorly, ask a parent to talk to her, or, worst case scenario, just ignore her.
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    I am never happy at parties, they are hard to bear. How can I pretend I like being at them when I don't?
    Community Answer
    First off, don't go to a party you don't want to go to. True friends will understand your aversion. But I'm sure you didn't want to hear that, so, try to enjoy yourself. Talk with people who seem to be introverted, and try to be grateful for some activities you are enjoying. You could even throw your own party and come up with activities you know you'll like.
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    If I can't get along with my family, will I get along with anyone?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it may be that you're facing dysfunctional family dynamics that make it hard to communicate well with family. However, for you to get along with other people, you need to be putting in efforts as well. Look for people who have similar thinking patterns and likes to yours.
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    It is really hard to like my parents-in-law. They resent my income, my lifestyle and marrying their daughter. Any suggestions to get along with them better?
    Tara Burke
    Top Answerer
    Look for the good qualities in them (they love your wife just as much as you!) and they improving their impression of you to better the relationship. Always treat their daughter respectfully and lovingly (especially when around them), and broaden you interests/knowledge so as to find common ground with them. With time, the relationship should improve!
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    How can I have friends with benefits without feelings so there is no mess?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You can never control that the other person won't fall in love with you. And to control your own feelings is not easy, either. When you establish this friends with benefits relationship and you do feel yourself developing feelings, you can push the feelings away. If you don't want to be in love, then don't be. This takes practice, though.
  • Question
    What is the best way to make friends in one's sixties?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Exactly the same as in any other decade of our lives. Say hello, create situations where you can say hello, listen to the other people, see what they're like before you decide to be friends. Share some thoughts of your own, too.
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