Q&A for How to Stay Up All Night Doing Homework

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    What will happen if I miss an entire night's sleep?
    Jeremy Bartz, PhD
    Clinical Psychologist
    Dr. Jeremy Bartz is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice based in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Bartz specializes in treating depression, anxiety, OCD, mind-body syndromes, chronic pain, insomnia, relationship difficulties, attachment trauma, and resolving the effects of narcissistic trauma. He received a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Brigham Young University and completed a fellowship In Pain Psychology at Stanford's premier pain management clinic.
    Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    You'll probably feel tired and sluggish the next day, but as long as you push through and avoid napping during the day, you'll get a deep, good night's sleep the next night.
  • Question
    How do I not feel sleepy the next day if I pull an all-nighter?
    Community Answer
    Eat some fruit for breakfast (not cherries, they contain melatonin). Then, wash your face with cold water or take a cold shower. Exercise can also get your endorphins going to give you more energy.
  • Question
    Is eating apples a good idea? I've heard it works just as well as caffeine.
    Community Answer
    Apples are a great homework snack, as they release vitamins and energy slowly to keep you powering through worksheet after worksheet. No caffeine crashes to worry about either!
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    How can I wake up early without anyone helping or an alarm?
    Community Answer
    Check out wikiHow article Wake Up Without an Alarm Clock for some helpful tips.
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    What if it's a school night? You'd probably feel really tired the next day right?
    Community Answer
    To not feel that tired take brain naps, they can be as short as 10 minutes but if you want to have a little longer it is suggested you sleep between 1-3 am as it will allow your body a full cycle!
  • Question
    What if you have an ELA homework that requires you to write a lot? Especially with 16 questions?
    Community Answer
    Push yourself to write those 16 questions. There really isn't much else that those questions are asking except effort and maybe 3-6 sentences, depending on what the requirements are for them. If you aren't someone who can get them done back to back, do them at intervals. Maybe do 4 in a couple of hours, then take a nice long break. Unless of course, you have to get it done that day, then focus on working on just 4 an hour, then take maybe a 30-minute break so you can get it all done in won't day. It might not be the best idea in one day if you are aiming to write an essay, but at least you are getting your thoughts down.
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    What if you have so much work to do that your worried you won't finish it and its due tomorrow?
    venkatesan jayalakshmi
    Community Answer
    Sometimes you just have to forget about the amount of workload you have. Just take 1 of the many assignments that you should tackle and sit with it. Starting is really hard, once you just put all you will power and start you will be amazed how fast you finish your homework!
  • Question
    What if you aren't allowed to have caffeine drinks? What healthy 100% juices can I have to keep me awake?
    Community Answer
    Try water to keep hydrated. Eat apples. Plan shorter study sessions: use the Pomorodo technique if you want. If you plan to stay awake all night, then stay hydrated with water till about 4 am. Then switch to coffee or tea (preferably coffee) after that.
  • Question
    Is it best to wear jeans when pulling an all nighter? I’ve heard they’re really uncomfortable, would that help keep me awake?
    Community Answer
    Wear tracksuit pants because they are easy to move in. Jeans may be very tight and can irritate you and cause you to not enjoy the night once you're tired.
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    Can I listen to classic or instrumental music when working?
    Top Answerer
    Both types of music could work. As long as the song doesn't have lyrics for you to get distracted in, it should be good to listen to when studying.
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